
Miraculous Comeback: Ridge Racer Vita Now The Best Game Ever

"Dear Lord", my prayers began, "It grievethed my soul when You punished the world by allowing Satan to make the Vita's Ridge Racer game. Please, if Thou seest fit, make this right. I don't know how, but Thou art mighty and wise".

Prayers: answered.

-Heath of Game Revolution

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blinkingfast4421d ago

the best game ever ?? nice do not over sell it ;)

Sev4421d ago

This game was awful. They'd have to be giving free lap dances for this to become the greatest game ever.

GribbleGrunger4421d ago

me thinks there's a hint of sarcasm in this article

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34421d ago

They shouldn't post stuff like this because the zealots will come in endorsing such idiocy thinking it's true...lmao.

SilentNegotiator4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )


Sorry, but actually there are more people having a fit over this article than agreeing with it. In fact, it's several to none.

So quit throwing around the sony-hater buzzword of the week ("zealot") around. Especially where it doesn't even remotely belong. People need to stop with the "ZOMG N4G is a hostile pleestashun fanboi site!" delusion in general.

Denethor_II4420d ago

@SilentNegotiator's response to 'WrAiTh'


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4420d ago
BlmThug4421d ago

Not even the best game of the month it released never mind best game ever

SilentNegotiator4421d ago

If it were the only game launching on the day it launched, it wouldn't be game of the DAY.


4421d ago
360GamerFG4421d ago

Skins?? You can buy these using in game credit on Forza 2 - 4. Most in fact are free.

Hicken4421d ago

... what does that have to do with this?

Oh, right. Forgot who I was talking to...

SilentNegotiator4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

Cool your jets; this article is sarcastic. Go continue your campaign elsewhere and leave us to enjoy a good joke.

knifefight4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

The amount of people not gettin' that this is an obvious joke is astounding.

GodHandDee4421d ago

well that's a headline I never thought I would see, ever. Even if it's a joke

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Idolm@ster Shiny Festa Is Getting An HD Remake For PS3 And An IMAS Channel

Namco Bandai will roll out an Idolmaster Channel for PlayStation 3 later in 2013. The channel is a free download, but content in the channel will cost real world money.

One of the items is Idolm@ster Shiny TV, a HD remake of the PSP/ iOS game Idolm@ster Shiny Festa. Content packs for Shiny TV include six songs and cost 1,500 yen a piece. All thirteen idols will be in this version.

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Trophy World Record 135 PS Trophies in 1h30m ONLY

Have you ever wondered how fast trophies could be earned?
Many games can be finished in 5 mins, 10 mins, 30 mins and an hour.
But today you will see 135 trophies pop in 1 hour 30 mins (1h 40mins realtime.

ZBlacktt3942d ago ShowReplies(2)
Ripsta7th3942d ago

Fake fkae cfw hacker booster and dual ps3 playn lmao xD

Hakoom3942d ago

i wonder when gamers wil learn to respect other gamers.. and post somethign usefull in the comments..
n4g has more kids than i imagined...

-Alpha3942d ago

Hey, just curious: Your fastest platinum was Sly Cooper-- you got the platinum in under 1 minute, according to trophy tracking websites.

Just wondering, how is that possible?

ZBlacktt3942d ago

lol -Alpha did some looking....

ABeastNamedTariq3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Ah, I see the response. Anyway...trophies..nice.

Benjammin253942d ago

@Alpha Simples. It isn't.

admiralvic3942d ago

@ -Alpha

I believe Sly Cooper for the Vita was a cross save game that instantly gives the platinum like some of the cross-buy titles.

minimur123942d ago

didn't you get a platium in 1999?

kreate3942d ago

lol look at the haters

Mounce3942d ago

I love how Hakoom doesn't respond to -Alpha.

kreate3942d ago


actually he replied to alpha below

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3942d ago
Hakoom3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

sly cooper uses cross save between ps3 and ps vita
once u obtain the plat in 1 of the system.. the other plat pops in under a minute..
do a little research and u wil see :)
motorstorm on the vita has the same option and soundshapes and so does mgs2 and mgs3 after the patch..

link to what i mean

i will always give u solid evidence of everythgin i do
but the douches who like to troll never post any evidence

i think i hit those trolls hard on ther head now..

-Alpha3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Ah I see! Thanks!

Deep-throat3942d ago

hey what was the hardest trophy you have got?

Whitefire3942d ago

No platinum trophies on those games though, Hakoom is a beast.

admiralvic3942d ago

Honestly. There is nothing impressive going on here...

Of the games he did, PSNProfiles lists the fastest 50 people as having mostly scores with 9 minutes and some seconds. Even then, you could beat it by doing a lot of the same games he did, but going after some of the 1 - 3 minute 100%'s (Paint Park, Detuned, Linger in Darkness, that stupid Mayo game). Though when push comes to shove, this is just Hakoom being the attention whore most people hate.

Hakoom3942d ago

go ahead..
make a video of all the games you just listed ( u wont even scratch 100trophies)
my video here isnt for attention
my video here is for showing everyone that 135 trophies can be earned in this time frame only..

if something big is possible in a small amount of time.. why not show/share it to the public?

kreate3942d ago

"if something big is possible in a small amount of time.. why not show/share it to the public??"

True that. I like the sharing part. Plz keep sharing.

I usually look at the roadmap before starting a game just to see my options.

admiralvic3942d ago

@ Hakoom

Your arrogance is quite comical.

"make a video of all the games you just listed ( u wont even scratch 100trophies) "

I do believe I said and the ones you did. So it would be like 180 in only 1 hour 38 minutes. Would that be a new world record? How about just syncing cross-save platinums? You could easily hit 200+ trophies in 10 minutes if you do it that way and your score would get owned.

"my video here isnt for attention"

Then what IS it here for? It's not news, not a guide, these are not recent discoveries (the first game is from 2011...), nor is the title worded in a way that doesn't garner attention.

"my video here is for showing everyone that 135 trophies can be earned in this time frame only.."

Yet you write the title like it's the single most impressive feat that no one thought possible. Though perhaps you should ALSO mention that these games average $80+ on Play-Asia and this feat could end up costing someone $720 dollars.

"if something big is possible in a small amount of time.. why not show/share it to the public?"

I run a YouTube channel where I do various trophy guides / achievements, which is more than I can say for you...

@ Kreate

"True that. I like the sharing part. Plz keep sharing. "

What exactly is he sharing? He is just posting that you could get a fast 100% from a series that has been around since 2011. He was not the first to figure this out, nor does he even do it in a nice way. Helping is one thing, but you're not helping anyone when you make your "help" seem like a feat. He is not the fastest at any of these games and unlike a lot of people playing them, was only doing so for trophies (making his times faster). So yeah...

kreate3941d ago


well, i think any member of ps3trophies.org are pretty much helping or contributing in some way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3941d ago

Try it with red dead or kill zone 2/3..... Then u can call it world record

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Where's Our Ridge Racer Launch Title?

PlayStation Beat: Since the original PlayStation, Namco has always put out a Ridge Racer title at launch. There’s no PlayStation 4 game to be seen. Don’t we need one?

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FrigidDARKNESS4016d ago

This is one racer that has been overdone time to put it out in the pature.

Software_Lover4015d ago

He missed a hooked on phonics vid. Can't skip a single one or you're screwed.

Donnieboi4015d ago

Namco saw DriveClub, and realized that ridge racer wouldn't stand a chance.

chadwarden4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Don't be shy.


lucaskeller14015d ago


andibandit4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

no no no, you're doing it all wrong, let me show you:

"It's Ridge Racer!.."
(awkward silence)
(even more awkward silence)

-Gespenst-4016d ago

Unbounded 2!! I actually bought Unbounded the other week on the cheap, haven't played it but it looks like the most fun ever. They should continue in that direction.

ssbains4015d ago

Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr

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