
Pro-Trolling in Battlefield 3. Video & Xbox Live messages. HATE

Some may say it's trolling, but GoukiJones relocates constantly staying 1 step of his Nemesis. Of course there was some hate mail soon after the match from the Jimmy. The video has been time stamped with highlights for your viewing pleasure.

CarlitoBrigante4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

Lol they're both noobs

btw what a fkin disgusting laugh is that?

ljh2174619d ago

This must be a slow news day.

Omega Archetype4619d ago (Edited 4619d ago )

I just don't understand how camping like that is helping his team at all (well, obviously besides the kills.)

That's what makes me feel like the recon class is not as helpful or important as the other three. It's fun to snipe, don't get me wrong, but I just don't see the value in the class as far as assistance to a team.

What do I know though, I suck at this game, however it's still freaking awesome!

maniacmayhem4620d ago

I love getting hate messages after beating someone in SF4 or UMvC3.
Nothing that person can say can make light of the fact they got beat.

whitezagetsu714620d ago

the guy in the video is a huge douche bagg

WetN00dle694620d ago

Yeah anyone using silent weapons can call himself a hard @$$. When we all know that the truth is the opposite. And whats more the fool was using a suppressed semi-auto and killing from close range....... so i wonder which of the two was more of a nuab. The one who was running around with a bolt-action rifle or the one hiding with his semi-auto silenced rifle? I say the latter is and im sure many can agree with that.

BatRastered4620d ago

The one getting killed repeatedly is the bigger naub for sure.

TheGameFoxJTV4620d ago

Having better equipment must make you a noob now. You know, picking something that allows you to kill well in a war game, must mean you're a noob. Child logic right there.

WetN00dle694620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

Him........better equipment??? LMFAO!!!!!
I think your child like analysis is failing you!

goukijones4620d ago

Sounds like you don't know how the game works at all. Silenced weapons keep you hidden on the mini-map. Plus the object of the entire game is to NOT die. I appreciate your use of the word nuab. Respect. Thanks for the comment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4620d ago
Persistantthug4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

I couldn't stand to watch the video past 4 minutes because you played the game like a Call Of Duty player in a CONQUEST Mode game.

KaBaW4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

Couldn't agree more. I can't stand playing with the likes of him on my team..
From what I seen, he was absolutely no help, whatsoever, to his team..

ritedere4620d ago

You win the game by NOT getting dead more than the other team. That is how the tickets work. 12-0 Bonus! It's not Call of Duty. Watch the whole video next time before you talk out of your bum.

Persistantthug4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

I don't care if you kill me 2 dozen times, if I capture all the objectives and keep them, you will lose EVERY time son.

12-0 means nothing if your team loses because you didn't help capture the objective points.

Apparently, I'm not the one "speaking out of their rear"......

I'd suggest you learn how to play CONQUEST mode, sir. Like I said...this isn't Call Of Duty.

Gazondaily4619d ago

Yeah precisely. How is the object of the game not to die? You need to leave your COD mentality behind for this game.

Brosy4619d ago

They were playing Rush not Conquest. And yes the guy who shot the video lost. His team didn't get past the first set of terminals. He wasn't helping his team much. Cool about the Nemisis but he still lost.

Persistantthug4619d ago (Edited 4619d ago )

Conquest has 3 to 5 static objective points on consoles.
Rush only has 2 per cycle.

This guys game had 5....that's CONQUEST.

Totally disgusting to watch.

But I think you were probably watching the wrong vid, Brosy.

Cosmit4619d ago

Really? Don't people here mostly say CoD is nothing but a Gun and Run shooter with no tactics involved? Then how is his style a CoD style? Face it, this IS the BF community. This is what happens in 90% of the matches you play if your not in a squad. Stop trying to defend the crappy players this game has. Countless games I went in doing almost all the work in a match by myself carrying the team.

And stop with the "BF is a way harder game that actually requires skills"
No, no its not. Its an easy game to the core.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4619d ago
Cosmit4619d ago

The guys who posted this video is a disgusting player. If this is how you play in every other game, i wouldn't ever want to be in the same team as you. Waste of space.

solidworm4620d ago Show
BX814620d ago

Congrats on proving you're a d bag then posting a video of you being a d bag.

soundslike4620d ago Show
BX814620d ago

I actually don't mind the guys tactics even though using the MAV like that is lame but I find his voice more annoying than anything. I also agree with what you said. If you're beat you're beat, find a better tactic than running up to die. Try sniping instead or bringing down the building on him. That's why I like BF3, there are so many tactics to use. I also think using the MAV to get onto places you shouldn't be is lame as hell.

frostypants4620d ago (Edited 4620d ago )

It's not just annoying...DICE considers it an exploit (which they are patching), and if you see people doing it on Live you should file complaints against them.

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masterfox678d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia678d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad678d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

678d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin678d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad804d ago

There's fun to be had here.
