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Godmars290 (2) - 4739d ago Cancel
Pozzle (3) - 4739d ago Cancel

Jon Stewart Vs. Kotaku

Let me start off with this blog by showing you the original Kotaku article.

Kotaku: Jon Stewart fumbles the ball on his take down of the Supreme Court's decision to rule that video games are protected speech this week, forgetting that he's living in the same glass house.

Ironically, Stewart uses the very graphic video game images he thinks should be criminalized, on a television show that is itself protected speech.

Get back to me when you think it should be illegal for a 17 to watch your show Jon. That pointed out the same thing Kotaku tried to point out( The point is when

The video in question:

Wait I didn't hear where he said "Violent video games should be banned."

You didn't either? Weird, how that works. Jon Stewart wasn't defending the law that recently got shot down(EMA Vs. Brown) Jon was saying it's ironic that Violent Content is allowed, but sexy
content isn't.

I agree that it's weird that violence is more acceptable than sexy content is. It's the complete opposite for other countries, where violence is frowned upon, and sexy content isn't.

I do think when purchasing something that has an "M" rating parents should do their research, and not let the games babysit their kids. If parents think their kids are old enough, and mature enough to play a game, then more power to them, because it's their kid, and the same goes for movies, and music.

It should be noted that yes, just like a butt, everyone has an opinion, and this one's mine.

The only thing that is weird about the bill is that Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the people behind it, because he's starred in such films as The Terminator, The Predator movies, and the Conan films.

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JellyJelly4739d ago

Nice blog post!

One part of it got me thinking though.

"I agree that it's weird that violence is more acceptable than sexy content is. It's the complete opposite for other countries, where violence is frowned upon, and sexy content isn't."

I perceive it more that either the countries frown upon sexy content and accept violence, or they ban both.

Do you have an example of a country where sexy content is ok and violent is not? Germany or Australia perhaps? Not sure though.

Pozzle4739d ago

"Do you have an example of a country where sexy content is ok and violent is not? Germany or Australia perhaps? Not sure though."

Nah, Australia is pretty much the same as America when it comes to violence and sexy content. It's true that a few video games have been banned for violent content, but violence is everywhere on TV and in media here, while explicit nudity and sex is usually restricted to late-night viewing on SBS (the "foreign channel").

Hicken4738d ago

Many European countries- especially on the eastern half- don't have a problem showing the sexy stuff that you'd need premium channels for here in the States.

ClimateKaren4738d ago

Crescente is a boob. It's not the first time, won't be the last. Giving Kotaku more hits won't help that. That site walks a line between trolling and fear-mongering nowadays, better to just let them fade into obscurity.

RayRay364738d ago

Good read. These people protesting games should take a good look at the world in which we live & shut the fuck up. If I see another "study" about how gaming is "equvalant to snorting coke", Im going postal.

zerocrossing4738d ago (Edited 4738d ago )

Games are just another entertainment media like movies, books and music, If you go far enough back each one of these has had similar issues. We had the same crap with Punk and Heavy metal music apparently melting the kids minds, Games are just the new punching bag of choice for these people who need to point the finger of blame at anything but themselves.

soundslike4738d ago

You might want to add some quotes around the actual kotaku quote, lol.

I think that gamers and media consumers need a reality check before they get defensive in way that makes them look delusional.

People's trepidation about violent videogames stems from the violence. Its a mistake to try to hide the violence and divert back to the "art" defense solely as talking point. Or even worse, attack the opponent in question without actually making any real points. It just makes them look ignorant and unaware of simple truths:

"Yes, I enjoy beating the crap out of my opponent and watching their blood spatter." is a truth that you wont hear very often.

If people can't find a way to admit to simple things like that, what insight could they possibly offer about anything, let alone an analysis of a show not meant to be analyzed.

LtSkittles4738d ago

Lol, I think everyone got the point, but thanks for the insight.

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