
Pre-owned increases cost of games, cannibalizes industry, says Dyack

Used games are a constant irritant for many in this industry - they're at best tolerated and at worst despised with a passion. Frontier Development's David Braben recently lashed out against the used games business, saying that it's effectively killed off single-player titles, and now Silicon Knights boss Denis Dyack has weighed in with his thoughts as well.

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morganfell4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

He is another dev that doesn't understand that great games + replayability = best protection against used games. As usual, it's someone else's fault.

Hey Denis, crappy games create used games.

Bathyj4463d ago

Good Point.

I keep all my games and I buy them new. I might play them again in years to come.

I wish I had kept all my SNES and PSOne games.

BattleAxe4463d ago

Can somebody please tell me how Silicon knights is still in business?

NYC_Gamer4463d ago

Now he's gonna blame the used market for the failure of his latest projects

Bathyj4463d ago

I dont know why people buy pre owned anyway. At EB games they're only like 5 cheaper than a new one.

In some cases, if the game is older and has gone platinum for example, the used copy is more expensive than the new copy since the prices of new games drop all the time, yet they dont seem to keep used stock up to date.

Brawler4463d ago

depends on how new the title is I usually buy off kijiji.ca or ebay.ca usually save $20-$30 buying used.

kevnb4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

but its gamestop/eb games thats the big problem. They are the number 1 place for games and they stock 75%-80% used. They also push used sales on people, since they are ripping us off big time.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4463d ago

I'd have to disagree about eb pushing used sales on people, often they try to sell me a new copy because it's only $5 more. When I went to buy FF13-2 for example they told me that I might as well get it new since it was still dirt cheap.

vortis4463d ago

I used to get five used games for $25 in a bundle package at some places.

You have to shop around.

Enigma_20994463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

And what the hell makes you think that's the ONLY place to buy preowned? You're not looking hard enough. I wouldn't even buy a NEW game from EB games. F*** 'em.

Game developers need to realize that people buy games used if there's a significant price difference, or the only copies of a game you want are used. If a $5 difference is enough to get you to buy from EB Games/Gamestop, then you need an IQ check. Plenty of people buy new... as long as the game is worth it. But if you can score a used copy a bit cheaper, then why not? Because apparently someone didn't think it was worth the money they paid for it.


Then I strongly suggest you look into it before making another misinformed comment like that again. Don't accuse me of being obnoxious just because I hurt your feelings by telling the truth.

... and I came over to the dark side because of the cookies.

Bathyj4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Relax guy, hate leads to the dark side.

I dont buy used so thats why I haven't looked hard into it.

No need to be obnoxious about it.

I dont need to look into it. I buy my games new.
And I was simply commenting on the topic from my point of view. Sorry for not fact checking an opinion and exhausting all avenues of 2nd hand goods. My apologies if my misinformation deterred anyone from buying used.

And misinformed or not, you were still being pretty obnoxious, but I'm sure that was just a rare lapse in character and I wont hold it against you.

Enjoy your cookies.

SnukaTheMan4463d ago

better then gamestops 5 dollars off newer games....

thebudgetgamer4463d ago

Because I can have thirty bucks in my pocket + a little fore-thought I can walk home with three maybe four games(more if there is a buy two get one free sale)that I never got a chance to play.

There's no way I'm passing up Halo O.D.S.T. and Forza 3 for twenty bucks.

With that, If I'm only saving five bucks I will just buy new.

Kaos_Vll4463d ago

that's a load of bull. stop with the $5 dollar difference already. Most used games are WAY cheaper than a measley 5 bucks.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4463d ago
johnnyvegas4463d ago

lol, dyack is such a turd monkey trying to stay relevant in this world.

Baka-akaB4463d ago

So after the govt it's used games ? I'm not fan of the used market and its profitereers (i'd find it more healthy and worthwhile among users themselves , but we they've created store credit addicts) , but i dont think i wanna hear from Dyack about it

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Why ‘Eternal Darkness’ Was the Last Great Exclusive Nintendo Horror Title

Nintendo hasn’t been the biggest advocate for horror in recent years, but many years ago, with the help of Silicon Knights, it produced its most iconic horror game in Eternal Darkness

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Automatic792049d ago

Eternal Darkness is a classic.

tigertron2049d ago

They should do a sequel for the Switch.

Venoxn4g2049d ago

what about Fatal Frame 2 remake and Fatal Frame 4? they are amazing


‘Too Human’, 10 Years Later: Re-Examining the Xbox 360’s most Tragic Flop

10 years on from 'Too Human', Dom Peppiatt of Fandom looks into the game's fascinating development history and the events that lead to one of gaming's biggest downfalls.

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RavenWolfx2109d ago

Another "bad" game that I enjoyed.

Casepb2109d ago

I liked it for what it was as well, but the game was definitely bad. We were promised so much of a better game.

Sam Fisher2109d ago

They should bring it back, the lore was there. Everything else can get swapped

UltraNova2109d ago

They should definitely make a sequel, it has the lore and the atmosphere now it needs proper execution.

darthv722109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

The story was good but game has its flaws. Overall though I enjoyed it.

Christopher2109d ago

This. Alpha Protocol is another bad game I enjoyed.

2ndhandcorn2109d ago

Put in a lot of hours in on Too Human loved it , sure it had issues like the death animation but more flops like that MS.

No Way2109d ago

I don't personally think the death animation was bad, nor an issue.. It's really not much different than a loading screen and having to start over. It's better than looking at the same loading screen and "hint" you've seen 732 other times.

TyrellCorp2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

I always really dug the sci-fi meets Norse mythology premise. There was also a solid loot and class system.

KwietStorm_BLM2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

The voice work and combat in this game was entertaining as hell..entertaining in the worst way possible, but entertaining. I can't believe how long this game was in development.

PrinceVegeta2109d ago

I was so excited about the game when they announced it. I watched all the trailers, dev diaries multiple times in excitement and anticipation. And the game was utter garbage. I have never been more disappointed with a game in my life.

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Nintendo renews Eternal Darkness Trademark again

Nintendo has submitted a request to renew the trademark of Eternal Darkness game released on GameCube and was developed by Silicon Knights.

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FallenAngel19842729d ago

Are they going to release this on Virtual Console

2728d ago
JamesBroski2728d ago

If the rumors are true and Switch supports Gamecube games, then they better be.

xMANB3ARP1G2728d ago

lol fuck you too Nintendo this screams troll.this probably means nothing but copyright retaining but hopefully I'm wrong, let's just hope they don't hire Dennis dyack for a sequel.

iplay1up22728d ago

Good, they have done this before, but I have a feeling Switch is getting a remaster! Or sequel, I said 3 months ago I thought it would be a release game for Switch!

Of coarse it may not even be remastered, I think this is Nintendo's chance to use one of their many under used IPs!! Let's wait and see!

KingAlistair2728d ago

The only think they have that is actually any good.

BizarroUltraman2728d ago (Edited 2728d ago )

One thing I may not like is Nintendos gimmicky approach on the console side of things, but I never question their games. They have some classic franchises.

KingAlistair2728d ago

Dont play on peasant boxes,only pc.Thank you emulators for this at 5k/60 fps.

BizarroUltraman2728d ago

Good Lord!!! I'm gonna look like a hypocrite if Nintendo makes this happen. Thats one of my favorite games of all time and I will buy a Switch just to play it..

DaReapa2728d ago


I share your sentiment.

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