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Rumor: Microsoft to discontinue its virtual currency system Microsoft Points

Microsoft’s proprietary virtual currency system, Microsoft Points, will be phased out by the end of the year, according to a source with knowledge of the company’s decision. The change will affect developers for Windows Phone, the Zune marketplace and Xbox Live.

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iamnsuperman4509d ago

Not sure why they would. Using points gets rid of that feeling when you know you have spent £10 or so on a downloadable item. Its nice for the users to use real money (ease of use) but for Microsoft I would have thought it would be more beneficial to use points

xPhearR3dx4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

I prefer MS points for one reason. No tax. If I was to buy two 800 MSP items on XBL, it would cost me an even $20. On PSN it would cost me $21-$23. May not seem like a lot, but it adds up after a while.

@blumuatt - I haven't bought a points card at an actual store in a long time, but I do not believe you pay tax. It's basically rung up like a gift card. So no tax. I purchase my points cards online and it's always $19.99 then the code is emailed to me.

I agree the point system can be frustrating sometimes, but if you frequently buy things from the marketplace, you'll actually save a lot of money.

blumatt4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

The points system sucks, imo. I'll give you an example. Say you want to buy an avatar for like let's say 80 points (since I'm not sure what they cost) and you don't have any MS points available. You're forced to buy the lowest denomination of 500 points to get that avatar. Then, you've got 420 points left. The idea is that you're always going to have a balance and then gonna have to add a little more to use that balance, and repeat....

I like how PSN let's you use real currency, and I even have my debit card linked to it so when I buy something it just takes it directly out of my account.

Don't you pay tax at the store when you buy the Points card?? lol What's the difference?

-Alpha4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

Yeah, when I had an Xbox, I got really peeved with the Points nonsense, it's extremely annoying and unnecessary.

Also, I swear I heard this rumor like 2 years ago.

MariaHelFutura4509d ago

The point system is a scam, so you never actually have 0 points while buying things you actually wanted.

Wenis4509d ago

Getting rid of MS points means you have to give MS you credit card information. And when you want to remove that information, from personal experience, that's a real pain in the ass.

jthamind4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )


that's no different than PSN making you put at least $5.00 in your wallet for any purchase less than that amount.

MAJ0R4509d ago

me too, I've always thought it was a cheap way to screw over their customers. Of course that's just my opinion, but seriously what genius came up with the idea of MS points instead of actual money?

-Alpha4509d ago


Can't you buy an exact amount on PSN? I thought that u could.

DragonKnight4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

@xPhearR3dx: When PSN started out, there was a tax charge on the DLC you bought, but that's since been phased out (at least here in Canada) and don't think you're not paying tax with MS points, you still would be it's just hidden from you. Points is a pretty lame system and it ends up with you having points you can't use.

@jthamind: Except that with PSN, you can add any item(s) to the cart, then go to Add Funds, and add the exact amount of your purchase to your wallet, meaning nothing extra left over that you can't use.

dantesparda4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

Thats not true, you can buy a .50 cent avatar. You never have to have a minimum anything in your wallet. The minimum is only the amount what you buy is. in other words, i can have nothing in the wallet and use my credit card or debit card to just buy a .50 cent avatar and thats it.

And p.s. i live in Boston, Ma. and i never have to pay tax

Nitrowolf24509d ago


Just change your address (not in billing) and your tax free :P


yes you can but exact amount. No need to pay the $5 min if your using a card.

zeal0us4509d ago

Its been long overdue for this to happen.

xPhearR3dx4509d ago


How is it hidden from me when I only pay $19.99. My debit card is always charged exactly $19.99 when I buy points. MS can't charge me because there's nothing to charge, I redeemed a points card. If I buy something for 1600 points, it's going to take exactly 1600 and not a single point more.

skyttskytt4509d ago

I don't know what you guys are thinking regarding the minimum funding on the PSN. If you're buying something that is $0.01-4.99 more than what you have in your wallet, you must add a minimum of $5 before making the purchase. You can't start at zero and simply add $0.49, you have to add the full $5.

Let's see if this image links properly:

I currently have $2.01 in my wallet, and went to purchase something that's $2.49 just for this reply. It makes me add $5, and even says it's the minimum funding amount right in the middle of the screen.

DragonKnight4509d ago

xPhearR3dx: I said you still would be. Meaning if you had to pay tax. You can't claim that you're charged tax on PSN and not on Live since there is no way governments would allow one to get away with not charging tax. The price of the tax would be included somewhere.

xCaptainAmazing4509d ago

You pay tax when you BUY the points. What do you mean you don't pay tax?! The points system is garbage and is designed to get you to buy more than you need so you can buy other stuff you don't need.

baodeus4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )


i don't know why u would use your debit, if only u get hack given that you do have lots of money. Never use debit card man....

I don't like MS point system either (although they already going hybrid)

gamingdroid4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

I prefer points!

Simply because I can find them cheaper all the time. I stock up when they are on 25% off.

Even on the Wii I get discounts, but on PSN cards I have never seen it discounted. One of the reason, why I never buy stuff there unless it is exclusive.


Thanks for the link!

Should put that case to rest....

kreate4509d ago

Im not sure why superman got so many disagrees cuz he's kinda right.

And for some of u who never bought a psn card, there is no tax on it in America. A 19.99 psn card cost u 19.99

r1sh124509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )


Im not sure about the US store, but I think digital downloads use a different tax amount.
Although in the UK the price shown has tax added to it already, I know in the US the price tag excludes tax (Again not sure about the MS marketplace).

Money is easier, because the MS points are a type of currency which are not fluctuating like actual markets, and therefore MS can make money on each point if the dollar/Pound etc..Falls.

Since MS points are a fixed price, they are technically not worth the amount you have purchased them for.

DarthJay4509d ago

To the person that said they live in Boston and have never had to pay tax on a points card... I can vouch. Absolutely 100% true. I have gone into 7/11 or Target or Best Buy to only purchase a points card and have never once paid tax on it.

ClimateKaren4509d ago

Wow, is this really that confusing? PSN requires a $5 minimum deposit, but beyond that there are no restrictions on the denomination you may deposit.

So in other words, any purchase whose grand total comes to over $5 can be payed for in the exact amount it costs, without having any leftover money on your account.

Brosy4508d ago

I have a question, why do all of you sony fanboys even care? Blumatt you don't even know what your talking about. Half of you are just humming to be humming.

Microsoft isn't going to get rid of their points system this gen.

Rhythmattic4508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )



So glad you prefer a currency that belongs to MS.

All your currency are belong to us.

hahah hahahaha

SixZeroFour4508d ago


you understand that that principle works both ways tho right? if you buy the points at a discount or when currency value is low, then MS is losing money when the currency value is up at the time of the purchase

on topic
considering "xbox live rewards" is very popular for the free msp rewards, i HIGHLY doubt MS would get rid of their points system...however, if they were to adopt an online system much like ps where the online portion is free to all and the apps and extras were sub based, i would be all for it (and wouldnt mind paying for gold either way) and could prolly attract more users/buyers to the 360 considering its online price is what deters a lot of ppl from buying it

SilentNegotiator4508d ago


They could still make cards with DOLLAR amounts on them.

dcbronco4508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )

Points are far better than cash. There are certain things that are a slight problem. But there are two huge advantages. Like xPhearR3dx mentioned, no tax. You can buy a code on Amazon and have no shipping or taxes. Second and by far the biggest to me is point cards go on sale. When was the last time you got cash for less than it was worth.

Toys R Us has an annual sale each year for their mascot's birthday. Buy two get one free. It also counts for points cards. Meaning you get 33% off of your cash.

And then you buy a discounted item with those points.

Look, cash 5% off at Amazon.

In the US you pay taxes based on state law. But you usually never pay taxes at outlets that don't have stores. If the business is internet based, there are usually no taxes.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4508d ago
Rageanitus4509d ago

Just like credit card awards..... cash back rewards show the REAL value of what your getting back in return. There is no messing around with it comes to real numbers at real percentages.

When it comes to point schemes.... there is always a way alter the worth of each point..

honkyjesus4509d ago

I am just replying to the first comment like everyone else.

ClimateKaren4509d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose nerves that gets on. I used to make a point of using my "not a reply" button, but nobody sees it, it's a waste of effort.

mcstorm4509d ago

I think they should offer both tbh. If they give you the option to buy the extra with your points or straight form your bank account that way it will help kids when wanting to buy something from xbl as they can go to a shop and pick up a points card or for some one like me who likes to just buy things on my card I can.

frostypants4509d ago

The points system is a borderline scam to force you to spend more money than you actually need to buy an item. There is zero benefit for the user. Some will say that it is good for managing purchasing power without a credit card, but one can always buy gift cards.

arnyftw4508d ago

Well, the thing is that now ms points arent only used by live, they are used by windows phone and would have been used for the coming windows store. With Windows 8 coming out soon and more people connecting to the Windows Store, if they wanted to buy something first they would need to buy ms points. Even if they put their credit card in how are they supposed to know how much 800 ms points is? Buying ms points would be a lengthy extra step you would need to take to buy a app. Although I like the concept of ms points I recognize the need for change. Its just much more convenient for customers.

otherZinc4508d ago

M$ needs to learn the fact that: the only people complaining are SONY fans or media that prefer the PS3.

Points are fine & it works. It does have the feeling of "Monopoly Money" vs real money & I was fine with that.

Also, my kids love it, its like another bank account to them.

LiL T4508d ago

Yes Kids like to use monopoly money, Adults prefer to use real money.
Real money - accepted EVERYWHERE
MS points - accepted on 360
What woul you rather have in your wallet?
Ms plans on integrating all their products and when it happens do you really think app developers are gonna accept ms points....not a chance, they live in the real world where REAL money is used.

im_right4508d ago

@iamnsuperman I agree the points system is a con.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4508d ago
MultiConsoleGamer4509d ago

If its true, its about damn time.

fooxy4509d ago

I don't care to be honest, kinda prefer points since don't have to attach any credit card to my account,maybe you gonna be able to buy vouchers with $ nomination ?

Reborn4509d ago

They'll probably allow you to get money vouchers. Well, I'd hope so.

Parapraxis4509d ago

LOL...of course they will.
Just like PSN cards.

honkyjesus4509d ago

When you buy MS points you don't attach a credit card on Xbox? I can't get my credit card info off of MS at this point, that is the problem. I mean... without taking twenty minutes to take it off on the phone in 2012.

IWentBrokeForGaming4509d ago

I should be able to pay/buy exact amounts that I want... I hate having random left over s#!t

frostypants4509d ago

That's why they do it. At the end they get free money from users, as virtually everyone who walks away from their account will do so with a points balance remaining.

Sobari4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

Points piss me off, especially when you're only allowed to purchase a set number of points, which often ends in you being forced to purchase additional points you won't ever use. Why this hasn't created lawsuits, I'll never understand.

frostypants4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

How can people disagree with this?! It's *exactly* why MS does it. It's absolutely a rip-off tactic, and props to them if they're doing away with it.

@6 below ("Real money doesn't go on sale. Points do."): DO realize they could just have a store sales and have the same basic effect, right? PSN does it all the time.

dcbronco4508d ago

The thing is Frosty when you buy a discounted points card, you can still buy a discounted game or item. You can increase your discount even further by waiting for a sale on the item you want. I try to stock up too. If true, hopefully I can stock up again.

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The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.

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Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

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shaenoide1d 23h ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos1d 23h ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb1d 19h ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly1d 16h ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6381d 15h ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly1d 13h ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6381d 12h ago

Read the article. Same question.


Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

GL: "Staff writer Shaz reflects on his small library of physical games he's kept throughout the decades, and how a recent move made him nostalgic."

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Sciurus_vulgaris3d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle2d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21831d 20h ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.