
Hellgate Global boasts 40% female characters

In Hellgate Global, 60% of the created characters are male, and 40% are female.

The marksman class is popular with people who are new to the game, being the most created class, but the least likely to progress.

Meanwhile, the veteran-friendly guardian is the most-progressed class.

There is a gender divide in terms of progress too. Female Guardians noted as the most highly leveled, and male marksman players are at the bottom.

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Emilio_Estevez4552d ago

And 95% of those females are dudes in real life.

TurretKiller4552d ago

So true

I always pick a female when playing on an RPG for example...like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout I usualy try and create myself but with RPGs I go with a female character.

I don't know why really...when you get the choice to be male of female I would pick female but if a female character was forced upon me I would probably moan on why I don't have a choice.


Hellgate: London Multiplayer Rises from the Dead

Flagship Studios' Hellgate: London has a checkered past to say the least, but it's an action RPG that is near-and-dear to many gamers' hearts. With the closing of the original servers and T3Fun's own Hellgate Global servers, though, we have had no means of playing the game's excellent Stonehenge and Abyss content or go on any party-based boss runs. That will be changing soon, as a team of dedicated modders is close to releasing a fully working multiplayer server.

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Perjoss2756d ago

Loot-shooter blast from the past!


Such a troubled game... but truthfully a rather iconic one. Also one I'm happy to raise from the dead.

quent2756d ago

Still have my GFWL version, the game mechanically it has everything needed that makes a loot shooter rpg great , it just feels empty when it comes to npc's and story, tons of potential this game it had.


Hellgate: London is "Reborn" Again

It's been over 9 years since Flagship Studios launched Hellgate: London, 7 years since the original game was taken offline, 4 years since T3Fun re-released the game as Hellgate Global, and a month since the latest iteration was officially shuttered.

And yet, the drama continues.

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fsdgf3061d ago

I completely forgot about that game. What a disappointment it was.

It's a shame to see a game made by the guys behind Diablo 2 do so badly.


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