

This week, Extra Credits tackle the rampant bullying, misogyny and hate speech that occurs within the gaming community

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arbitor3654563d ago

casual homophobia is really rampant as well

vortis4563d ago

Doesn't it seem ironic that Pedrobear submitted a story about harassment?

It's like the guy who drives the "Free Candy" van giving a seminar about the problems of molestation in current day society.

Smashbro294563d ago

It's funny but.... You can just block these people. I do it all the time.

jeeves864563d ago

Actually, one of the features proposed would have people who repeatedly are muted be auto-muted at the beginning of the match.

Seems fair.


The Most Disappointing PlayStation Exclusives Ever

Games can fall victim to hype. In other cases, they're just terrible games. Here are the most disappointing PlayStation exclusives ever, according to Jaxson Parker of Power Up Gaming.

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jambola1d 2h ago

for such a clickbaity lying thumbnail
I agree with the games showing there more than the actual list lol

OtterX1d 2h ago

Surprised that Haze wasn't mentioned here. It was touted as a Halo Killer. But I guess technically it was going to come to 360 and PC, but it reviewed so poorly that they were canceled, thus making it a Playstation Exclusive. It was supposed to be just a timed exclusive.

jambola1d 1h ago

whenever something is brought out as a "killer" it never ends well

LG_Fox_Brazil1d 2h ago

Remembering 'Lair' still makes me sad, I loved 'Days Gone', though, it was buggy as hell, but so much fun

Cacabunga1h ago

Days Gone turned so amazing after patches..
Lair on PS3 was amazing with sixaxis.
Most disappointing exclusive for me is TLOU2. I expected so much more from the sequel of one of the best games ever made

darthv722h ago

Killzone, the Order, Days gone... even Knack did not disappoint me. all of them have some charm to them.

MrNinosan1h ago

The writer obviously didn't play many Playstation Exclusives, when including LBP3, Days Gone, Knack, Days Gone, No Man Sky etc...
And No Man Sky is not a Playstation exclusive since years back

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Review Bombing Might Have Met Its End After New FTC Ruling

The six new FTC rules aim to distill reviews into authentic ones only, but players might lose leverage.

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TallDarknWavy16h ago

From the comments I see no one read the article.
The law stipulates you can't PAY for reviews, either positive or negative (towards a competitor).
It is very difficult to prove this, but reviews by consumers will always be allowed and unrestricted.

TOTSUKO15h ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if the live service hate online is paid by activision or epic games for example to keep their sheep. With the money they make I wouldn’t put it past a corporation. This is kind of a smoking gun.

Hofstaderman14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Well MS owns most publications so how will those work? They pay those so-called journalists salaries. And it shows with the tripe fluff articles... Oh and their reviews affect metacritic scores so it is a form of review bombing.

Obscure_Observer7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

"The law stipulates you can't PAY for reviews, either positive or negative (towards a competitor).
It is very difficult to prove this, but reviews by consumers will always be allowed and unrestricted."

*Consumers* is the keyword here. You might not be able to submit a "review" for a game that you didn´t paid for.

And that´s awesome news!

Take a look at the Last of Us 2 User Reviews at Metacritic for instance:


I mean, how many negative reviews got submitted by actual owners of the game vs reviews posted homophobic insecure incels? I get that not everybody was happy with the game´s plot and direction, but the overwhelming zeros for that games was definitely submitted by insecure trolls. Period!

kennyg1236h ago(Edited 6h ago)

how is starfield going for you?

DustMan2h ago

Frankly. I don't get the the obnoxious amount of hate Starfield receives. It's not the best game Bethesda has put out, but it's constantly trolled as this horrible piece of garbage that you SHOULD hate. If you don't hate it most people here jump down your throat saying your some kind of stupid POS or something to that effect.

RauLeCreuset4h ago


It is unfortunately not what the article makes it seem. Part of it is on the article for not digging further. There are tells in the article that the writer did not read the FTC rule. Part of it is on the FTC for leaving room for misinterpretation in communications meant for public consumption announcing the rule.

The article's premise is based on the supposed ban on "fake online reviews and testimonials." The article pulled that quote from the intro of Lina Khan's tweet, which is linked in the article and is the same as the headline of the FTC's press release.


That phrase is not used in the body of the tweet where more detail is given on the prohibitions, nor is it in the rule, which you can get to from a link in the above linked FTC press release but I will also include here:


The closest term to it in the rule is "Fake or False Consumer Reviews, Consumer Testimonials, or Celebrity." There is a section for it in the rule that lists what is prohibited.

It doesn't prohibit all fake reviews.

Three of the four paragraphs under that section basically prohibit businesses from writing, creating, selling, or buying fake reviews and testimonials that are misrepresented as real reviews, and prohibits businesses from procuring fake reviews misrepresented as real from their employees or immediate family members of their employees.

The fourth paragraph provides exceptions to the second and third paragraphs (B and C) for "reviews or testimonials that resulted from a business making generalized solicitations to purchasers to post reviews or testimonials about their experiences with the product, service, or business; or reviews that appear on a website or platform as a result of the business merely engaging in consumer review hosting."

You can read the rule for the particulars.

Bottom line: The article includes falsehoods that apparently result from not reading the FTC rule. People panicking over the idea that they can no longer legally create fake reviews to bring about self-fulfilling prophecies from their "go woke, go broke" declarations can relax. The FTC doesn't consider that their business. Nor do they care about your fake social media followers so long as it isn't for commercial purposes.

-Foxtrot1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

How will this work though because when a company genuinely does anti-consumer things to p*** people off or when the game is just down right bad people still say it's "review bombing" like there's this set agenda when really it's rightfully deserved. At the end of the day it's the only way to get through to a studio that's done wrong, that and overall sales because they'll lose money

TricksterArrow21h ago

Review bombing does nothing anymore. Most games that get review bombed either: sell despite it, because people are aware that the players review bombing have an agenda themselves (attacking a console exclusive, attacking a game because it’s woke, grifting, or whatever is the hot word right now, attacking a game because it’s from a particular developer, etc.); or they already thought the game was bad/good anyways and were already set on buying or not.

What speaks nowadays is sales and player base, case in point: Concord. Starfield. Etc.

Knushwood Butt20h ago

'What speaks nowadays is sales and player base, case in point: Concord. Starfield. Etc.'.

Don't forget awareness.

Tacoboto4h ago

Review bombing caused Sony to partially change course with Helldivers 2's post-launch PSN bait-and-switch.

So yes it can be used to speak effectively in ways sales and player count alone can't. Sony had assumed with both sales and player count they could've gotten away with something like that.

Christopher2h ago

Disagree on review bombings. If you haven't touched the game you shouldn't be publicly reviewing the game. You already are speaking with your money and can complain online, but you aren't providing any true analysis of a game other than repeating what others are telling you. It's extremely rare that a review bombing has been for good reason or having anything to do with the quality of a game as it is politics or just disagreeing with with situational differences of opinion that aren't properly shared across the industry and are blatantly targeted to specific companies just to complain about them.

Eonjay2h ago

This. If a game is truly bad or broken it is more often than not reflected in legitimate reviews anyway.

Knightofelemia1d 20h ago

You're never going to stop review bombs. Review bombs have been around way before the internet. Companies review bomb every thing. From their own product on Amazon, what they are selling on Ebay, a business on Google reviews. All that could be good or crap. I remember movie trailers picking out the exciting stuff to show off the movie to find out the movie was crap. If I want a game review I turn to this site called Twitch. I search the game that has my interest. I avoid the big partnered streamers and go to the little guy who does offer their own opinion about the game.

CrimsonWing6921h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Reviews are that disruptive to businesses that they have to find ways to… bury them? Scummy. What’s next? DMCA takedowns on YouTube reviews that express negativity?

SimpleDad21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Good luck!

Edit: I like the thumbnail of Helldivers 2 where the skin was never given or PSN requirement never removed.

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Helldivers 2 Xbox port requires "both partners" to agree on something, reveals Arrowhead

Arrowhead has explained to fans what is required for Helldivers 2 to finally land on Xbox Series X/S consoles.

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P_Bomb1d 19h ago

Make a trade? Helldivers for…I don’t know. What game would PlayStation mains like to see?

just_looken1d 13h ago

Microsoft has already tossed games on playstation like grounded/seas of thieves soon halo.

Perhaps sony would allow xbox to do what they wanted before and put gamepass on playstation then sony put a store on xbox. We need competition if these console are going digital there is a reason courts stepped in on mobile phones only having one store.

gigoran81d 11h ago

maybe if it were games from 2024 instead of 2020 and 2018

just_looken1d 10h ago


Those games are already on playstation so what you want day one games now from xbox? like a starfield port asap?

This would defeat the point of exclusives then at least give it a year or 2 like sony does for pc or like i siad in my comment but a xbox store on playstation then a playstation store on xbox.

DodoDojo1d 9h ago

Gamepass would cannibalize game sales like it has on Xbox, Sony isnt going to let that happen. Sony was reluctant to even let EA Play on their system.

Bathyj1d 9h ago

If you want competition on consoles we just need to have more than one good console. Not putting everything on everything .

derek1d 1h ago

@just_looken, what you're describing isn't competition it's the opposite of competition.

Gamingsince198120h ago

"Those games are already on playstation so what you want day one games now from xbox? like a starfield port asap?" Why would you want to punish playstation players with starfield? Seems cruel and unecessary, not even xbox fans want that game.

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Tedakin1d 6h ago

Uh they're already seeing Indiana Jones, Hi Fi Rush, Sea of thieves, and more.... Seems a fair trade for 1 game.

just_looken20h ago

Oh that is right forgot about those

repsahj1d 4h ago

No please! Let Sony and Nintendo do what they do best, and if Microsoft doesn't want to be the Third player, let's wait for a new one.

InUrFoxHole20h ago

Lol trade for what? MS has been more than generous to sony gamers. Sony should reciprocate.

Shane Kim14h ago

By buying up the competition?

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Knightofelemia1d 17h ago

If I remember correctly the MLB jumped in and told Sony to port the Show to other platforms. As for porting this game to a third platform I can see Sony weighing on the pros and cons. But a game this popular it would be nice to port it to a third option means more sales. Last thing you want to do is piss off the fans.

dveio1d 15h ago

Pure speculation:

• I could imagine Sony don't want Helldivers 2 in Game Pass, if Microsoft would only want players to have it in Game Pass.

• I could imagine Sony would want to build the IP even more. Helldivers 3 whenever it will release, from everything they've learned already, could have the potential to be even more fun, even more stable (yep!), just bigger & better as an IP itself.

• Would Microsoft even want their rival's online shooter on its console platform in competition with Doom, Wolfenstein, Gears, Halo and CoD?

• Human factor of envy, feuds, prior exclusive deals and buy-outs.

just_looken1d 13h ago

If sony wanted to build the ip it would have not let the support studio die

Or stop the arrowhead mods posting fury porn on the official discord

Then you had sony forcing account creations then stopped it but still is banned in alot of areas 90% pc player population drop

But hey its n4g get that copium bottle sony will save this ip

dveio1d 13h ago

"If sony wanted to build the ip it would have not let the support studio die"

If you would actually read the sources you post, which I do to sustain a level of unbiased discussion, you'd know that this support studio has no legal ties with Sony. But is owned by a Swedish parent company called Enab Global.

But hey, it's you again that doesn't follow up on your own nickname and just look things up from time to time.


trez10821d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Jesus. Do you actually believe what you type or just hate reality? No saving needed when helldiver is in a better place right now. What level are you on it ? I’m lvl 61 and stopped playing because of the nerfs and since September the game is much better and we came back and strong.



Real gamers play games and will suppport great games and helldivers 2 is a great game and the ip is stronger than ever. I swear the success and continued success of this game has done things to some. It’s just a game and a great one. Arrowhead fixed the nerfs and the game is better than it was at lunch and players came back. Fact.

just_looken1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )


Did i say sony owned the studio? please wise elder show were i said that

Sony could have purchased the studio instead of firewalk you know have a studio that knows about the live service space not one that is a glorified indie space but hey firewalk hazah.


It went from almost half a million to a 18-26 thousand now its around 35 thousand at peak best after they listened to the community with feedback

So yeah again wow congrats you got less than 10% of the original players back i played the first game for a long time till that community died have not played my 30 character on hd2 ps5 in awhile it got stale to me because it has 0 new content over the first game.

Yeah it was a success at first but now its stable

dveio1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )


"Did i say sony owned the studio? please wise elder show were i said that"

Then why did you blame Sony that it died?

Listen, I don't want go nuts here now on either you nor that support studio that is owned by a Swedish parent company and that seems to have absolutely no legal ties with Sony.

All I wanted to say is:

Relax and read your sources from time to time.

And don't always exaggerate things so much.

What in the blue hell is going to happen to Helldivers if a Swedish parent company decided to close a studio that worked, in whatever way, on Helldivers 2?

I'll tell you.

Sony is most likely going to evaluate how they'll replace this workforce. And most certainly it's not by buying out a firm entity that's tangled legally to a Swedish parent company.

But by maybe try hiring indiviual people that lost their jobs.

That's usual practice in the job world out there.

trez10821d 3h ago

“ it was a success at first and now it’s stable “ is that you describing a game that needs saving or a successful game?

“ that community died have not played my 30 character on hd2 ps5 in awhile it got stale to me because it has 0 new content over the first game.“

You just said at its worst it had 18-20 on steam alone and that’s a dead community ?
You say you played on pa5 and yet keep talking steam numbers…I mean the game shows how many players are on ps5 so why don’t you show that too or better yet, why don’t you combine both as you should?

And less content than hellsiver 1? If you played the first one as you’re claiming than you should know that the second one is a third person shooter and not a top down shooter. Do you even understand the difference between the the two?

Hard to believe anything you’re saying. I’m on the Reddit community and can tell you the game is a big success and I don’t even see why you’re trying so hard to downplay it. It’s just a game and a good one. It’s a win for Sony no matter how you cut it and if they were to announce a third game that things would sell millions.

just_looken20h ago


Its a sony ip no matter what they do say or i show on here i will always getting mass down voted

top down shooter to a first person shooter WOW everyone get the president its a major achievement

same guns/planets/enimes/tanks/mech s progression around what the community does

But again its a sony ip so we are not allowed to say anything bad about it.

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Hedstrom1d 13h ago

Sony doesnt really need Xbox player base when its so small in comparison to their own. Xbox on the other hand need the PlayStation player base because it is so large and that they have bought studios for 80 billion dollar. They need to get a as large player base as possible to put their games on and start getting value for their investment.

Sonic18811d 8h ago

That's the same thing I was thinking

Obscure_Observer23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Gonna save your comment for later. Your predictions are funny. Like the one you did about Black Myth winning GOTY.

Sonic188122h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I have several GOTY contenders this year, including BMW. My GOTY actually changed after I played ASTRO BOT. But BMW is still one of my favorite games this year. I don't know what your comment has to do with what I said to Hedstrom🤔

Obscure_Observer17h ago

Your GOTY changes based on Metascores rather on what you actually play. We both know that.

Let´s see how your predictions regarding BMW winning GOTY will turn out.

"I don't know what your comment has to do with what I said to Hedstrom🤔"

Oh yes, sorry. I got carried away about your funny predictions and I forgot to mention about your comment.

Sony actually needs all player base they can get. Helldivers community on PC is their biggest and since people are jumping off Helldivers for the next big thing (COD?), they could see an increase infusing Xbox players to help and keep their most succesful GaaS game (after Destiny) afloat.

That´s why I saved your comment. The moment Sony change their minds about Helldivers and Xbox, I´ll come back to you.

goken14h ago


Wukong not winning GOTY isn’t a reflection of anything. Since it’s clear the games media in the west has a hard on for discriminating against wukong and stellar blade.
Wukong’s win percentage was intentionally lowered by IGN.
While golden joystick didn’t even bother to nominate stellar and wukong.

Not winning due to bias and discrimination doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve to win

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truthBombs1d 12h ago

I feel like the moment to strike was when the game was HOT. A missed opportunity.

But you can never have too many players for an online only game.

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