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PS Vita to have the biggest launch line-up in consoles history

PS Vita’s [west] launch is just a few days away and here comes some quite surprising news.

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Community4599d ago
Knight_Cid4599d ago

biggest doesnt mean best

the psp and the gba had the far superior launch

PirateThom4599d ago

Army Men Advance
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
ChuChu Rocket!
Earthworm Jim
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
Fire Pro Wrestling
GT Advance Championship Racing
Iridion 3D
Konami Krazy Racers
Namco Museum
Pinobee: Wings of Adventure
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Rayman Advance
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
Super Dodge Ball Advance
Super Mario Advance
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Ape Escape: On the Loose
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower
Dynasty Warriors
Gretzky NHL
Metal Gear Acid
Need for Speed Underground: Rivals
NFL Street 2: Unleashed
Ridge Racer
Spider-Man 2
Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix
Twisted Metal: Head-On
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
Wipeout Pure
World Tour Soccer: Challenge Edition

Vita US launch:
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
F1 2011
Rayman Origins
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Wipeout 2048
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Little Deviants
Lumines Electronic Symphony
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Army Corps of Hell
Asphalt: Injection
Super Stardust Delta
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Dynasty Warriors Next
Escape Plan
FIFA Soccer
Michael Jackson: The Experience HD
Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja
Touch My Katamari
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
StarDrone Extreme
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Hustle Kings

I'd say the Vita pips it, volume alone gives it more worthwhile games.

NukaCola4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

The Vita has had only two games so far with overall poor reviews: Little Deviants and Mod Nation RACERS, both of which are justified. MNR really let us down having no online when Wipeout supports upto 8 players cross play with PSN/PS3. LD is decent but irrelavent with something like Welcome Park already available (according to reviews)

Of course games like MJ Experience and Ben 10 havent been reviewed, but they are there for the fans.

So far it's launching with some of the best and within the next couple of months comes some really awesome looking games like LBP and Resistance Burning Skies. I for one and very happy to be a Vita gamer.

MasterCornholio4599d ago

Thanks for the list. I agree with you that the Vita has the best launch lineup out of the three. But as everyone knows this is all down to personal opinion.


Moncole4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

A reviewer said Escape Plan is a good game but feels like an IOS game and it should be cheaper

PopRocks3594599d ago

So how many people will blast me for saying that there are not many games on the Vita's lineup that I care for or don't already own a version of on my PS3?

BattleAxe4599d ago


Lots of people.....including me :D

PopRocks3594599d ago

Well, it's great to know that every opinion will be maturely appreciated for their sincerity.


morganfell4598d ago (Edited 4598d ago )

I have been having a blast. This is has been better than I hoped. Shinobido 2 has been a lot of fun and Uncharted's new twist on treasures was really well handled. But it's the melee combat I am digging.

I am really looking forward to Ninja Gaiden Sigma next week as well along with a Unit 13 Demo. The Vita is the Izuna Drop of handhelds.

Dir_en_grey4598d ago

With all those games thank god for Target doing a buy 2 get 1 free on all Vita games starting 2/22

badz1494598d ago

where's Unit 13? it's a launch title too, right?

MaxXAttaxX4598d ago

You're in almost every PS Vita related article being a hater.

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dedicatedtogamers4599d ago

Thanks for the list, PirateThom.

I didn't buy a GBA at launch so I can't say from experience as to how the launch lineup was.

However, I and several friends bought the PSP at launch and let me tell you, that lineup SUCKED. It wasn't until at least 12 months went buy until the PSP started to get worthwhile games.

Knight_Cid4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

not even close. The gba has the best libary in history at launch

fire pro wrestling
f zero
Konami Krazy Racers
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

beats any launch lineup in terms of awesome original titles. A lineup which actually moved systems, as did the psp

On day one the vita did worse than both systems and thats directly related to the games.

Hell darkstalkers, metal gear, tony hawk, twisted metal, ape escape is better than anything the vita has

the best thing the vita has is uncharted. And its already being called the worst in the series

FriedGoat4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

Post history says Nintendo fanboy alert.
And mentioning Uncharted for the PSVita is stupid,
If you read any of the reviews they are comparing it to the console versions OF COURSE IT WILL BE INFERIOR. The main difference between Vita and 3DS reviews is the 3DS gets a free pass. if 3D land was compared to Galaxy it would be the "worst" in a long time too...
I'm guessing because the Vita is a superior console and its crossing the boundary between console and handheld they are comparing it as if it were a "home Console" which is wrong.

PirateThom4599d ago

The GBA's launch is horrible, man.... even if you don't think Vita's is the best, then GBA's certainly can't be because it's that much worse...

hellztourguide4204599d ago

Ya...Some Nintendo fanboys are a little narrow minded. I'm a self proclaimed Nintendo fan boy...but im still buying a Vita. The fact is i like video games and technology...if i only ever played games from one company, i would be missing out a some quality games. It would be like only watching action would miss out on the great comedies and dramas of the world. Lets all be a little more open minded please.

TheFirstClassic4599d ago

Not a single game for psp that you said was better than anything the Vita had has a metacritic score over 80, with twisted metal coming the closest at 79, but the Vita has Uncharted, Super Stardust, BlazBlue, Lumines, and rayman origins all have an 80 meta and above.

Knight_Cid4599d ago

Wow I am talking to real fanboys, trolls, and just morons here.

I own every single system thats ever existed. Every single one. My allegiance is to the truth

@ do realize most of those vita games had less reviews right? which would boost up scores? Not to mention the fact that not all sites review that same games or even the same reviewers.

So posting meta critics is worthless, as it is worthless

MysticStrummer4598d ago

Mario, Castlevania, F-Zero, and Tony Hawk are original titles? O.o

Snookies124598d ago

Dude... Uncharted on the Vita is not being called the worst of the series... I don't know what reviews you're looking at, but look again. It's said that it can stand on its own, and is just as good as the console counterparts.

Also, the GBA games you mentioned are not that great. I mean, sure I love F-Zero, but not on GBA. Mario is a given, it's NINTENDO, they always have a Mario on EVERYTHING they release. Vita has Hot Shots, Uncharted, Blazblue, and Rayman, which is all I need. Not to mention games coming out soon... Mortal Kombat (The best version of the game), Disgaea 3 (Best version of the game as well), Gravity Rush... GRAVITY RUSH... (Looks to be possibly the most original and fun game coming to the Vita).

So yeah... Just stating some truth here, these games are good, if not excellent. Not to mention the system itself is superb.

Elemental_4598d ago


lowest average review

I will not respond to the rest of your statements ebcause they are equally wrong

GezForce4598d ago (Edited 4598d ago )

@Knight_Cid .... lol dude give it a rest you got those goggles on way too tight. Vita has definitely got one of the best lineups ever...and many titles are getting great reviews across the board. embrace it.. dont hate it.

undisputed4598d ago

You make Nintendo fans looks bad. Seriously.

Elemental_4598d ago

@undisputed and gez

and you make sony fanboys look bad. What you have is worse that goggles, its a glitch in how th ebrain is suppose to work

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smashcrashbash4599d ago

Confusing opinion with fact again huh?

Dwalls11714599d ago

One major factor to remember is vita nog only does gamss , twitter youtube facebook apps , full web browsing this time , social interaction with friends with NEAR , and to top it all off i can sign in to my psn Account talk to all my friends and play all my downloaded games

Umm anyone still have anything to say ?

badz1494598d ago

there :-P

I don't really care about it even now but seems like lots of people do!

Squatch834599d ago

Yep. By the look of the GBA list from Pirate Tom, id say the GBA has a more appealing lineup.

GraveLord4599d ago

I was going to reply with a well thought out comment but then I realized it was YOU.

TrendyGamers4598d ago

Keep in mind this is for the European launch. The North American launch titles of every system in the last 12 years are compared here:

MysticStrummer4598d ago

Looking at Thom's list, if all three handhelds were released today I see 1 game on the GBA list I would buy, 1 game on the PSP list I would buy, and 7 on the Vita list I would buy. Vita Best Launch Lineup Ever (for me) Confirmed.

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klecser4599d ago

Who cares which one is best? We should all be hoping that Vita knocks it out of the park so that handhelds can continue to stay relevant, as they should. A strong 3DS last six months and a strong Vita launch would be good for both Sony AND Nintendo. Infighting gets us nowhere.

Venoxn4g4599d ago

yea, most smart comment here :) Love my 3DS, one day will buy Vita too.. there's no need to attack Ninty and Sony each other.. better both and that people would buy a lot of software for both too.. (and handhelds, handhelds) ..

CarlitoBrigante4599d ago

Indeed, the enemy are Apple and smartphones now

smash-brother-104598d ago

Always nice to see some well thought out comments from time to time :)
I really want a Vita now, but unfortunately I may have to wait a few months (may/June) ....longest few months ever? Better believe it :(

JBSleek4599d ago

Dedicated Handheld games are just way too expensive and only a handful of games are truly worth the price that they are.

I love the games I just refuse to waste 30-50 bucks on games that are not console/PC based.

Shame I really want to purchase a 3DS/Vita

PirateThom4599d ago

That's an odd statement to make for two reasons.

One of the Vita's main features is that it's bringing console quality games to handhelds.

How does being on a console or PC definite the value of a game?

There's some very short, very poor quality games on PC/consoles and some very big games on handhelds.

JBSleek4599d ago

The time and expectation has changed though.

I think launch line-up at least there aren't many console quality games outside of Uncharted.

Most of these games have look a likes on iOS and Android. Are they as good, i doubt it but they are considerably cheaper.

The Vita has promising titles coming out for it such as CoD, Bioshock, Ruin, future EA sports titles. But I would like cheaper quicker fun games that don't break the wallet.

Uncharted for Vita cost $50 for a short single player only. Now does it look amazing sure and does the gameplay kill sure but that is just too steep for someone who has already banked $300-$400 on the Vita.

I think consumers want bang for their buck. Sony needs to open the platform some more and have 5-10 games for the Vita because I think Vita would benefit for it.

I want Vita to succeed because it is good tech but it is about 7-8 years removed from PSP days and things have vastly changed and so should the approach to games.

I'll be picking up Vita when they revise it or get a 4G one though but for now I think the launch line-up is stellar just the prices need more variation.

TENTONGUN4598d ago (Edited 4598d ago )


yeah im passing on uncharted and going strait for stardust cause its cheaper. 50 is too much, depending on content, 40 is reasonable considering quality, 10-$20 quality games are perfect cause of the launch lineup. i never owned a psp so im diggin some older software i missed out on. the vita can be for anyone in one way or another. im buyin a wifi cause its not 4g yet. so i feel ya on that. but there will be a revised 4g version down the road im sure

plmkoh4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

You have obviously formed that opinion because of many reasons, but honestly I fail to see how it can be justified without a rhetorical remark of "times have changed", which if you ask me answers nothing.

Back in 1995, I paid $50 for Metroid 2 on GB, which is equivalent of todays $75. To finish that game despite being "free-roam" you only needed 5hrs tops for an average player, especially for a not so experienced Kid like me at the time.

Now take this as a comparison, Uncharted is 49.99 TODAY and offers 8-10hrs of gameplay. Where is it that we aren't getting enough value to see it being worth it?

If you ask me, we have some crazy ideas going around about what "value" means and people are asking for the impossible.

Game4life4599d ago

people always end up asking for too much and if they get what they want then they end up wanting more. It's human nature unfortunately

Titanz4599d ago (Edited 4599d ago )

It'll all come down to how well Sony's device sells (PSV). Hopefully, the N4G crowd supports the PSV as well as they do the PS3.

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PS Vita Fans Want Soul Sacrifice to Return on PS5, PS4 Next

There was a period when the PS Vita was new where Sony was desperate to secure a Monster Hunter-style hit on the system. You may recall that Capcom’s series had been extremely kind to the PSP, effectively securing it a second wind in its native Japan. But it’s widely rumoured that Nintendo swooped in and bought Nintendo 3DS exclusivity for future entries, leaving its rival scrambling for a replacement.

The company published several high-profile projects in the genre, including Freedom Wars, which will be remastered early next year. But that’s left some fans pondering whether Soul Sacrifice could also make a comeback, the first of its Monster Hunter-inspired projects.

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ravens522d ago

PLEASE! I sold my vita copy smdh and I want to get back to killin them big ass creepy Cheshire Cats lol

Goodguy012d ago

Weren't great games but they were fun. Deserves a sequel.


Freedom Wars Remastered announced for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC

Publisher Bandai Namco and developer Dimps have announced Freedom Wars Remastered, a remastered version of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s 2014-released PS Vita action RPG including previously released downloadable content. It will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam on January 9, 2025 in Japan and January 10 worldwide.

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Community4d ago
Rangerman12084d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Crossing my fingers for Marvelous AQL to one day buy Soul Sacrifice from Sony as well.

Goodguy014d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Well well this game came back. Great game. Has it's flaws but it was a fun playthrough. Still hoping to this day it gets a sequel. Definitely picking it up.

monkey6024d ago

I really enjoyed this game for a while but it ran out of steam half way through. It was a great concept though

MrGameAndWatch4d ago

Oh my... I enjoyed this game so much on my vita.. Nice story, incredible gameplay, so fun. Totally unexpected, made my day!

neomahi3d ago

So then, why don't you play it the way it was originally meant to be played? There's this big push to bring back the Vita, this ain't bringing back the Vita, this is the opposite of that

MrGameAndWatch3d ago

Maybe because.. servers are offline and im done playing only with a basic AI?

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Minecraft's Upcoming Minecart Changes Should Only Be the Beginning

Minecraft's latest snapshot cycle is bringing some big changes to the game's minecarts, but there's much more that needs to be done.

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ZacultronTheFirst16d ago

Will Jason Mamoa skin become available? :-/