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Lord of The Rings Online: Revisited

Lord of The Rings Online reaches a monumental five years of MMO life. FromTheDPad's Stacy examines what makes this game great, what is new in the game, and where there is room for improvement.

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Community4527d ago
SkyCrawler4527d ago

I revisited two days ago....empty. I'm exaggerating though, I would say 2 people for an entire 2 hours.

MyaSharona4527d ago

That's a shame. :\ I can't help but wonder how M the MO would be after such time. I guess if you've still got a core group to play with...?

SkyCrawler4527d ago

Well, you gotta think with all the "next gen" mmo's coming out this game looks a bit dated and everything starts to look dull...imo anyways. Also, if WoW is brought into the equation I would say its only surviving because of the support it's had from being a p2p title.


How Midway's arcade magic was made - Insert Coin Documentary Review

"If you love Midway's arcade classics as much as I do then you may want to watch this new documentary that's full of interesting stories." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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Community1396d ago
SierraGuy1396d ago

Still can't forget the first time I saw mortal kombat in action in a convenience store.

Had to pick up my jaw off the ground.

AceRimmer3021395d ago

NBA Jam for me. Seeing those "big" heads that looked just like the player. My mind had never been so blown!


10 Failed Consoles You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

We all know about the Sega Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, Atari 2600, Sony PlayStation, Xbox and many other popular consoles that have appeared in the last 40 odd years of video gaming. But as with any lucrative industry, there’s always somebody else who wants a piece of the profit pie. For every great console out there there’s another one that failed miserably and so I thought it would be great to have a look at some of the most obscure examples.

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Community1968d ago
FallenAngel19841970d ago

Nowadays a platform can’t fail without everybody knowing about it

SegaGamer1969d ago

Some ugly designs amongst that list.

Relientk771968d ago

Some of these consoles have really weird looking designs and controllers, especially the View-Master Interactive Visions and Bally Astrocade.

CptDville1968d ago

Zeebo should be on the list as a recent unknown failure.

Orbilator1967d ago

I thought maybe 3d nintendo thing, and next year they can add stadia to that list loool. Gosh it's almost like i do it on purpose haha


Dwayne Johnson not included - Rampage Retrospective

Now that a movie based on Midway's classic giant monster arcade game is releasing for some strange reason, it's a good time to take a look back at the Rampage series. Get ready to kick a few buildings down and let's destroy this city!

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Community2402d ago
jznrpg2402d ago

The game had almost no story , it will be interesting (I guess) to see what they add . I loved the game in the arcade

VideoChums2402d ago

Story: a vitamin makes people turn into monsters. Deep stuff!

paintedgamer19842402d ago

Lol another game to big screen adaptation that noone asked for. Out of all the ideas hollywood could have chosen and they chose this. Even warcraft and assasins creed bombed, i dont know what makes them think this will not bomb as well.

VideoChums2402d ago

I'm sure the movie will be terrible but I hope it's the kind of terrible that's fun to watch (ie: so bad that it's actually entertaining). Either way, I'm looking forward to watching it because you don't see many movies based on long-dead video game franchises - there hasn't been a new Rampage game in 12 years.

nevin12402d ago

Isnt The Rock having box office success?