
IGN: Borderlands 2: Meet the Siren

IGN: Borderlands is many things, but it's mostly about one thing: pointing your gun at an enemy and firing bullets at it until it dies. You do it again until there's nobody left onscreen, then move to another area and repeat. It encourages a Diablo-like mentality, tossing you into lightning-fast gameplay loops of anticipation, action and reward. As you earn better loot from enemies and chests, level up, equip specialized grenades, shield mods and tweak your skills, the shooting spectacle gets faster and flashier. You kill more efficiently, from long-range with sniper rifles, with sprays of acid-coated SMG bullets and with thundering blasts from fire shotguns. With Borderlands 2, developer Gearbox wants to add even more ways to play.

Nozzle4504d ago

"There's also the storyline of the new Siren. While it may not be as exciting as the many ways to kill things, Gearbox has pointed out that more substantial story development is a focus for Borderlands 2. "What we wanted to do with the Sirens this time around was to have a kind of a different flavor," said Cooke. "There's some Siren lore that says that there's only a certain number of Sirens around at any given time in our universe and we wanted them to all kind of have unique back stories. [Maya] knows a bit about where her power comes from. We kind of patterned her a little bit after Indiana Jones to some extent. You know, she's the adventurer, roving the universe trying to find the secrets of where she came from and what the Sirens are all about."

Why didn't they have something like this for the old characters, if you read the game manual about the characters they each had a reason for being on Pandora, Lilth for example was to find a Siren she had heard was on the planet (Commandant Steele maybe) but they never had a unique mission for you to do this.

I hate how all the things which you would of liked to experience with the vault hunters are being applied to the new ones. I'm not sure I like the sound of Phaselocking aswell, least with Phasewalking you could move through as many enemies in the time you had and damaged them at the same time....even when you came out it resuslted in a small explosion finishing off the enemies

Relientk774504d ago

The siren was my fav character from Borderlands. Definitely playing Borderlands 2 with the new siren


5 Amazing Side Quests In Games That You Need To Experience

While gamers usually take notice of the mainline missions, these 5 side quests deserve more widespread attention for how entertaining they are.

jwillj2k4526d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

506d ago
TheColbertinator526d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia526d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim526d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno526d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned526d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle


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GF365: "Sometimes a funny and less stressful game is a welcome change. Here are the best comedic video games that will surely improve your mood."

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adaminoregon564d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.