
Realism and Its Effect on Games

A piece about how Realism affects games and the whole industry.

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D3mons0ul4533d ago

Realism and how it's ruining everything and attracting more boring people who think they are superior to you because they do not have an imagination.

Yeah, fantastic. I love being told to grow up and get my head out of the clouds because I like fantasy games and JRPGs. Kind of counter productive to the purpose of video games too if you think about it.

vickers5004533d ago

Agreed. Most creativity and innovation comes from the things that are unrealistic. With everyone trying to make their games as realistic as possible, it's no wonder the industry is currently lacking in innovation and fresh experiences.

NYC_Gamer4533d ago

i enjoy realism in certain type of games.and really have no issue with people who enjoy jrpgs even though they aren't for my taste.

D3mons0ul4533d ago (Edited 4533d ago )

I'm just saying the modern push for realism in gaming has only done more harm than good. Not making any all encompassing blanket statements about all people who play them, just the ones who will judge you for being different and liking different things.

These people do exist.


Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

Nightdive would "love to remaster" Deus Ex, among a few other games. How can we make this happen.

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The Games Industry Needs A Stronger Games Media

The move away from written coverage of games is a problem for journalists and for the games industry.

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lodossrage27d ago

What we need is a more honest games media. I'm sorry but if you're an outlet in bed with a publisher or getting goodies to attend preview/ review events then you can't be trusted to be objective. Very similar to the need for getting money out of politics.

ApocalypseShadow27d ago

Basically this. We've seen how the game media turned for the worse after the acceptance of advertising dollars during the 360 era from one particular company. How many websites were willing to sell out for Mountain Dew and Doritos. Accepting $800 Halo Swag bags and expensive Windows laptops to do blogging.

Video sites like game trailers that was willing to lie about PS3 graphics and sometimes, still had the wrong controller image at the bottom on the video. And, turned off comments it deleted them to keep the truth from being told.

That same company twisted certain gamers to a new level of fanboyism. This website was full of them when I arrived. Lying through their noses again and again. Then, that very company started lying or withholding information that showed the truth. That their competitors were selling more worldwide and had better graphics overall. But the damage to the media and a certain group of gamers was done. And, continues to this day. Even after hearing the truth that that company they serve is very destructive to the industry, developers and gamers.

lodossrage26d ago

Yeah, and one of that company's former executives OPENLY admitted that. And before anyone says I'm lying:


Also, yeah plenty of people that are here now don't remember when this place was a haven for xbox. You have people like "The Mart at Xbox Kings" push all sorts of propoganda on a daily. But people seem to want to forget stuff like that...

Skuletor26d ago

The whole Gamespot/Kane & Lynch thing is one of the best examples and that was 16 years ago.

lodossrage26d ago

Yeah, but with people and their short memories, I'm sure a good portion here forgot all about that

anast27d ago

Most game journalists are pariahs and low level marketing drones. They got too greedy and cannibalized their respect and trust. Something they learned not to do in their journalism schools. This is why we might as well watch gameplay critics on You Tube. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but for every genuine article there is a thousand game journalist trying to gloss over monetization schemes so they can sell the game to gamers in order to get free games to do their jobs. It gets old. Even this piece doesn't address the problem.

UltimateOwnage26d ago

We need better media in all aspects of society, period. Everything from the gaming press, to MSM is all fueled by clickbait headlines, half truths and buzzword topics that don't give much meat or meaning for the reader to benefit from.

lodossrage26d ago


I can't even add anything to that .


PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX106d ago (Edited 106d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro106d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv72106d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_106d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga106d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt23105d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball2000106d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin106d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole106d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix106d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel1989106d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor106d ago (Edited 106d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

106d ago
Michiel1989106d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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