
Alan Wake's American Nightmare - XG 24/7 Review

@XG247: We've spent the past few nights stuck in a nightmare written by Alan Wake, he's a writer don't you know.

When we did finally manage to wake up we had to gather our thoughts and work out if the dream made any sense or if we'd wet the bed. Turns out we did both.

Alas, our review.

NYC_Gamer4491d ago

Remedy hasn't released a huge hit since Max Payne 1&2.

Thrungus4491d ago

I enjoyed Alan Wake, but American Nightmare just isn't up to scratch. It's incredibly lazy in it's story and multiplayer.

skyrim4491d ago

#1 the game has no multiplayer so it would be hard to make it lazy #2 have you played it i find it hard to believe you have considering it doesn't come out till wednesday #3 if you haven't played it then having your whole opinion shaped by a review is sad. Im no fanboy i just have to say something when i see an ignorant comment.

LightSamus4491d ago (Edited 4491d ago )

@Rob: Are you even aware that the guy above you is the one who reviewed it? XD

skyrim4491d ago

@lightsamaus Lol no i was not aware my bad but there is no multiplayer so i still don't understand the comment.

Thrungus4491d ago

my bad in calling it 'multiplayer', I meant arcade mode. Woops!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4491d ago
Nozzle4491d ago

This is what happens when you add over the top action to a game which dosen't suit it.

They should of just stuck to AW2 and if it is going to release this gen, they could of gotten it out by the end of this year.

I even would of prefered them continuing doing DLC for AW, I don't understand why they stopped if they were going to make American Nightmare which is basicaly equal to one very big DLC for a game

skyrim4491d ago

again have you played the game or are you just basing your whole opinion off things you are reading?

IM_KINECTED4491d ago

Overall the game is getting good to great reviews. People are trying to review it like a full sequel to Alan Wake and it's not.

This is an arcade title to try to get some support up so they can possibly do a full on Alan Wake 2 game in the future.

They have a size limit on XBL and so of course a lot of the cutscenes and therefore story elements were left out. I'm really looking forward to playing anything to do with new Alan Wake.

3/5 is still good.

skyrim4491d ago

Could not agree more i don't mind if you don't like alan wake but saying 7s and 8s are low is ridiculous.

Why o why4491d ago


Maybe titles like this will make ms consider lifting the cap.

DiRtY4491d ago

I loved the first AW, the "media" did not. I am ready for more Alan Wake!


Alan Wake 2 is Where the Franchise Needs to go

Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, by far one of my favourite surprises of the Game Awards was the surprise announcement of Alan Wake 2. Alan Wake developed by Remedy Entertainment, and released in May 2010 on the Xbox 360, Alan Wake 2 will finally be brought back. While we were treated just this year to the surprise Alan Wake Remastered earlier in October 2021, or Alan Wake’s American Nightmare in February 2012, fans never got a true sequel. What will the future of the Alan Wake franchise look like?

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mastershredder889d ago

Perfect! a sequel that will remind me of the smell of mildew and damp coffee grounds with a side of deadly premonition.

NecrumOddBoy889d ago

Where else would the franchise go? Seems like a sure thing. American Nightmare should be in the remake though.

Zahiar889d ago

You know I was thinking alternatives right?
For all it could have been, you know how the sequel market is sometimes, weird spin - offs, spiritual successors, reimagining, a VR walking simulator (bleh) and all that.
I like the idea of an evolved sequel way more

Zahiar889d ago

I guess Alan Wake got a redesign lol.
Because I thought it was Jared Leto lol

pietro1212888d ago

It’s the same actor from the first game

pietro1212888d ago

My most hyped project of this gen.


Alan Wake’s American Nightmare and Observer are free at Epic Games Store

Epic Games Store is giving away two free games this week. Alan Wake’s American Nightmare and Observer are free until October 24. Once you claim them, you get to keep them.

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xTonyMontana1693d ago

Observer is an amazing game, well worth a punt for free.


Surviving Mars now free on Epic Store, Observer & Alan Wake American Nightmare to be free next week

Epic Games has announced that Surviving Mars is currently free on its store. As such, PC gamers can acquire their free copy today, and until October 17th, by visiting its Epic Games Store page.

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