
Virginmedia - Journey Review

Virginmedia: Journey is mesmeric on your own but it's a revelation with a partner. That early reticence to engage will dissolve as you realise that these vast expanses are much easier to traverse with two. Arduous ascents become spectacular flights, each leap seeing the pair of you carried upwards in a magical dance created by your own interactions.

Alone, you feel lost, fragile; together, you're empowered. You may have experienced similar in the silent but unbreakable bond of friendship found in Ico. But never quite like this, never with another player.

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t0mmyb0y4486d ago

It's definitely easier with a partner. The sad part is when you've been traveling with someone who plays like you leaves. You feel so lonely lol

Ilovetheps54486d ago

I can't wait to buy this game. I've been waiting for it for such a long time.

Daver4486d ago

its awesome! easily one of the best experiences if not the best i have in a while about video games.

r214486d ago

man, i wanted to buy this game but apparently isnt out to public PSN users...for now, ps+ people.

Sevir4486d ago

Luckily for me, I own the Game via ps+, amazing! I immediately went back to play the game after completing. What's cool is that you find out who you meet in Journey, after you complete it! The last part of the Game absolutely breath taking!

r214486d ago

you lucky gamer you! cant wait for the public release.


Interview: Revisiting the Journey With Austin Wintory

The composer behind Journey, Austin Wintory, recently had a chance to revisit the classic game, just in time for its tenth anniversary.

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Aloymetal792d ago

My fav indie game ever, played this on ps4 and ps5. Too bad it does not have a plat trophy.


10 years later, there’s still nothing like Journey’s multiplayer

Jenova Chen told us about the development of the game.

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Gardens: Former Journey, Skyrim & Spider-Man Devs Announce New Studio

Today, veteran game developers with experience on games like Journey, Skyrim, Spider-Man, Edith Finch, Ratchet & Clank and more, have come together to announce a brand new game studio, Gardens.

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GhostofHorizon871d ago

Concept artist has a very distinct style and if they can translate that into the game well this studio will be making some visually stunning games.