Generation 7. The death of the gamer

One has to stop and look at the average gamer to see that we are no longer in a world of enjoyment and playful spirits but are in an age of spitefulness and critics.  Nothing is up to par and everything has a fault, not to mention everything should be on the one console the owner has.  Although if a game is exclusive to a system the gamer has it is by default the only true game that has come out.  Multiplat games are viewed with flip flop opinions and one needs to point out how one version is obviously superior than the other.

If a game is announced with heated anticipation on a console not owned by the gamer it is now a garbage series that no one ever liked in the first place.  Companies that made amazing games their whole history are now considered porr and sloppy if they no longer favor a certain brand name more than the others.  Also, many of the long time gamers must make themselves superior to newer gamers by segregation of hardcore and casual completely forgetting their roots of the gaming nature.  Much like the consoles and handhelds these spiteful ones get side tracked with what video games are... nothing other than entertainment with video and tactile responses.  Nothing about watching movies, going on the internet, listening to music, watching trailers, making a profile, and the many other features found within a console are but distractions of what a gaming console is about, which is simply playing video games.

Broken down in the easiest way there is very little between PS3 and the Wii when it comes down to playing and enjoying a game.  The only difference in this generation are these "gamers" who want to feel like they should be treated special for playing a generation before and while doing so forget the very nature of enjoyment.  Telling a developer how a game should be made and what's wrong with it, how it's not hardcore, how it's not good enough for you, and trying specially hard to disregard a game because it's on a system you don't own is the quickest way to loss the perspective of gaming.  It's not a sport, it's not a democracy, it's not a way of life, but it's simply a form of entertainment or distraction for your everyday life.

The way these long time gamers are quickly becoming jaded in the realm of video games makes one wonder how much longer companies can or will put up with it.  We'll get one more generation without a doubt but with everyone desperately trying to find any and all faults within a console/game/developer it's only a matter of time till they (the makers of them) will wash their hands from us and completely go in a different direction with said products.  It is foolish not to think they won't.  So I know it's been said before 'Play games not consoles' but to go even further we must just play the games.  Going into a game thinking 'I must find anything wrong with this so I don't have to like it' is not a way to play games.  Try just playing a game once in awhile you may find you actually like it.  Lets go beyond 'Play games not consoles' and now 'Play games not critique' after all this is all about enjoyment and nothing about social standards.

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SlyGuy5673d ago

stem from FANBOYs.

it just occurred to me that fanboys are not new. I especially remember the SNES vs Sega GENESIS fanboys.

The PS2 sorta bridged the gap a bit, but now things are in full swing again.

Good article. I hope people can once again begin to appreciate games on their own merit, and have FUN!

PS360WII5673d ago

That is true fanboys are the majority that would apply to this sort of nature. Though it seems like an infection as even regular gamers are becoming a bit more critical towards these games we play. The blog above me hints at it with the scores. A game that scores under 9/10 is balked at now-a-days ><

though yes lets hope more and more people can just start having fun with gaming ^^

rucky5673d ago

I'm sad that this is starting to be true... even for me. I used to remember always have fun no matter what game I played. I played an rpg called Guardian Crusade without even checking for reviews. As I got older I checked the scores and it got a 7.1 on Gamespot which was a fairly decent score way back in the days. If that was me today I would've never even think about playing that game. It could also be an age thing and the fact that i'm paying for my own games now but I missed the good ol' days when I just used to shop for a game blind and based my purchase by looking at the case and say "Hey, this looks like it could be fun".

PS360WII5672d ago

For sure it does seem reviews are more heavily regarded these days. I still will grab lesser known titles because they are usually the ones that try something really different :) Most of the time though reviewers will look at that as a bad thing ><

Contact for the DS was an amazing RPG that now is found on a lot of underrated lists for DS because it really is a grand game but the scores for it were in the 7's usually. Plus is was published by Atlus and for some reason that means it'll be a lower game

JOEdANGEL5667d ago

Yeah, I did that as a kid and ended up buying a lot of crap. I remember buying Pitfall for the genesis for fifteen dollars. The game was fun until you got to a mine cart level, at which point the game would freeze every time. If I was able to read a review i probably never would have bought that game.

Polluted5673d ago

Well put man. I've said it before and I'll say it again, nothing is ever "good enough" in the online era. Everything has to be either the greatest thing since sliced bread or the worst bloody thing since the holocaust. Nobody seems capable of taking anything at face value anymore or just enjoying a game/movie/song/book for what it is. Entertainment, pure and simple.

Who cares if the latest Halo game or James Bond movie or Metallica CD didn't turn the world upside down and change it's respective medium for all history? Did it keep a few people entertained for a few hours? That's all these things are really meant for in the end.

PS360WII5672d ago

It is all about entertainment! :)

I know Haze, Bulletwitch, Liar, Too Human, Opoona, etc were all panned but for myself I could still enjoy them for they are just games. I don't need a graphical breakthru for every new game I play! For how much reviewers hate on random battles and turn based gameplay because it's old and repetitive they still have no hate on fps or racers that haven't changed much since the first one of them came out.

PS360WII5672d ago

I know you are mocking but in a way you are right. Lair was a great game. I think for the most part people just didn't know how to play games with motion control because they didn't get a Wii or just wanted to use a traditional style of play so rather than learning how to play the game they just decided to say it sucked. My take on it at least.


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phoenixwing16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Last week they said it had 30 million pre registrations

Now it's suddenly a flop? I'm thinking it was a slow news day the day they wrote this

Vits5h ago

That is the GACHA cycle. Pretty much every single one gets tons of pre-registrations because of the bonuses you get when you sign up. Then Gacha players will play it for a week or two to see if it's for them. Definitely not a flop for now, but not out of the woods either. Most gachas don't survive for more than a year. And WW has way higher production values than your average GACHA, so it's even more riskier.

Now, for the game itself: I played it for a bit, and it is a game that will definitely please those who complained about GI combat. But for everyone else, it's sort of "meh," particularly due to the lack of charisma in everything.

phoenixwing2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

It's not like it's super realistic graphics. They did overhaul it but I doubt top tier cel shading costs as much as bleeding edge tech for realistic graphics. My only gripe is they kept the Chinese names for things and it makes it harder to remember for english speakers.

Michiel198920m ago

the game is definitely out of the woods, you have no idea how attached 15 yo's get to these higher quality gacha games. You talk about the gacha cycle, but part of the cycle if promoting the game to infinity and making your money back in the first month, that's also part of the cycle sadly.

Xeofate14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

The game made an estimated 26 million in May before it's official release and that number hasn't been updated for June so it's actually way higher.

I'm not sure what is going on with this site and trying to talk down this game but it's obviously hugely sucessful.

Is it just because it's going to be on PlayStation? It's the same sites that are talking up xbox and and talking down PlayStation that are talking this game down.

Sonyslave313h ago(Edited 13h ago)

No lol majority of this game sales is going to come from mobile n pc, like genshin impact.

This game had so much hype going on it crazy, the Geshin Impact killer smh it numbers not all that impressive compare to geshin.

Aint got shet to do with playstation 🤔 plus it launch was terrible fill with issues that Kuro still working on at this moment.

Xeofate6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

What are you talking about? It doesn't need to beat Genshin to be sucessful.

The game has been hugely popular, the sales ranking hasn't even been posted for the full release of the game, yet it's final beta did over 26m in sales.

The game has been a huge sucess for Kuro Games.

jznrpg1h ago

Don’t care for mobile gacha shite

blackblades45m ago(Edited 43m ago)

Then why TF are you here cause clearly you care enough to show up 🤡