
VG Confidential Episode #32 – Hatin’ on Miami - Better Gaming Bureau Podcast

VG Confidential Episode #32 – Hatin’ on Miami

Anthony and Chris are the dynamic duo as Barry is absent this week. In his absence, the two take the time to discuss why New York is the greatest city in the world and why Miami sucks. Also, they find time between the Miami bashing to talk Prototype 2, Fez, a man who stabbed his wife over some PS3 time, why games are NOT expensive, and our favorite game soundtracks. Oh, and some Hidden Gems too.

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10 PS1 Games We'd Love To See On PlayStation Plus Premium

The PS1 will go down as one of the best consoles ever made, so here's some games that could celebrate its legacy via PS Plus Premium.

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Kaii799d ago

Digimon World 3
Tomba 2

798d ago
Knushwood Butt799d ago

Silent Hill

Even if I have it on disc and can play on my PS3.

VersusDMC799d ago

Games i would definitely replay and that don't have a superior remaster released

Dino Crisis 1/2
Fear Effect 1/2
Parasite eve 1/2
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire 4
Rival Schools

SDuck798d ago

you're the first person I find online showing some love by one of my all time favourites, Breath of Fire IV!!

isarai799d ago

I mean if they have some form of improvements

Ape escape
Fighting force
Strider 1&2
Rival Schools

Are the ones that come to mind

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Square Enix is ​​reliving its golden age

For those unfamiliar with Square Enix's golden age, formerly Squaresoft, it took place between 1997 and 2002 and brought a slew of titles that were a complete hit with fans and critics and Square Enix wants that era back.

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H9824d ago

That's a bold statement, especially when the author mentions Chocobo GP and Babylon's fall after saying "here's the great titles that the company has planned", to each their own I guess

celohill824d ago

it's about personal taste. You don't need to consume what you don't like, you don't need to despise it too. We all desire the most basic thing: respect. Start there. We talk later.

H9823d ago

First I said "to each their own" which means I am acknowledging the fact that it's not wrong to like these games!
Second I said bold statement not crappy statement, meaning it's uncommon and surprising!
You can start by reading the comment, we talk later

823d ago
Godmars290823d ago

That's all well and good, but for Square, its more about "Makin' Ze Monezies!" which they're not. At least from the like of BF and CGP. Cause of the stank.

PapaBop822d ago

The big difference here is that in Square's golden age, their games demanded attention, now, not so much. This article is based almost entirely on assumptions on unreleased games, so far this year, they've released Babylon's Fall and Stranger of Paradise. The former potentially sinking Platinum Game's independence aside, releasing either so close to Elden Ring was for Q1 financials imho and certainly a really really stupid move, They are certainly finding their groove in recent years but comparing now to back when they were trend setters is a bit much.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 822d ago
822d ago Replies(1)
annoyedgamer824d ago

Babylon's Fall, Forewoken, and Shelved Deus Ex is the "Golden Era"?

celohill824d ago

Deus Ex was not Commented... The Story says "Now we have to wait for these next releases and hope for that era to return". Are you sure you really read?

porkChop823d ago

You're telling people to read. Bro how about *you* read the headline that *you* put on your own article. The headline that you chose says that Square Enix is currently reliving its golden age. Maybe you should have picked one that isn't the opposite of what you're trying to say.

Army_of_Darkness823d ago

If Babylon's Fall and Stranger of Paradise is considered the return of square enix's golden era, then we are in trouble cause those 2 games alone are getting shitted on like a pubic toilet.... Let's just hope forspoken changes that.

chadwarden822d ago (Edited 822d ago )

"forewoken"....reall y dude?

pietro1212821d ago

Forwoken because it has a Black lead? I’m sorry Black people exist you racist dipsh@t

Knightofelemia824d ago

The golden age for SquareEnix was when they were called Squaresoft the moment Enix got added to the name the golden age died out. Squaresoft was producing great games and memorable JRPG's left right and center NES, SNES, PS1, and parts of the PS2 libraries show the golden age of Squaresoft.

celohill824d ago

That’s the point of the article, but with new projects coming, including the new Final Fantasies, I believe that Square Enix has the power to change it. If it’s gonna happen, it belongs to the future to answer.

Knightofelemia823d ago

They won't change and go back to the golden age most of that talent has left, working on other projects, or simply want to go down a different path. I want Bioware to change but that will never happen most of their talent left, EA interferes, the founding members just up and walked out, I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware is dangling by a thread before EA shuts them down. All you can do is cherish those memories of Square's golden age by remembering or playing the games that gave you those memories.

PapaBop822d ago

That's the problem with the article, it focuses on games nobody has even played. I'd love nothing more than a return to form from them but this article is stretching at best.

shinoff2183823d ago

Id like to see them return tonthe golden age as well. My playstation needs some suped up graphical turn based jrpgs. Enough of action rpg action rpg being shoved down are throats. I know you dont like it dont buy it. Ive honored that for the most part. Ff13 eh ff15 eh. I did dip into ff7 remake but i had to.

I dont know if im alone or not but id like to think most of us that played the original wanted something more like the original gameplay wise in ff7 remake then the action rpg we got. I will add im on chapter 17 at the end of that chapter i believe but i cant help but think what couldve been

shinoff2183822d ago

If your gonna negative me atleast tell me why.

henbayward822d ago

I'll take some more turn-based tactical, too. What I wouldn't do for a legit new entry in the Front Mission franchise (and an official FM 5 port).

Stanjara823d ago

The title is wrong. People want that golden age to come back. Today's Square is in low budget spitting age living off of ff14 whales.

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15 PS1 Games That Hold Up Today

Blocky graphics, pre-rendered backgrounds, and controls that could not make sense of a 3D world were all hallmarks of games on the original PlayStation console.  Here are our picks for PS1 games that actually stand the test of time.

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CrimsonWing69948d ago

One of the best, if not the best, generations for gaming. So many brilliant games came out during this: Parasite Eve, Resident Evil, Alundra, Xenogears, Final Fantasy VII, and I’ll be here all day naming them off.

Nowadays, nobody would take a risk on 75% of the IPs on that console. I’ll tell you this, there was no damn remasters on that system. Every game was something unique.

Jiub948d ago

I doubt Azure Dreams, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, or Parasite Eve would get made today because of how risky they look

CrimsonWing69948d ago

I actually have those games! Seriously, just mentioning them is making want to play them. Vagrant Story was another game that I really liked. Man, there’s just a ton. Tactics Ogre and Valkyrie Profile are some others. I really these generations could be more like this, I think after Xbox 360/PS3 era it’s been harder to find games that were as uniquely imaginative. Most, not all kind you, but most games kind of feel similar you know? Like it’s an open-world game or an FPS or some free-to-play game. Now, there are gems for sure, but it’s nowhere near like how it was during the PS1 and PS2 days.

Inverno948d ago

Considering that literally non of those games have had reboots, or sequels made these last 3 HD generations leaves little room for me personally to doubt just how sucky the industry has turned into. It is creatively starved

FinalFantasyFanatic947d ago

I would love if they got ports or remasters though, I never got to play some of those as a kid and as an adult, I'd love an easy, legal way of playing through all of those games (I'm sure I've got most of the Legacy of Kain games on PC though).

Knightofelemia948d ago (Edited 948d ago )

Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, RE2, RE3, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, Xenogears are all my favorites. Glad to see Legacy of Kain get mentioned. FF7 does get the love and its a great game I love it but I Like FF8 more and I know many people who will also drop FF9 into this list as well. MMX4 I prefer on the Saturn myself don't know what it is but I preferred MM games on the Saturn. PS1 was my second choice when the 32bit era landed on gamers after the fall of the Saturn PS1 had the library and the developers.

NecrumOddBoy948d ago

A lot of these games do not hold up as well as you’d think. MGS is pretty archaic for newer gamers to grasp. It’s not as bad as RE or Silent Hill but it still plays rough. I think out of the PSOne generation, the most preserved games are 2D like SOTN, Rayman, and my favorite Oddworld games. I agree that FF Tactics is definitely a lasting format.

LucasRuinedChildhood948d ago (Edited 948d ago )

What newer gamers have you actually talked to about this?

I let one of my friends play MGS1 on a PSTV I got for free ages ago, and he loved it so much that he begrudgingly bought a PS3 to play the rest of the series (justified it slightly through platinum hunting, haha). His first console was a PS2. I personally don't think that any of the games you listed would have the same effect on most people.

We were never able to get into the pre-RE4 Resi games though so there's some truth to that. In an era where loads of popular indie games are top down or isometric. the idea that MGS1 is hard to grasp for newer gamers genuinely doesn't make sense. It's the most straightforward game of the series in both gameplay and story. The only thing holding it back are its graphics. It's still great.

AK09947d ago

Not a new gamer but I never played MGS1 back in the day, my first MGS game was 3 on PS2 in 2006 and I loved it.
I tried to play MGS 1-3 before MGS:V release in 2015 but I couldn't, they were outdated, the camera and control are terrible by today's standers, to me at least, so yeah there are people who won't enjoy playing old games including MGS.

TheHan948d ago

Soul reaver really? Blood omen is much better even if it was a PS1 title.

Magog948d ago (Edited 948d ago )

Vagrant Story is the only one I would go back to play. In certain ways it still hasn't been matched. The dialog and visual direction are of amazing quality and the music is absolutely superb.


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