
Datura Review | CheatCC

CheatCC says -It hardly feels right to review Datura using ordinary paragraphs, particularly considering that the game barely communicates with language at all. Perhaps I'd be better off writing some haiku or painting a review in pictures. Alas,convention dictates that I attach words and scores to games.


Games with Gold vs. PlayStation+ Free Games – September 2016

It’s that time of the month again folks. The time where gamers collectively gather all over the internet to criticize what free games they get this month. So, who plundered the other’s fanboys for all their self-worth and gratification in life? Who was the victor in July? Let’s take a look.

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twdll2842d ago

For some reason my browser sais this is an attack website. Just fyi.

dekke2842d ago

yeah my Firefox is moaning same too :P

TylerFischer2842d ago

Yeah it's doing that for most sites linked from here on Chrome as well -- odd.

1Victor2842d ago

Same for safari I hope this site admins do something about this because it's becoming annoying 😡

medman2841d ago

Yes...firefox and chrome has said the same for me for a few days now. Wondering if something happened....


Reality Check - brand new album from composer of PS3 Datura soundtrack

Wojciech Golczewski - composer behind PS3 PS Move game - Datura has released his brand new solo album - Reality Check (DATA048) - inspired by sci fi games and movies music.

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EU PlayStation Store ‘Lost Treasures’ sale starts today

by Jawad Ashraf – PS Store Team:

Countries: AE, AU, GB, IE, NZ

You know how it goes. A friend raves about a game that you aren’t familiar with, and you then keep meaning to check it out but never quite get around to it. Well, we’re giving you a chance to catch up on some of those ‘hidden gems’ at discounted prices.

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