
Gaming Precision - We Want Jade Empire 2

Following the success and anticipation generated from their recent games, most notably Mass Effect 3, we’d love to see some of their Xbox “classics” resurface with a facelift. In simple terms, we want Jade Empire 2. If any company can breathe new life into an aged title, it would be Bioware.

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NYC_Gamer4470d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

No,Bioware would just dumb it down and take away rpg elements / charge extra for story plots.

Nac4470d ago

God I LOVE Jade Empire!!

R1CAN6174470d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

Jade Empire was one hell of a RPG it'd be nice to see a a Jade Empire 2.

ironcreed4470d ago

I would love it as well, but with today's BioWare there would no doubt be day 1 DLC characters that are already locked on the disk and it would probably have the ending cut off into some vague as hell cliffhanger, only to be sold to us later as more DLC.

turgore4469d ago

Hey, better than nothing.

gypsygib4469d ago (Edited 4469d ago )

And they would just copy some very simplified but popular hack n' slash gameplay formula instead of crafting their own.

gypsygib4469d ago

I'd much prefer KOTOR 3 but Jade was also excellent. I think Bioware was more talented back then for some reason. Things just seem off after since ME1 released - the stories don't draw me into the world nearly as much.

It's probably just coincidence but after EA acquired them, their story telling has been lacking.

Captain Qwark 94469d ago

i disagree. the mass effect universe is amazing and so was dao.

i do however agree on kotor 3 though, i dont know why they abandoned that after just 1 title ( not including the mmo ). but id also love to see another jade empire. i just love bioware personally, ive loved everything they have done except the turd da2


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BioWare, Where Is Jade Empire 2?

GB: "It does seem that with BioWare being in the spot that they are, where their last two major releases haven’t exactly lived up to expectations, perhaps a big shift in direction is just what the doctor ordered to inject themselves with a new surge of energy and start to turn the page just in time for the new decade. It’s tough to say at this point, but with the Jade Empire trademark being suspended as of April of last year, I wouldn’t suggest anybody start holding their breath for anything major for this game just yet."

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winter_hill1557d ago

It's dead, just like BioWare. Dead.

FallenAngel19841556d ago

You should be asking where their talent went first

Spoilers most of them left the company already

thatguyhayat1556d ago

They've addressed this before, Microsoft owns the IP and its upto them but its better to leave it then make a sequel. The OGs have a new studio and are working on a Sci-Fi game for next gen

AK911556d ago

What new studio are you referring to? I'm out of the loop about this.

Knightofelemia1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

They're to busy trying to keep Anthem alive and I doubt EA will fire up an old ip. And on top of that if they did make the game it will probably be as bad as ME Andromeda since most of the talent is gone now leave it to EA to wreck a good company.

starchild1556d ago

ME Andromeda was disappointing, but it was still a pretty good game, IMO. I would rather get another Jade Empire, even if it's only that good, rather than not get another one at all.

TheColbertinator1556d ago

The first question is Where is Bioware?

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