
CRank: 5Score: 2100

Yeah, can't wait to play the beta.

5399d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Those trolls are hard to kill.

5399d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did that woman lose her right arm?

5399d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same Reason the intro uses CG and in game graphics interchanging between the two:

They wanted you to see how CLOSE the two were.

I noticed this when 1st started the game w a friend. We had an argument about the intro scenes over whether it was in game or CGI

Then we realised it was a medly between CGI and IN game just to show off HOW good the graphics were.

@ Alpha-Male22

Hye check Silent Negotiator's link >>>


5399d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment
5399d ago
5399d ago

lol f bombs

5399d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

reveal at GDC just like 2 years ago.

There is also Project Gotham Racing 5 and Killer Instict 3 to be release this year, and will be announced at E3.

Halo Reach, Fable 3, Gears of War 3, PGR5, and KI3, and NATAL..that will be the greatest Fall lineup in the history of gaming and there is 2 things the competitions can do
1. Nothing
2. Like Up

You hear it first from XDF

5399d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is real-time, yes. They could navigate through the scene with a free camera, etc... But it's not IN-GAME. It's using high-poly custcene graphics and it's obvious if you have some experience in game-making.

Cutscenes are able to be rendered smoothly with high-poly models because it's just a huge baked animation. When you're actually in the game, the interactivity costs a lot of graphical power and you need to switch to low-poly models.

And besides, I don't even k...

5399d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think it is either a glitch or PS3 fans with multiple accounts are running wild with copy and pasting.

OT: Why it is all graphics 24/7 a day here on N4G. Game A does not look as good as game B.

Please, can we just enjoy games for what they are for once.

SO what if Reach only look a little bit better than Halo 3 at the end, as long it has a good co op campaign, new ideas added to the gamplay, and have the legendary Bungie online support and fun factor.....

5399d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think it is either a glitch or PS3 fans with multiple accounts are running wild with copy and pasting.

OT: Why it is all graphics 24/7 a day here on N4G. Game A does not look as good as game B.

Please, can we just enjoy games for what they are for once.

SO what if Reach only look a little bit better than Halo 3 at the end, as long it has a good co op campaign, new ideas added to the gamplay, and have the legendary Bungie online support and fun factor.....

5399d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

For Halo 3 theres always been a jump in the graphics from the cut scenes to in-game. That was painfully clear in the very beginning of Halo 3 when Sarge finds you laying on the ground then when you jump to in-game Sarge looks painfully low polly.

of course cut scenes are dressed up and rendered perfectly slick. But to Halo's credit its in-game and cut scenes arent a world apart but it can be apparent in certain areas. I would say the recent video release would be close to what th...

5399d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We can expect that badd ass dark and gritty halo game that I've always wanted.

We can expect no lame masterchief, and we can also expect some nice graphics.

We can also expect the story to be that much better due to the fact that it's being modeled around the Fall of Reach book(yes?)

5399d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

will you pay 100bucks for Live when Halo Reach comes out now? I know they haven't shown the MP but the responses from just this short cut-scene trailer has the 360base in a state of craze buzz.

So, when footage of Halo Reaches online MP gets released (it'll look much better than halo3 with more stuff happening around the map. You'll see soon) will you refuse to play Halo Reach online if MS makes Live $100 at the end of next year?

Remember this thread

5399d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Indeed it did, but I think people were disappointed mostly becuase of all the hype around it. They made it look like this huge unveiling when in fact it was only a small teaser. I believe people wouldn't be complaining had Geoff Keigly kept his mouth shut.

5399d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

not too p1ss on anyones bonfire here.
but someone analysed it and it has ultra high AA, therefore there os no way that was TOTALLY in-game

5399d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Real pretty animation... best if they're skippable later in the game though.

5399d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice looking forward to this and all the 2010 RPGs


Finally, the RPGs are coming

WKC International
3D Dot Heroes
Final Fantasy 13

5399d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


5399d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Only good trailer was Spec Ops trailer, that looked awesome. halo reach looked like 2007 game, did you see face animation? what a joke.
Whole event is a joke. I am not going to flip flop just cuz Uncharted 2 won, doesn't matter i still stand by my word. VGAs are insult to gamers, i guess people from the industry are not "cool" enough so we have to invite rapers, singer and other people that don't really care about games.

5399d ago 27 agree9 disagreeView comment