
Gouki.com podcast #20 on-disk DLC has us upset (16 Mar 2012)

Goukijones, BatRastered, Choke, and FnJimmy talk about Street Fighter X Tekken DLC, patches, and the difference between on-disk and off. Mass Effect 3 is an awesome shooter, but the RPG elements get ripped to shreds. FnJimmy looks forward to Ninja Gaiden 3


Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

Based on one narratively fitting ending in Mass Effect 3, Prothean squadmate Javik is highly unlikely to return in the next Mass Effect game.

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anast103d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

Darkegg153d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


The Best Video Games That Feature Canada

This Canada Day, explore our homeland with the best video games that have adapted or reimagined the Great White North in digital form.

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295d ago