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Aliens: Colonial Marines - Brand New Screenshots Unveiled

Here are some brand new screenshots of Aliens: Colonial Marines, the upcoming shootr from Gearbox Software.

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Community4519d ago
chukamachine4520d ago

They cut the power.

How can they cut the power man, their animals.

GraySnake4519d ago

It's Game Over man!
Game Over!

PhantomTommy4519d ago

"Hey look over there, an alien!" Remember that classic line?

h311rais3r4519d ago

Get away from her you B****!

I have my alien anthology signed by michael biehn and lance henrickson :3

J86blum4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

-lays head down- Everytime they show more and more the less and less im getting stoked, the graphics have taken a drop, the co-op system has taken a huge dive. I still have the game informer issues with this on the cover, and in the mag it looks ALOT better, and the co-op was at least in theory better, not everyone had a pulse rifle, had four chars each with their own skills and weapon loadouts, this just looks I dunno.. Guess my vision of a good ALIENS game will never happen cause I've hyped it way way way to much.

I remeber it saying if you planned on running and gunning by yourself you will get killed, now from game play that seems to be the opposite. ( and the gameplay hope they fix the blood splatter impact on the aliens) it looked like a onrails shooter spatter.

OhMyGandhi4519d ago

this doesn't look too bad.
The xenomorphs themselves look great, but they seem to be stuck on Duke Nukem Forever character models.

J86blum4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

I agree, if you have that issue look at the char modles, the lighting it looks like a serious AAA game even the Xeo's look alot better.

Thats an older image vs. what it looks like now.


Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

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Community1111d ago
JonTheGod1111d ago (Edited 1111d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Lazy Writing – Five Diabolical Duds from the Last Decade

Player 2 takes some quiet time to look back at some of the most hyped failures of the past 10 years.

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Community1689d ago
SpamnJam1689d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911689d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Offers Stellar Multiplayer (If You Use Mods)

Thanks to a bustling mod community on Steam, Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines actually has a stellar multiplayer experience to offer these days.

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Community1757d ago
FTLmaster1758d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.