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"Fanboyish" Behavior is hurting the industry(I.M.H.O.)

I joined this site because of my love for video games and since then I have opened my eyes to the fact that annoying "Fanboys" are hurting the industry with their extremely immature behavior...Like seriously It  when I read some of the "Fanboyish" comments on this site it reminds me of a group of 5 year olds arguing with each other because they just can not accept the fact that their new toy is NOT seen as better than the toys of the other kids... Like Honestly if the industry would unite then think about how it could be so much better...for example I recommend RB6:Vegas & Splinter Cell:DA to PS3 owners and I tell every proud owner of a PS3 to pick up a copy Oblivion since I played it on me Xbox 360 and loved it...BUT most would not do that because if a title is on both systems then "fanboys" just need to talk about how much it sucks or will suck for the "other guys" console(I.E. DMC4)...back to the point I'm trying to make...I think it would be better if gamers started acting like adults instead of children and If you like a game/console just give your humble opinion regarding it based on why you like it and recommend it to others don't just mindlessly bash the "others".

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Rasputin20116388d ago

Agree or Disagree or maybe even agree to disagree but just give some feed back because it is crazy how nobody reads the blog's and plus we all know that the "fanboys" on this site are getting way out of hand.

Halonator6388d ago

I have noticed that as well. I think all systems (yes...even the wii) has something unique to offer and some people just prefer one to the other.
I my selp am a console gamer. i say this because i like playing good games on any consoles but i can't play on a computer. if they were to bring out mush have games on all 3 consoles then i would have to buy all three.
I have the 360 now and when KZ2 and heavenly sword comeout and if i can afford it at the time i will buy the PS3. I would consider the wii but i don't think i would play it as much.
but anyways you are right, i thnk fanboys just need to feel suprior to other and need to make them selves feel better about the choice they made.

Rasputin20116388d ago

I never thought of the whole "Console Gamer" so yeah...I am a Console Gamer too....Like right now I have been playing alot of Gears & RB6 on XBL and GOW2 on PS2.

vidoardes6388d ago

I would like to know what your definition of a fanboy is... I started console gaming life with a Master System, then a NES, had a little break and then got a PS1, PS2, a Wii and when I have saved enough money, I will get a PS3. I have made a conscious choice not to get a 360, because I am not convinced by what it offers? Does this make me a Sony fanboy? Do I now fall into that category because I have sided with the Sony brand, or do is there more to it?

I think one thing that gets peoples backs up is that the word fanboy gets thrown around so much, and the fact that it is usually used in a derogatory way. I have no problem with people wanting or using a 360, I have no quarms with games going multi-platform that were originally exclusive, and I have no problem with the spotlight being shined on the PS3's flaws (of which it does have it's fair share). But if someone starts yapping of untrue 'facts' in an effort to the console, and I try and counter the argument, I get labeled a fanboy. I agree the petty squabbling makes sites like this more and more unbearable, but the 'All-Round Gamers' need to stop getting high and mighty, wading in every argument with 'well I love both consoles, so that makes you silly fanboys'. Some of us have chosen a particular console, and for our own reasons, and I believe we should be able to justify those reasons without being painted with the same brush as people who like to make trouble with such brilliantly worded arguments as "P$3 suxorz, 360 ftw!!1!"

Rasputin20116388d ago

My Definition of "Fanboy" is people that post stupid @$$ comments like "Silly XBOTS they should have purchased a PS3 inorder to play B3YOND instead of that trash from MS"

....and for the record YOU are NOT a "fanboy" because you can justify why you do not have a 360 not just mindlessly bash it because you own a PS3.

FCOLitsjustagame6372d ago

I see a fanboy as someone who post off topic stuff just to annoy other people. It's basically the videogame version of the common forum Troll. Hehe, this is like national geographic we can start classifying different versions of the species.

Anyway, basically, if the thread is about a game what is the point of coming in and saying, "Xbox sx PS3 rules" or vis versa? Or "this game stinks this other game on this other console rules". Who the heck cares, we are trying to talk about this particular game on this particular console. It's nice you (general you) like your stuff, why not let other people like theirs too? Now if you (general you) have a reason for not liking whatever the post topic is about then I don't think posting your opinion of the subject is being fanboy, even if its negative. It's just the continuous going off topic and TRYING to annoy people who don't share the same opinion that makes one a fanboy.

JasonPC360PS3Wii6387d ago

Fanboys have always controlled this industry that’s why there are more than one console and each has its own set of exclusives. By the way your logic to own all systems doesn’t apply to real world considering most people can’t afford more than one console. Don’t forget the poor people as you stepping on them while trying to get all consoles, some people cant afford to even get a core 360 which is why so many buy cheaper like Wii, PS2, Xbox or gamecube. When someone gets there console and are excited then they get bashed for buying it, this is where I started my fanboyism.

Rasputin20116386d ago (Edited 6386d ago )

So many "fanboys" have to be so Vicious about their opinions and plus who said that everybody should own all consoles? Who is stepping all over the "poor" people? I know my overall point by the industry uniting is that we gamers should act on the fact that we have more in common with each other with our passion for Video Games then just attack each other and bash everything due to silly brand loyalty...Like it just seems to me that it is really ridiculous to be that way like when people dislike each other because of stuff like one is fat or "Black" or Handicapped people think its crazy so why is it NOT crazy for people to automatically dislike each other over a video game console?

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RaidenBlack13m ago(Edited 13m ago)

lol, the long-leaked inevitable remaster announcement ... Grubb said he heard another less-impressive remaster ... guess it got pushed back?

Christopher9m ago

Or he could just be off. He's not as bad as Jez but he gets things wrong regularly as well.

Michiel19890m ago

I can't wait to play this again.