
Capcom – Resident Evil: Revelations could have been RE6

Katawa said he was inspired to make a core Resident Evil game for the 3DS both by the technology and the changes to the franchise’s direction.

“The first thing I thought was I wanted to make a full-on Resident Evil game rather than just port the series into a handheld system and set that as my goal,” he said.

Optical_Matrix4568d ago

Either way its nice that we're getting two main entries in the Resident Evil Series in one year. I'm addicted to this Revelations demo

Titanz4568d ago

It seems like the majority of people who tried the demo, also enjoyed it.

fluffydelusions4567d ago

Revelations looks very good but is there REAL zombies in the game?

Stephen55434567d ago

Has it ever been "real" zombies? I thought it has always been a virus.

PamPoovey4568d ago

They should of done that...all they would of needed to do is just change a few things round.

Change the characters to Leon and Jill/Claire/Rebbeca and just have those two on the boat. No pointless characters like Parker...or Jessica just Leon and his partner.

I wonder if we'll ever get a RE game where it's just Chris and Jill together. Even in the first RE, Jill had Barry and Chris had Rebbeca.

D3mons0ul4567d ago (Edited 4567d ago )

I wonder if we'll ever get another RE where Chris looks normal again.

Remember when Chris was actually cool? I do

ThirstyforFanta4567d ago

He looks way better now just saying.

D3mons0ul4567d ago (Edited 4567d ago )

No, he really doesn't but you're entitled to your opinion.

This was back when he was young too, so he should look aged in a different way, the Chris we have now looks like a completely different person than what was the original.

I honestly prefer the more colorful designs of RE 1-CV. The whole art style has been changed since REmake. Not saying it has been all bad, because many of the characters ARE improved. Chris however, is not one of them.

The Chris in 1-CV would not look like he does now had they kept the same designs. He'd look a lot better now, and less like a stereotypical action flick hero. An outdated one too because roids haven't been cool since the 80s.

scofios4567d ago

The last picture made me lol.
Even on his free time he wears hes S.T.A.R. clothes.

Tdmd4567d ago


I agree. People complain about he's new design, but I really don't think it looks wrost. Now he looks like a commando. Before, he looked like a anime teenager. I'm not really saying one look is better than the other, just saying (imo) it fits the character better. Altough I got to admit they really went crazy on the steroids.

If you meant the pic that D3monS0uls posted, it wasn't Chris on his free time, it was Chris after surviving the events in Code Veronica in the last minute and just about to bomb away an Umbrella facility. ;]

scofios4567d ago (Edited 4567d ago )


Yes the pics from D3monSOuls.
The last picture the one where he is fishing on the lake .

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4567d ago
TruthbeTold4568d ago

I've been playing the demo, and I must say, the game graphically looks VERY good.

4567d ago
firelogic4567d ago

Yeah just like Konami said MGS Peace Walker could have been MGS5.

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Capcom's Latest Shareholder Q&A Is a Terrifying Indictment of Capitalism

Capcom has released its latest shareholder Q&A, and while there are some smart questions in there, you'll find some not-so-smart ones too.

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TheColbertinator2d ago

Capcom is our hero and champion in the gaming industry somehow. Everyone else is straight up Dr Doom

Darkegg1d 15h ago

Somehow? You mean the people who put their money into the company and wonder how their money is being used? The hero borrows from others bc they are not using their own capital hence why they are public company. It’s a responsibility to communicate the idea, and having an open mind to bridge various opinion. Branding questions as smart and not smart is a terrible way to focus an article on. Rather, explain the concerns and the response to them intelligently and compassionately.

VersusDMC1d 14h ago

And most of the questions are what journalists and fans ask as well.

Why not release it this holiday season? Everyone complained it's 2025.
Why is MH Wilds not on Switch? There is currently an article posted here that Capcom abandoned the switch.
Where are the Megaman games? We all want more X games.

Truly terrifying questions...

OldDuffer1d 14h ago

This story is literally nothing, ? I should have expected as much from this 'source'.
Nothing terrifying and nothing that's an indictment of capitalism.
If you somehow believe a publicly traded company should only have shareholders who know the ins and outs of the business, then you may get a chuckle out of some of the questions asked. In general they are exactly the types of questions you would expect from someone with a stake, who does not understand the business well. Asking questions is surely the way these people learn more about the investments they have made? I wish I hadn't of bothered clicking! :)


Capcom Has No Plans To Discontinue Availability Of Games Via Physical Media

Capcom has announced that it has no plans to discontinue the availability of its games via physical media.

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shinoff21833d ago

Interesting. Then where the fk are the new moster hunter games , physically in north America. Hell I'd even import but the 2nd game is a digital code. What's up capcom?

VersusDMC3d ago

Obviously they don't mean 100% of their games are going to be physical.

And considering 90% of their sales were digital last year you're lucky they are still releasing physical at all.


Vits2d ago

90% is ridiculously high. I honestly wouldn't blame them if they decided to go fully digital. I still mostly buy physical copies for the PS5, but for Capcom games, I usually opt for the PC version, so my library is completely digital, so I can sort of understand why is so high. But still.

Cacabunga3d ago

I will support them going forward! No physical no buy

CobraKai3d ago

They got my continued support for sure

DarXyde2d ago

I generally agree regarding all games.

But I do make a carve-out for indies that don't have the budget for physical releases

shinoff21832d ago


Whats crazy is indies do a better job releasing physically then games from the bigger publishers.

QuantumMechanic3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Great news! I'd also like to see their PS VR2 experiences released on physical media.

ravens523d ago

👏🏽👏 27997;👏🏽㈇ 9;🏽. I will continue to purchase their games!

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Capcom Should Give Resident Evil Revelations The Comeback It Deserves

Resident Evil Remake titles were a massive success for Capcom. Despite the success, the company should revisit the Revelations games for a breath of fresh air.

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CrimsonWing6915d ago

They were ok, but I prefer the main-line entries than the Berger episodic spin-offs.

Now, if they want to do an episodic RE game give us a legit Outbreak File 3 or just remaster the last 2.

KyRo14d ago

Ive not heard one person ask for Revelation remakes. They were never really that great but good enough for a spin off. I wouldn't mind a remake but it would have to be a complete overhaul. Outbreak on the other hand people have been asking to be remade forever at this point. Maybe one day 🙏

CrimsonWing6914d ago

Dude I loved Outbreak and I think it’s the perfect MP game for the RE series. It’s co-op where everyone can either help each other through a chapter or everyone breaks off to solve the puzzles and meet up to finish faster and take on a boss.

None of this REsistance or whatever the last MP game was. I don’t understand why it’s a game that hasn’t been remastered or just straight ported to current-gen.

VersusDMC15d ago

They were meh. Their current output with remakes and new games is pretty good. 5 good RE games since RE7 in 2017.

No need to dillure the brand with more RE. Especially with more Revelations which is just watered down mainline RE.

Something like outbreak would be better. Kinda wish they did a scaled-down version of outbreak with RE3, RE8 instead of REVerse and Resistance.

KyRo14d ago

It's wild how this got more disagrees and agrees 🤣 This place really does have the worst takes at times

jznrpg15d ago

I didn’t really like the revelations games. They weren’t horrible just not good enough to interest me

Charal15d ago

Nah. Make it Code Veronica.

TiredGamer15d ago

I'll pass. Tried playing Revelations on two separate occasions and on two separate platforms... got bored about two hours in.

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