
Achievement Addiction: The Cause, The Cure, The Consequence

The screen pierces one’s eyes after hours of playing… that same level… that same song… same area… same characters, with their same old sayings. We sit and we try, we try that one last time to hear the glorious chime, see the most satisfying pop-up; we crave that achievement. Gamers sit for hours on end trying to earn Xbox 360’s achievements. This becomes an addiction, but what do they want?

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TheSuperior 4508d ago

I am an achievement addict... i play childrens games just to see the points. Asshamed maybe, proud kinda lol

GodKing13374508d ago

LFMAO I died! but then was brought back to life due to my awesomeness >:)

TheGrimBunny4508d ago

I was an Achievement Whore once, until I lost my wife, my kids, my credit, my job, my house, and wound up with no moral compass started smoking crack, selling my body for money... it all went so bad, so quick.

Lolz, but in all seriousness it is about time someone wrote about this!

TheSuperior 4508d ago

LOL thats how it is for us achievement whores... one day you have it all the next your in the gutter x)

GodKing13374508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )

once again: LFMAO I died! but then was brought back to life due to my awesomeness >:)

abombletap4508d ago

I never cared for achievement or trophies at all and will never be a achievement/trophy whore unless convinced otherwise. I do not see a point in it at all, or what is the real purpose of it?. I just like to enjoy the story and online play of the games so I get achievements or trophies as I go along. If there was real reward system of any kind to use up your achievement/trophy towards in-game items or among other things than i will become a achievement/trophy whore.


<----- this guy is an achievement whore!

evilkillerk4508d ago

This is very true! i know from past experiences that once i got it in mind that i wanted to do a certain achievement that i did almost anything to get. Whether i cheated or just plain used people to get them, i would do whatever it took. Getting reset was the only cure for me. As soon as i saw all of it go down the drain whether it was legit or not i realized that the games we play should not be for the achievements but rather for the experiences we having playing them that help us to learn from them in some way, shape or form. So for those who all have this addiction learn to control it or you'll end up missing out on life's opportunities. Remember you only live once!


OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at Insignia.live! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

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XiNatsuDragnel468d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh466d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel466d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted466d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here: https://insignia.live/

slayereddy466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.


Why Console Wars are Nothing But Marketing Gimmicks

Where are you on the battleground of console wars? Should we care? Do you care?

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Knushwood Butt1910d ago

So, writing about console wars is a clickbait gimmick?

Razzer1910d ago (Edited 1910d ago )

"No doubt, if Microsoft or Sony or Nintendo wants to pay me to advocate for their products day in and day out, I promise to never touch a competitor’s product ever again. But most of us are normal people, and most of us should ignore people who have an agenda that is either self-serving, in the interests of some soulless corporation, or both."


Ignore corporate shills!

(Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo.....please make me your corporate shill)

Atom6661908d ago

My theory on gaming "fans" on the internet:

30% are shills.
30% are children.
30% have a legitimate mental health diagnosis.
10% are normal adults with personal likes and dislikes.

The 4th group are nice to find. The third group are easily ignored. The second group are excused. That first group are my reminder that none of these corporations are In this business for some misguided altruistic cause.

ApocalypseShadow1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Straight up: I used to buy all consoles. Even Xbox. Still have the first one. I have nothing against gamers or their game preferences of genres. Just blind support and spending that hurts the console industry I play in that effects me or will effect me. Like paying for online when I knew it was coming for everyone and stated that years ago on N4G during PS3 days. Those multiple comments are back there somewhere.

The war is about supported strategies of a company that may not have your best interests and I'll always rally against it. If that's fanboyism or continuing a console war, I'll keep doing it.

I don't support EA and all their machinations. I've boycotted their games for over a decade. I want competition like NFL 2K. I'm not going to buy Madden just because. And I believe 2k was better at putting things in the game over EA's lies of "its in the game." Why support a company like EA when you know they have ulterior motives?

Microsoft. Why would I support a company that has near a trillion dollars but doesn't make games like Sony does? Why support their ideas of services and fleecing gamers wallets with new schemes? DRM2013 was their attempt to control our gaming habits like Stadia will do which is no trading, lending or owning games. Why support their lies and misleading statements that we all know they're guilty of? Crackdown being their last recent example.

It's not about war. It's about where you want gaming to go. And what companies are doing their best to support gamers and gaming's future while making money. Sony has time and time again, showed they care about games and growing the industry. Not controlling it. With companies trying to destroy traditional gaming with mobile style micro transactions, season passes, loot boxes, etc, and now GaaS and lack of ownership, the war continues. I'm not sorry for who I support when I can clearly see Sony being better at offering options like VR while still making money. And still being friendly. If you're against that, I'm against you. If Sony ever changes, I'll be against them.

yellowgerbil1908d ago

Tell that to the fallen... 3DO, Phillip's, Casio, Atari, Sega. Next up Google and amazon

Orionsangel1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

Console wars began because as a kid your parents could only afford to buy you one system. You had a chose to make between two systems. For example NES or SMS. I picked SMS as a kid. Now my main concern was that my system got the best exclusive games and became the most successful. Because if it didn't it would become discontinued and I wouldn't have anymore games to buy for my system. So in school I would defend the SMS and my other friends would defend NES. It became a war of who had the better system. In other words console wars are all about protecting your one investment.

ApocalypseShadow1908d ago

Not exactly for me. When I was younger, we played all the systems and went to each other's houses to play them.

I got a Sega Master System after an NES because Zillion reminded me of Macross/Robotech and Phantasy Star looked cool and different than Nintendo RPGs. And I continued to support Sega because of the nonsense 3rd party policies and strong arming Nintendo tried with NES. I still had an NES and a SNES. But Nintendo lost points for the way they acted and I had no problem of them losing their grip on the industry with Sony releasing PS1.

I didn't get into the which was better. Because games were subjective. I got into which developers and companies did better for gamers and which companies were just into cash grabs. And to avoid them. Basically inform others on being better shoppers because there were games like from LJN that were garbage. The industry didn't need more garbage or a sequel of the video game crash that was filled with garbage. Seen my share on Atari .

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Minecraft on Nintendo Switch gets Xbox Live Achievements and Gamerscore

One of the most popular versions of the title is available on Nintendo Switch and it just got even better. The Bedrock version of Minecraft just released for Nintendo Switch, both digitally on the Nintendo eShop and as a physical release.

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Aceman182193d ago

And here's why Sony not doing it yet lol.

rainslacker2193d ago

People are disagreeing with you, but you have a point. Why would Sony want people to get any kind of investment through a competing ecosystem.

I don't think it's their biggest reason for not doing cross play, but obviously, they probably wouldn't be too keen on such a thing.

gamer78042193d ago

Other games devs that want crossplay wouldn't have achievements. Th. Answer has already been revealed as a monetary decision

Eonjay2193d ago

Yes its always about mon edy, for both. Nothing else.

Sharky2312193d ago

I think at first everybody was in agreement and then MS dropped a money figure. Sony probably felt that it was unreasonable because they have the bigger install base. Nintendo needed this to happen so they jumped right in. That’s just my opinion I could be wrong!

rainslacker2193d ago


True, but at the same time, allowing cross play opens up these kinds of doors. If the two companies talked about it as some point, then they both had their own needs for it to go forward. I doubt either of them just outright denied the other to be a dick about it. But I can easily see that the things one company asked for not being acceptable to the other, and as it stands, we don't know what was asked for, by who, or who couldn't agree with such demands. For all we know, Sony had some demand that MS couldn't accept.

But Eonjay is right. Money will have a lot to do with it....although I doubt any exchange of money would need to take place. But on the back end, Sony, or even MS, may have felt the potential loss to their own brand didn't outweigh the benefits to their consumer.


I couldn't say with Nintendo. I have this feeling they don't really know where they want to go with their online. I don't see cross play with Switch really benefiting or hurting their system, because I don't really think Nintendo's main focus is online gaming to such a high degree to begin with. Nintendo is just starting up their online service, and I feel it's going to go through some growing pains. I hope that what they're doing works out for them, and if anything, maybe between them and MS, they'll show that cross play isn't going to be an issue no matter how it plays out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2193d ago
2193d ago Replies(2)
porkChop2193d ago

This is the only game that does this. And that's because it's published by Microsoft and uses Xbox Live as its online platform. None of the other cross play games do this.

2193d ago
Vrabstin2193d ago

The overwhelming disagrees to people providing remarks that are more than just opinion but are actually true is just sad. I'm sorry I mean pathetic. It would not be a good idea for Sony to do this same thing.

SuperSonic912193d ago

Blunder Twins power activate!
Phil and Reggie!

2193d ago
G3ng4r2193d ago

Nintendo doesn't mind the online help I'm sure. Also sure ps4 base would keep their trophy system.

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badz1492193d ago

Wow...nice job MS. Invading the Switch now, are we?

Prince_TFK2193d ago

It’s call cooperation? Not that Sony knows anything about it though.

King_Lothric2193d ago

It is called the weakest systems trying to survive. Not that Sony knows anything about it.

Prince_TFK2193d ago

Are you saying that the Switch and the X1 are dying?

Eonjay2193d ago

Sony is under no obligation to host the competitors ecosystem on it's own paid service. At all. They don't owe you anything. You are not entitled to PSN.

mcstorm2193d ago

King_Lothric do you remember a console called the PlayStation Vita? Oooo I guess that's not counted because it sold poor and had no support at all from Sony?

Come on Sony have messed up a few times some times it hurts them others it dose not. VR was the next big thing and we are still waiting with less and less games adapting vr.
Move ps eye also devices that have slid back into the shadows. All 3 have made mistakes this gen and all 3 are trying to put them right.
Cross play though is one Sony need to out right. Why should everyone not be able to play each other no matter the console if you own the same game for me this is kind of where Sony have a 1up and one down on Microsoft as if they open it up to work with everyone else they have the exclusives locked up at the moment so more reason for people to cross play on a PS4 over the other two but psn is still not as good as live and online play is better on the xbox. That makes it an interesting battle as for the switch well Nintendo have a lot of catching up to do online side but Nintendo gamers do like Nintendo games and if games like fortnight, Minecraft and more are cross play on it the better for Nintendo.

For me ide just love to be able to play my ps or switch friends from my Xbox or when our and about from my switch and pickup from where I left off to. Times have moved on it should not be a closed system anymore for gaming no matter th IP or console.

Dragonscale2193d ago

@kun, its called common sense fgs. The last thing sony needs is any form of 'cooperation' with ms and xbox.

Prince_TFK2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )


Yeah and Sony can keep being all high and mighty as much as they want. Pretty soon they will be the odd man out and the only one who can’t play nice with others.

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2193d ago
aconnellan2193d ago

“Invading the switch now, are we?”

Yeah, I’m sure this was a shady move that Nintendo had no hand in, or knowledge of, before it actually happened. It’s really a clever ruse so MS can have more people getting achievements. Curse them! Next thing you know, Switch players will be forced to by an Xbox in order to verify Minecraft on their Switch! Diabolical!


letsa_go2193d ago

I guarantee Microsoft will add these numbers into their xbox live engagement statistics! 100 million creepers exploded through xbox live on switch and xbox one!

badz1492193d ago

Stay tune for NPD reports next month

Cheesetoenails2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

invading..hahahahahahaha enjoy your CLOSED ecosystem then. Cooperation is now a bad thing?

its so amazing that when they "accidentally" allowed cross play on another game there was no outrage from Sony fans.

rainslacker2192d ago (Edited 2192d ago )

Hate to break it to you, but XBL is a closed ecosystem. MS wants nothing more than to make their ecosystem as closed as possible. This achievement thing just brings them more users, which is what they want. It works out for the gamer, but it's not like they're doing it because they're amazingly altruistic.

Personally, I'd rather that Nintendo just make their own achievement system. That's something they are way behind on, and there is no reason not to have it. I'd imagine more people would care about that than they'd care about playing minecraft with Xbox players. But to date, we haven't seen a lot of Switch players caring about achievements either....so take that for what it's worth.

thexmanone2193d ago

They own Minecraft, why not

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2192d ago
Ninte2193d ago

Wow! First the minecraft play together video, then twitter and now this. What's next?

Kabaneri2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

Drake plays crossplay Minecraft with Ninja on Switch.

King_Lothric2193d ago

I don't want any intrusive Xbox stuff on my Playstation ecosystem. I understand that when you are surviving in the market you need to do things you may not like to survive. Sony is not on this position so it doesn't need to help the competition to survive.

porkChop2193d ago

Achievements and gamerscore are no more intrusive than trophies and levels on PS. It's the same system, just with different branding. Not liking the idea of having Xbox stuff is fine, I do personally think it's a little weird, but I wouldn't say it's intrusive.

Kingthrash3602193d ago

It exposes your userbase to the competition. It shows what the true plan is

Dragonscale2193d ago

No thanks pork. Don't want anything xbox related on my PlayStation account fgs.

aconnellan2193d ago


*achievement pops on PlayStation version of Minecraft, notifies Microsoft headquarters*

“Mr Spencer, we did it! We finally got achievements to come up on PS games!”

“Great work! Now remind me again... what does this actually get us?”

“... I’ll have to double check our ‘clever ruse’ manual and get back to you, because I really don’t know”

Tell me. What is their ‘true plan’?

porkChop2193d ago


Did you read all of my comment? I agree it's weird, I don't want it either. I just don't think it's "intrusive". It works the same way as PS trophies do.

rainslacker2192d ago


What does it get MS? It gets them direct access to Nintendo's user base. They now have a email address of a Nintendo user. MS can, and likely will, send out marketing directly to those people, circumventing every compliance standard in place in how 3rd party publishers are allowed to contact said systems user base. I'm almost positive this is why Sony wouldn't allow it on PSN, despite not disallowing 3rd party accounts.

On top of that, it gets them yet another MAU. Something that's very important to MS, because that's what they're using to report to investors on their future potential, and current standings. That means that the bigger the numbers go, the more their stocks are worth. Hence, more money to work with.

Beyond that, it gets people invested in their ecosystem in some way. That's good for MS, not so good for Nintendo if people decide to move over to Xbox for some reason.

This whole thing seems like it's much more beneficial for MS than it is Nintendo. I'm not really sure what Nintendo is getting out of it, and seems like a lot to risk just to have one game with cross play to have some good PR and a way to promote their own online service.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2192d ago
DwightSchrute012193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

The competition are surviving just fine. Every sony fan acts like they got 80 million users over night. It's taken years for them to get to that number and if switch came out decades ago at the same time it would have the same user base or more by now. Sony fanboys like to selectively forget this fact though

XabiDaChosenOne2193d ago

It took Sony a little more than four years to get to this point not "decades" and the WiiU released an entire year before the PS4 and it isat 1/8th of the sales what's your excuse for that?

DwightSchrute012193d ago

@XsbiDaChosenOne Wii U an d the switch are 2 different consoles. Any idiot can see that. Was the Wii U marketed as well as the switch Is? Could you play the Wii U on the go? Did the Wii U have as much 3rd party support as the switch. No.

Another selective with information sony fanboy.

DialgaMarine2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

Wii U had better third party support than Switch. Wii U had CoD, AC, ME, Aliens, Darksiders, Far Cry, and Madden. Had these games not sold so poorly, Wii U would’ve at least continued to see installments of those. Switch only really gets third party support through Bethesda, Japanese titles, and a couple sports franchise. It’s basically missing everything else.

PS4 is doing better than you think. 3DS launches 2 1/2 years before PS4, and PS4 still outsold 3DS before hitting its 4 year anniversary.

microgenius2193d ago (Edited 2193d ago )

A console without exclusive tied with a mini console without 3rd party and still beaten by THE KING
Losers are trying their best to gain a little momentum
just make games instead of this ridiculous gimmicky features

Cheesetoenails2193d ago

which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

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