
Fun Facts About Golden Axe

When you spend enough time with a person - be it a sibling, a friend, or a spouse - you come to appreciate their quirks and foibles. Sometimes you'll find those quirks to be unbearably annoying, other times downright hilarious. The flipside, of course, is that you learn how to press their buttons and chuckle uncontrollably as they respond in precisely the way you expected. After 20 years, that pretty much sums up my relationship with Golden Axe on Mega Drive/Genesis. I quite literally know how to press its buttons and have a good old chortle when the expected hilarity ensues. Allow me to let you in on the joke.

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Why dear lord why don't they bring this franchise back and actually do a good job with it :(

Sidewinder-4533d ago (Edited 4533d ago )


Great article here. The way people learnt all the right tricks and glitches without interent and so on.

Those two hammer dudes from the DEB building though, haha. I always called them the Debbies.

Golden Axe is always good for a friendly get-together with a few beers. (cus then you move onto Streets of Rage when the aggression starts to build :P)

_Aarix_4533d ago

I played this when I was 4 and now I cant get past half of what I used to. This was a great game, I loved playing this with my dad and brother.


Comedy Central New Animated Series Based on Golden Axe

Get the scoop on Comedy Central's exciting new cartoon show inspired by the iconic Golden Axe video game

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Knightofelemia99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

Golden Axe is a great game I enjoyed it on the SMS, Genesis and in the arcade. Great game but it truly was a quarter eater back in the day. I wish Sega could get the rights to the arcade port of Moonwalker another great arcade game I enjoyed. Collect so many monkeys and become Robo Michael lol.

HeliosHex566d ago

Agreed. Don't forget to include the classic red/white one piece for the amazon.

Fonsecap566d ago

We definitely need a good golden axe Game, dotemu should definitely do it, and Capcom should remake final fight

RetroCaptainSteve565d ago

As long as it's not like Streetwise, I agree.

Fonsecap565d ago

There was nothing "wise" about that game 😅

RaiderNation800d ago (Edited 800d ago )

Gunstar Heroes was made by Treasure. I'm not sure if that IP actually belongs to Sega. If it does, the ONLY modern day developer that I think would do that game justice is Housemarque. Maybe Sega could collaborate with Sony to let them make a modern day Gunstar Heroes. I definitely think Shinobi and Afterburner need modern day remakes though.

I feel like there are stronger Sega IP's than some of the ones that were listed such as...

Vector Man
Comix Zone
Virtual On
Ranger X
Jet Set Radio
Eternal Champions

sourOG800d ago

A new eternal champions would be sick

TimelessDbz800d ago

Phantasy star Online 1 and Phantasy star universe.

Mopes799d ago

Sadly I think that is unlikely because of Phantasy Star Online 2

FlavorLav01800d ago

Totally agreed. That’s a good start. Here’s a few more I think would covert well.

Virtua Fighter
Fighting Vipers
Sonic Adventure
Altered Beast
Shenmue (properly supported)

sourOG800d ago

Condemned criminal origins!

Snookies12800d ago

Amazing series, wish more people had known about it back in the day!

sourOG800d ago

Probably still my favorite horror game of all time. I’ve been into that kind of shit my whole life so I don’t scare easy but condemned got me. When you’re looking down a hallway and see people peaking out. The heart was kicking lmao.

I need to play it again. I played a year or 2 ago and it still held up. Graphics are obviously dated but just the premise. Like pulling pipes off of the wall and shit. You don’t see that anymore. I’d take the same game with a new can of paint, it still feels good. Multiplat remaster do it. I don’t think criminal origins ever came to PlayStation.

ZelTroidVania800d ago

As hard as it was, the Shinobi remake that came out on PS2 was decent. But yes, a new remake would be great. Always loved that series.

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