
Silicon Knights May Be Developing Eternal Darkness 2

Dennis Dyack (CEO of Silicon Knights) let it slip that Silicon Knights is working on a sequel to their “most request IP ever”. This leaves a few possibilities, but one title comes to the minds of gamers more than any other, Eternal Darkness.

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Virtual_Reality4564d ago

One of the greatest horror games I've played for GC (besides of RE series). Hopefully this game will meet the expectations.

jmobley4564d ago

totally agree i've been waiting YEARS! fr Eternal Darkness 2 or a remake or something.

camel_toad4564d ago

And I have to agree on your agree. The "insanity" stuff really made me think I was losing my mind. Greeeat game.

OC_MurphysLaw4564d ago

well given the struggles they have had ED2 would certainly make the most sense. Would pretty much be a sure fire hit... I say pretty much because SK has been struggling of late to make great games. I mean that X-men game was a platform for success on paper as many were pumped for it until late in dev the previews rolled in.

But hey ..if its not ED2 then we will certainly see Too Human 2. I actually liked TH so I wouldn't mind seeing a 2nd game in that franchise either.

jmobley4564d ago

yeah for all of it's faults and the broken Co-Op i enjoyed too human. But I would rather see ED2

InklingGirl4564d ago

Well this made my day, Eternal Darkness is my favorite game on GameCube.

Raider694564d ago (Edited 4564d ago )

My bet goes for TH2!Im a big fan of ED and i still have this game,but what people must know is that for all the bad rewiews TH had there here actually a large and i mean large group of gamers that enjoy the game and been asking for a sequel.Another factor that points rather to TH2 is due to the game script has been already made along TH3 script,in fact Dennis Dyack already stated that TH has an IP was a three game script that was completed along time ago.

Spenok4564d ago

Oh man i hope so. Eternal Darkness was one of the better games on the Gamecube imo. This would be a treat indeed. Now i wonder what systems it would be for >.>

pacpunk4564d ago

Probably multiplatform since silicon knights is free from microsoft

Spenok4562d ago

True, but it was an exclusive to the Gamecube... you never know if nintendo own the publishing rights. You know what? Im going to find out who owns it right now, stand by for that answer.....

.....6 minutes later......

It looks like Nintendo owns all the rights for the game. Silicon Knights were just the developer. So if this does happen it would probably be a Wii U exclusive game.

Hmm, it seems like i may just have another reason to pick up the Wii U eventually.

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cthulhucultist251d ago

Eternal Darkness was way ahead of its time especially for a Nintendo exclusive.

I would love to see a remake or sequel (multiplatform)

Ristul251d ago

When I see Eternal Darkness, I klick!

TheBrainZ251d ago

Not to sound too repetitive but Eternal Darkness all the way!

GaboonViper251d ago

Eternal Darkness is one of my most favourite games of all time.

kevco33250d ago

4 people love Eternal Darkness.

Quick! Jump on that remake, whoever holds the rights these days.


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Eternal Darkness Remaster: Dennis Dyack Thinks It Would "Resonate" With Fans, Not Opposed to It

An Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem remaster would certainly "resonate with fans," according to director Denis Dyack.

GotGame818523d ago

I have been asking for a remake for Nintendo's next console launch. The sanity system was a very nice touch.

NecrumOddBoy523d ago

This game wouldn’t work with a simple remaster. I think the sanity system needs a full reboot or remake. I think using the console technology, haptic controls, and mimicking other apps would be real cool.

GotGame818522d ago (Edited 522d ago )

I agree. I didn't say remaster, because of that. It needs a remake! The article says remaster, and that just wouldn't work. 🙂✌

excaliburps522d ago

Same. I think it needs an actual remake not a remaster for it to have the full impact.

Anomander522d ago

Agreed, I'm just imagining what they can do from an audio standpoint with earphone's and directorial audio.

XiNatsuDragnel522d ago

Eternal Darkness 3 in the future plz

GotGame818522d ago

Eternal Darkness 3? They would have to make 2 first.

mynameisthumper522d ago

i’m guessing @XiNatsuDragnel is joking, the og game has a trailer for a sequel within it once you reach a certain point to confuse tf out of you lmao

XiNatsuDragnel522d ago

Oh we need 2 first lol you right.

TheEnigma313522d ago

One of the best horror games ever. Nintendo should have capitalized on this. It's still not too late.

DaReapa522d ago

Even not being an owner of a current Nintendo console, I for one would love to see this. Preferably a remake, though.