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Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition listed, release date revealed

An online retailer has listed a Game of the Year Edition, with a possible release date, for the first-person survival-horror game from Techland, Dead Island.

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Community4547d ago
MysticStrummer4547d ago

Wow I guess any game can have a GotY Edition these days. I experienced far more bug problems with this game than with Skyrim, and even without them it's not a great game. I'm a huge fan of zombie related entertainment and I felt pretty let down by Dead Island.

MariaHelFutura4547d ago

It shouldn't have a GOTY edition, but Dead Island is a good game.

WeskerChildReborned4547d ago

It was good but the problem i had was that the developers released the game knowing it had problems and online play was basically unplayable for a while which some people only bought the game to co-op with a friend.

guitarded774547d ago

I picked up the game a couple months after launch fro $30, so I missed all the bugs I guess. It may not be GOTY, but it's damn fun. Probably the most fun I've had killing zombies... and this gen I've killed a lot of f#@king zombies :D

MysticStrummer4547d ago

I didn't say it wouldn't be good if it was bug free, just not great. It's pretty repetitive and the controls didn't feel quite right, especially when driving. I just expected better, and the bugs definitely ruined the experience for me. Buggiest game I've ever played by far.

madjedi4547d ago

Dead island is a good game? I have to disagree with that statement completely, but i'll chalk it up to a difference in tastes/your a dead rising fan. Which didn't like.

@guitared Try burn zombie burn or dead nation, 2 of the better zombie games to me.

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GamingPerson4547d ago


Kalowest4547d ago

I haven't experienced any bugs.

WeskerChildReborned4547d ago

Dead Island was a GOTY? Wow that game was so glitchy and annoying with online play.

leahcim4547d ago ShowReplies(1)
MySwordIsHeavenly4547d ago

Hm... If it comes with more content, I'm on it. :) I loved this game! Sure, it had a lot of glitches...but it was very ambitious and an amazing first try at a "blockbuster title".

Maybe include a better story and I'm sold on a second game. :)

Vita3DS4547d ago

GOTY Edition? Yeah right,like a broken,unplayable mess of a game would ever win GOTY.
*Bethesda puts on a trollface*
Yep,it would never happen.

MySwordIsHeavenly4547d ago

Broken? Absolutely.
Unplayable? Millions of people disagree.

Best game of the year? Absolutely.

dark-hollow4547d ago

we have very different definitions of "broken" and "unplayable"

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Dead Island 2 devs believe a Dead Island remake would be a “mistake”

We might be in the age of remasters, but it doesn't look like the Dead Island 2 devs believe remaking the original game is the right move for the series.

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Community560d ago
Duke19560d ago

but remakes require far less effort for these companies and they can still charge $70 for them!

Feel like everyone makes fun of Skyrim re-releasing like 18 times yet applaud these remasters elsewhere. Would much prefer NEW games

CrimsonWing69559d ago

Making sequels really is the way to go. Otherwise we'll be stuck playing only the first entry, forever!!!


Dead Island's 2011 reveal is still the best game trailer of all time

Josiah Motley of KnowTechie writes: "I love video game trailers. While I don’t believe they are an integral part of a game’s success (especially these days), there’s something about a well-produced trailer that really just reminds me why I like video games."

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Community971d ago
Exvalos971d ago

Also the most misleading of all time

SDuck971d ago

How so? Because it focused on a family that you see dying? (innocent question, haven't gotten a chance to play any Dead Island game yet)

aconnellan971d ago

More the tone of it - the tone of the trailer suggested something personal and dramatic, but the game was very much reminiscent of Left 4 Dead in that you were just there to kill zombies and nothing more

Ashby_JC971d ago

You play as a singular character there is no family involved at all in the game. Still a stand out trailer that I remember clearly from years ago.

Fntastic971d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Did you not like the game?

I remember going in expecting a L4D style of game, but the excessive camera swaying honestly made me feel ill, and it's rare for a game to do that to me, still don't understand why the need for anything other than maybe a subtle slight camera movement when doing melee attacks etc. Other than that i didn't really find the game that good. In all honesty i had more enjoyment out of DNF, and i know many people crap on that game.

BioShockGX970d ago

I still remember this misleading controversy

RickRoland971d ago

It’s the music. It’s perfect. I agree with this for sure, it is well choreographed….unfortunately the game didn’t live up to the trailer.

brewin970d ago

Maybe not, but it was still a good game. I liked how they expanded things with Dying Light, but Dead Island was a great first attempt! I really liked all the Easter eggs and homages to other horror franchises sprinkled throughout. Sure it was a little cheesy and over there top, but it was a good happy medium between Far Cry and Fallout with zombies.

Stonilein971d ago ShowReplies(1)
EmperorDalek971d ago

I'm gonna heavily disagree with that.

CrimsonWing69971d ago

Have you ever seen any of the MGS 3 or MGS 4 trailers? Those blow this out of the water for me.

TricksterArrow971d ago

They require prior knowledge of the franchise, tho. You show this trailer to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, and they can understand what's going on and relate to the family dynamic almost immediately. No need to know who is Snake, or Fox Hound, or Raiden, or Metal Gear...

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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games That Need to be Backward Compatible

Kevin F. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Many of the best Xbox 360 games are playable on the Xbox One and Series X|S consoles. Some even with some enhanced visuals and performance. Unfortunately, not every game from the Xbox 360 library has received this glorious feat of being able to be played on more modern Microsoft consoles."

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Community1185d ago
Orchard1185d ago

Max Payne 3 needs to be on that list.

1185d ago
autobotdan1185d ago

The Spider-man games will never happen. The xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance games have a better chance of happening than Spider-man titles but won't happen. The Xbox One Ultimate Alliance games delisted years ago

Vits1185d ago

Yeah... you can totally forget about those entries that got delisted because of licensing issues. Those are not happening.

MetalProxy1184d ago

Wait everything isn’t BC? You guys act like it is lol

porkChop1184d ago

Almost all of the games people want to play are BC, and that's a hell of a lot better than having none available.

ApocalypseShadow1184d ago (Edited 1184d ago )

Almost all the games people want to play? Not true. Majority picks screw over the minority who have games collecting dust. Metal is right. Fans make it seem that it's all. 39/997 games from OG Xbox is NOT all. 568/2154 from 360 is NOT all. But you guys play it up like it is.

And from my count, there are 4,000+ PS4 BC games on PS5 that I see. And almost every VR game. Series X has no Kinect games or Kinect 2. But you played that up too. No more dancing.

As for the article, some of the BC games make sense. The others with Spider-Man aren't happening.

1184d ago
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