
Final Fantasy Origins Review | Trendy Gamers

Trendy Gamers: Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II have some serious issues. I recognize and appreciate the significant contribution they’ve made to the development of video games, especially in the role-playing genre, but they haven’t aged particularly well. The series has steadily improved itself with each iteration, so much so that returning to its roots feels simultaneously disappointing and tiresome. Amazing as they were for that time period, these games aren’t perfect, and their flaws have only become more apparent with age. Repetition of simple mechanics is a huge part of both titles, and playing them in the face of all the improvements made by their sequels is, quite frankly, an arduous task. I’ve seen many modern reviewers make assertions along the lines of “this is the way RPGs were meant to be,” or “Final Fantasy is still better than any RPG released in the last XX years,” and the comments feel rather disingenuous, fueled by the rose-tinted sunglasses of nostalgia. This does not necessarily make the Final Fantasy Origins bundle a bad game, and nor do I think it is one.

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knifefight4526d ago

I kinda like the PSP versions a little better but these are cheaper, at least.

Squatch834526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

Final Fantasy Origins aint on PSP as a package is it?

Edit: Because thats what it says above...

TrendyGamers4526d ago

It is, its on the PSN for $9.99.

Stealth2k4526d ago

The psp physical versions are the best as they have the most content

thekiddfran4526d ago

Will we be able to play this on the vita?

TrendyGamers4526d ago

Not right away, the PSV doesn't have the ability to play PS1 games at launch but it will in an update down the road.


A WonderSwan guide for people without a WonderSwan

You can get a better sense of what the WonderSwan had to offer without even getting your hands on a system, and you can do it in English!

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Several mainline and spin-off Final Fantasy games discounted

The latest deals on Final Fantasy games include Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn ($12.99 on PS3 and $24.26 on PS4) as well as several classic PS1 and PS2 games being sold in the range of $9.99 to $14.99.

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Classic Square Enix PSOne JRPGs go on sale

The disc copies of Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy Anthology and Final Fantasy Origins are currently on sale for $9.99 apiece.

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Magicite3563d ago

I want chrono cross sequel or at least remaster so badly...!

Qrphe3563d ago

>my first console was the 360

These people can vote too now, I'm old

Revengeance3563d ago

Just another Xbox drone who bought the wrong console last gen. Nothing to see here.

dboyman3563d ago

There are PS1 games that are better playing games than some "next gen" titles...

BillytheBarbarian3563d ago

2-D 32bit era games are still good but those early days of 3-D are just crusty crap. Saturn, 3do, jaguar, CDi, and Ps1. N64 is when things started to shape up and Dreamcast saved the world from Sony jaggies. I'll take the SNES or Genesis over PS1 all day.

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gigoran3563d ago

oh DISC copies? Worth it for that price. I thought "why pay that much when I already got them for $5 a piece on PSN?" Collectors and their discs. Inseparable lol

PiNkFaIrYbOi3563d ago

A physical copy is always better for those of us who like to collect or to replay games later on.

Sy_Wolf3563d ago

There are no Square Enix games on the PSOne. Square and Enix were two separate companies at that time.

ShadowWolf7123563d ago

But they merged and the titles are now property of Squeenix.

So... yay, I suppose.

Sy_Wolf3563d ago

Yes, but it says "classic Square Enix JRPGs." So we're both right. Isn't it nice when things work out like that? :)

EverydayGuy3563d ago

Square Enix owns the ip because of the merge.

Sy_Wolf3563d ago

Obviously, but they aren't Square Enix games. It's a technicality but still matters.

DeadManMMX3563d ago (Edited 3563d ago )

That merger was the worst thing that ever happened to the quality of their games. I miss square soft by itself and Enix can stick with star ocean, dragon warrior and Valkyrie chronicles.

hkgamer3563d ago

you should put all your blame and hatred onto sony pictures, squaresoft and hironobu sakaguchi.

they messed up your precious squaresoft.

Spotie3563d ago

Gotta work that Sony blame in there somehow.