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The SideQuest Episode 407: Microsoft Wins E3 2012

Dali Dimovski of writes: "This week, the team is joined by Ben Strauss and M H WIlliams of to chat about Diablo 3, the slow death of the NPDs, and Starhawk. The second half of the show is dedicated to predicting what Microsoft will and won't do with the Xbox at E3. Half-Life 3 is mentioned, as a prerequisite."

Run time: 2 hours 38 minutes

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Community4515d ago
Agent Smith4515d ago ShowReplies(3)
Snookies124515d ago

Microsoft wins E3 2012? Hahaha, that's a laugh... They're going to be the worst this year. I can already see that based on them saying they're going to focus on Live rather than games. Nintendo alienated me with the Wii, now Microsoft is alienating me with their stuff. Luckily it seems Nintendo might be coming back to the "gaming" side of things with Wii U, or at least I hope.

kewlrats4515d ago

The title "Microsoft Wins E3 2012" is meant to be sarcastic. The podcast dives into how there really isn't much in the way of games this year for Xbox at E3.

Also: All of the E3-themed podcast in the series will be named "---- wins E3". We do Sony's next week, so if you have any predictions, let them fly and we'll read them on air. :)

ozstar4515d ago

I have a prediction. Sony spent too much money on Vita, and consequently can't afford to go balls deep on the PS4.

ozstar4515d ago

Two and a half hours, and Microsoft wins E3?

What, with Kinect



Best Sci-Fi Games on the PS3

From the cosmos to crash-landing back on good old planet Earth, come read through the best sci-fi-nastically games on the PS3

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Community166d ago
zaanan166d ago

Not a single Reistance? Fuck this article.

mastershredder166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

Starhawk over Warhawk?...... Dude, NO ONE should listen to you.

Odd choices for "best" more like you settled as these being the "best" that available to you at the time, cause a lot of these blow or were average to poor performers that ended up in bargain bin.

Missing too many great sci-fi titles here. The Void, The Resistance Series, Killzone 2 and 3, Enslaved, man.. there were so many, this is redicu-list.

FreeckyCake166d ago

Nobody should listen to you either with that attitude.

OtterX166d ago

I agree that Starhawk shouldn't be above Warhawk, however I must say that Starhawk multiplayer was incredible for its time! Many people wrote it off bc the single player was quite terrible, bc it was basically 1 huge tutorial for the multiplayer. But I can tell you never spent any significant amount of time in MP. It was doing incredibly tense base building w air, foot and land vehicle (and mech!) combat long before Fortnite was ever a thing.

I bet it would have been much better received if it had just ditched the story mode all together. So many people like yourself completely wrote it off based on reviews by reviewers that let the criticism of single player weigh heavily on their scores. I bet you didn't even play it.

Friendlygamer166d ago

The riddick games are some of the best stealth titles ever, highly underrated

YourMommySpoils166d ago

What games? All recall plating was Escape from Butcher Bay.

Friendlygamer166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

There's also the less acclaimed 'assault on dark Athena'

( also, not saying this to you specifically but there's both resistance and killzone games on the list, it's amazing how even something so simple and innocent as a game list can be turned into misinformed vitriol here lol )

jznrpg166d ago

Glad to see Resonance of Fate. Enslaved was pretty good too. I’m sure there are others nobody has listed but I’m too tired to try and think of anything


The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

Who says a dud game can't have a video game comeback?

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Community238d ago
Dirty_Lemons238d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein238d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183238d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


Diablo III - Still a Huge Draw in the Face of Diablo IV

Diablo III still works on modern PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and remains hugely playable a decade after initial release.

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Community547d ago
Palitera547d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33547d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.