
Making The Old Republic Life-Like With Sno E. Blac

PG writes: While playing the beta for Star Wars: The Old Republic, one of the most striking things we noticed was the introduction cinematics. These introductory movies are common in games, generally setting the tone and overall story for the gameplay to come. Most of the time they are produced at the cutting edge of 3D animation technology. TOR was no exception.

Blur Studio, a visual effects company out of Venice in California, created the intro cinematics for The Old Republic. This studio has done amazing work for games such as Batman: Arkham City, Fable III, and the upcoming Bioshock Infinite. They are all stunning pieces of animation. And one way they get the audience immersed is through technologies such as 3D face scanning.

For The Old Republic, Bioware and Lucasarts brought in actress and model Sno E. Blac to become the physical representation of Jedi Master Satele Shan. We recently asked her to spill the ‘yot beans’ as it were, and give us some insight into her experience of becoming Satele Shan.

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Drewminati4535d ago

pretty hot, to bad one day my saber will ease her pain



Star Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age

EA is nearing an agreement to move the ongoing development and operation of MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic from BioWare to third-party studio Broadsword Online Games, IGN has learned. The move is intended to allow BioWare to focus on Mass Effect and Dragon Age.


Star Wars: The Old Republic Still Receiving Updates 11 Years Into Release

A new update for Star Wars: The Old Republic is coming out on PC and the patch notes provide us with an in-depth look at all the new changes.

PapaBop451d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator450d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336451d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop450d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.


SWTOR In-Game Events for January 2023

SWTOR players, get ready for a new month of exciting in-game events! Here's what's coming up in January 2023.

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