
Top 5 rubbish/cheap tricks used to make games challenging

We've all succumbed to these tricks at one point or another in our gaming, but they are accepted as the norm no matter how cheap they can be. Here's five of the most common cheap tricks used by developers.

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RaidensRising4516d ago

One of my biggest complaints is absent in the article and should have been included and that's grenade spamming in the COD games. Especially on veteran.

Pin point accuracy to the point where they can throw three grenades so the blast radius surrounds you on all sides.

bunt-custardly4516d ago

Oh, the grenade spamming in COD. Oh my. Don't think I can ever bring myself to endure the frustration of World at War veteran, not if I want to keep my controller out of my TV.

PhantomT14124516d ago

When these Nazis LITERALLY throw you 5 grenades behind your cover lol
Ah Reichstag, that was a freaking nightmare

Cosmit4515d ago

That was only WaW though. It was cheap though.

Eyeco4515d ago

lool i love how no-ones mentioned how the AI in COD games are experts at head shots in veteran, seriously MW-2 are nightmares on veteran

PhantomT14124515d ago

MW2 was one of the easiest COD on veteran.

ShadesMoolah4516d ago

Developers do need to change the way they make games difficult. I think Dark Souls had a good grasp on difficulty without being overly cheap or punishing.

TopDudeMan4516d ago

There's difficulty, and then there's the illusion of difficulty. Dark souls isn't difficult, it's just if you screw up you die. It is a very fair game, once you grasp the controls and basic fighting tactics and stay focused.

If you ask me, the hardest genre of game is 2D platforming. The old mario games were very difficult, you really had to spend some time with it and get to grips with each level.

h311rais3r4515d ago

Well I agree to an extent. Some bosses are 1 hit ko with a huge blast radius.

D0ffy4515d ago

I totally agree with you.

Have you played the bonus level in Rayman: Origins? Reminded me of old school, damn hard 2D platforming. Was not unfair or anything just plain challenging and rewarding when you completed it.

scrambles4515d ago

Some games are known to be difficult and therefore are required to be difficult. Look at Touhou, its so difficult it makes Dark Souls look like a game for little girls.


MidnytRain4515d ago

I know a guy who plays Touhou and let me try it in class. Game's absurd.

TopDudeMan4514d ago

Bullet hell games are notorious for being difficult, though. If you played any of the old megadrive bullet hell games (there were a lot) you know that, anyway.

iamnsuperman4516d ago

The enemy AI one is annoying but I can see the need in certain games. I see it happen more on harder difficulties to make the game much more difficult. Its a cheep trick but it does work quite effectively.

Marquis_de_Sade4516d ago

I believe enemy (and friendly) AI is the one area in gaming I would like to see massively improved upon the arrival of the next generation hardware. I was playing BF3 single player yesterday and found it incredibly frustrating, not to mention downright ridiculous, how on Operation Swordbreaker when you're on the roofs of the buildings, the enemies on the ground would ignore your squad mates literally feet in front of them to fire inch perfect shots from the hip up at you. Really breaks the immersion.

TenSteps4516d ago

You know I turn this into a game. When a Top # List comes out I make a guess whether it's msxbox-world or gamesradar.

My current score is 3-1.

DrunkDan4516d ago

Constantly respawning enemies is another cheap way of adding difficulty to a game.

I always thought Goldeneye N64 had a decent way of increasing the difficulty the higher level you played - it added more objectives rather than simply increasing enemies life or making them suddenly a million times more proficient with a weapon.

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