
Ridge Racer Vita Review - TGH

Ridge Racer is a long standing franchise that started out on the Playstation family of systems, so it seems only fitting that it welcomes in the arrival of Sony’s new handheld, the Playstation Vita. How does this title stack up against the rest of the franchise, and does it have what it takes to be a fitting launch title and earn your cash, or does it deserve to drift off into the abyss?

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ShadyDevil4556d ago

Yeah, its fun for a while but compared to other games...bad.

izumo_lee4556d ago

No idea what Namco Bandai was thinking when they decided the direction with this game. So much potential down the drain.

SKUD4556d ago

Unbounded too. Guess the wait continues for a decent RR game.


Where's Our Ridge Racer Launch Title?

PlayStation Beat: Since the original PlayStation, Namco has always put out a Ridge Racer title at launch. There’s no PlayStation 4 game to be seen. Don’t we need one?

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FrigidDARKNESS4120d ago

This is one racer that has been overdone time to put it out in the pature.

Software_Lover4119d ago

He missed a hooked on phonics vid. Can't skip a single one or you're screwed.

Donnieboi4119d ago

Namco saw DriveClub, and realized that ridge racer wouldn't stand a chance.

chadwarden4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Don't be shy.


lucaskeller14119d ago


andibandit4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

no no no, you're doing it all wrong, let me show you:

"It's Ridge Racer!.."
(awkward silence)
(even more awkward silence)

-Gespenst-4120d ago

Unbounded 2!! I actually bought Unbounded the other week on the cheap, haven't played it but it looks like the most fun ever. They should continue in that direction.

ssbains4119d ago

Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr

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VG Music Spotlight: Departure Lounge (Ridge Racer)

GamingUnion.net: "Rrrridge Rrracer! That's what we tend to think whenever a new Ridge Racer title is announced - all thanks to Kaz Hirai's famous line. It may not be the best way to remember, but it puts a smile on our faces. Known for its beautiful scenery, original car designs, and, of course, its music, Ridge Racer has been on the scene in our living rooms since the days of the PSOne."

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Seraphemz4282d ago

Wasnt that War Z game out in 2012? I would say that it had to make the list of worst games..

StrongMan4282d ago

Definitely Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor is the worst game of 2012. It got a 38 on metacritic and sold only a measly 60k copies. It doesn't get any worse than that.

from the beach4282d ago

Yeah, for me and the dozen other dudes who figured out how to play it, it was one of 2012's gems.

memots4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

from the beach.

I agree its definitely an interesting game and this shows how gamers are unwilling to adjust to new ways of playing, Challenges for the new generation is not something they are willing to face.
This is Lair all over again, No one was willing to learn the control and flagged it as broken but yet i finished it in one sitting learning the control and had a blast.

porkChop4282d ago

Having played the game, I can safely say that it had nothing to do with people not being able to "learn" the controls. The problem was that the controls don't work. They make it look so effortless in the bullshit trailers, but in the actual game nothing ever works right. So the two of you can consider yourselves VERY lucky.

Now when it comes to Lair, I will agree. The controls in Lair actually did work, you just had to get used to it. But Steel Battalion isn't like that, the game is just fucking broken.

When your consumer spends more time fighting with the controls, rather than playing the game itself, that's just bad design. It has nothing to do with learning anything.

from the beach4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

Yeah, well having beaten the game I can safely say the controls did work, but it takes patience to learn and composure and skill to pull off.

I think assuming it is "effortless" was your mistake, you need to take a bit of time with the set up and make your movements deliberate and consistent or Kinect doesn't know what you're doing.

Remember that this was a completely unprecedented control system - you can't expect to go straight in and kick ass, you have to feel your way in. The actual game was tough as balls too so I've no doubt that's part of why people gave up.

I didn't play Lair so I can't comment, but I can imagine it being the same sort of thing.

Also, I have to pull you up on "very lucky" - obviously there's no such thing when it comes to a game, it either WORKS or DOES NOT WORK. The fact is that I could play it.

4282d ago