
Star Wars: The Old Republic has lost 400,000 subs since February

But strong digital sales help EA back into annual profit.

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NYC_Gamer4430d ago

I guess that explains all the half off deals every weekend

Relientk774430d ago

Yea I've been seeing those going around

Blacktric4430d ago

They should've just made a proper Knights Of The Old Republic 3 instead... Considering how a new IP like Mass Effect fared, a KoTOR 3 would've sold even more...

NYC_Gamer4430d ago

EA wanted to be greedy and thought they would do Wow numbers because of the Star wars brand name

ATi_Elite4430d ago

1. Star Wars The Old Republic has sold over 2.5 million units with a large number of those units sold were on Origins which means EA was getting the full $60 per unit sold (EA got $20 per Store unit sold)

2. All SW:TOR needs is 450K monthly subscriptions to be successful. Many MM0's have been going strong for years with only 300K-350K so no need to panic until that number drops under 450k (or until Guild Wars 2 is released)

3. 5 months of 1.7m scribes plus 2.5m units sold, SW:TOR has made it's money back (all $300m of it) so from here on out it's pretty much all profit!

4. The drop in scribes is due to TERA (which is fantastic) and the impending Diablo III on May 15th and The Secret World on June 16th PLUS WoW's Pandaria Mist and Guild Wars 2 will pretty much kill SW:TOR altogether or force it to go F2P!

5. Sw:TOR is just a cash grab (like Origin) and I feel EA didn't do the things necessary to make SW:TOR go the distance like WoW, Eve Online, or Guild Wars. EA is headed in the wrong direction with their games and business model as everything is made to just make a slight profit instead of innovation and quality.

6. EA has lost it's sight of quality and SW:Tor will not survive Guild Wars 2 and all the other FANTASTIC MMO's releasing in the next 6 months.

kreate4430d ago

Can the other fantastic mmos survive if they all come out within the next 6 months?

joab7774429d ago

cash grab? They brought in 4.14 billion for a net income of 76 million? Last year was a loss if 240 billion. That isnt a great percentage where one would consider it "rakingin the dough". Id love to see what they spent 4 billion on?

Relientk774430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

It could potentially lose even more suscribers in the near future because Diablo III is coming out.

edit @ below: yea they might not have much of a choice,

I know I'm getting Diablo III. Guild Wars 2, and Tera are another two big ones too u mentioned. EA have a lot of competition headed their way

NYC_Gamer4430d ago

I really think TOR will be going the F2p model real soon....because many users will hop over to these games/run back to Wow...


FlashXIII4430d ago

1.3m subscribers and you think TOR will go F2P with that much money coming in each month? I don't get where this obsession with the f2p model has come from but take it from me as an MMO gamer of over 10 years, TOR won't be going f2p for at least a year.

Blacktric4430d ago

Also don't forget about Diablo III's new PvP mode which was something people wanted for years and I'm sure Blizzard will make sure to implement it in a way to keep the game fresh enough for a very long time. And personally, since The Old Republic is still a sequel to the Knights Of The Old Republic games, I can't wait for it to go F2P so I can finally play it.

Pandamobile4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

If they can keep roughly 750,000 players subscribed for a year (providing they sell 2-3 million digital/retail copies of the game, then SWTOR will break even and start generating a substantial profit for the duration of the lifespan of the game. It's not all doom and gloom for the game that cost a reported $200,000,000+ to develop.

The handy thing about subscription based MMOs is that every penny of subscription fee goes back to the publisher/developer.

kevnb4430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

i dont think it cost them nearly that much. Its all just speculation.

StayStatic4430d ago

Not played it myself but if the game is any good then I expect a massive increase when they drop an expansion pack or something.

Happens in wow all the time , patch day people you haven't seen in months suddenly log on and say "LFG" in guild chat.

Giru0174430d ago

Problem is, the game isn't good. It's riddled with issues and most players left exactly because of this. With Diablo 3, WOW, TERA and GW2 around, TOR really has not space in anyones time slot save for the most dedicated fans... and even then it's not worth the $15/mo price of admission for not doing anything better than the competition.

StayStatic4430d ago

Very disappointing to hear , thanks for the input :)

admiralthrawn874430d ago (Edited 4430d ago )

i own the game simply becaue i'm a star wars fan. I did not play after the 30 days free. It is terrible on so many levels and does not feel like star wars at all. I used to take up for this game before it came out, but i totally agree that KoTOR 3 should have been made instead. This game needs to drop the sub. fee and have some major design philosophy changes.

InTheLab4430d ago

The $15 subscription model is dead.

FlashXIII4430d ago

Way to show once again that n4g crowd are completely clueless about MMORPGs (7 agrees at the time of typing).

Seriously you think $15 a month is dead? Not by a long shot! Many MMO gamers would rather pay a monthly fee for a premium service. People talk about how great GW2 will be being f2p and all but cash shop advantages plus the fact all the kids will be attracted to it seeing as they won't need Daddy's credit card has me more than a little worried.

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PapaBop453d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator452d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336453d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop453d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.


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