
Original Gamer: Parasite Eve 2 Review

Original Gamer - Parasite Eve 2 comes from a time when Square Enix was merely Squaresoft, FMVs were the height of graphical sophistication, and a memory card was a necessity, just in case you ever wanted to turn your console off. The original Parasite Eve was a success, both critically and commercially, and thus it received a much overdue re-release on the Playstation store earlier this year under the PSOne Classics label. Parasite Eve 2 quickly followed suit, released in its original 4:3 aspect ‘glory’, with some decidedly aged graphics. As any dedicated gamer knows, however, graphics aren’t the only deciding factor in a game’s worth, but do 10-year old visuals irrevocably mar what lies underneath?

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Square Enix Classics We’d Love to See Remastered

Square Enix suggested they might remaster more games from their storied archives—here are the classics we’d like to see get a new coat of paint.

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raWfodog432d ago

I would definitely enjoy a Xenogears remaster. Recently finished Legend of Dragoon again (this time with platinum trophy) and would love to dive back into Xenogears with Fei and the rest of the crew.

closed_account432d ago

Came here to say Xenogears as well. Great taste, raWfodog!

notachance431d ago

It needs more than a remaster though, I hope they can turn disc 2 into a full game..

Kneetos431d ago (Edited 431d ago )

I wonder how they would even handle a xenogears remaster

Would they give it to monolith soft (the original developers) to handle, and more then likely make it a Nintendo exclusive, cue the endless bitching from Sony fans...

Or will they do it themselves, thus not finishing the original story as intended

raWfodog431d ago

"... and more then likely make it a Nintendo exclusive"

I would think it'd eventually hit all the platforms much like the Front Mission 1st Remake. That way no one would be 'bitching' regardless of your platform preference lol.

Miraak82 431d ago

They don't need the original people , they already have the foundation of characters ,world and lore to work off of.
Honestly it's not that big of a game if you really examine it by modern standards , it's how they present everything that makes it seem so grand especially with how epic the story/music is . SE have good writers that could incorporate post release lore of perfect works and such if they ever remade it from the ground up.

gold_drake432d ago


scares me everytime i play it haha

Godmars290432d ago (Edited 432d ago )

Maybe this time around it could be good/playable?

Becuzisaid431d ago

Lol! What a game. Had a lot of fun with it. Beat it multiple times!

Marcello432d ago

Square Enix classics? dont they mean Squaresoft. Square Enix dont make classic games, just games with pretty graphics, no heart & soul, boring & over stuffed with woke Gen Z cockiness.

But while were on the subject i would love too see a remaster of Front Mission 3.

ZeekQuattro432d ago

They already announced a Front Mission 3 remake. Doubt they'll also do a remaster.

Marcello432d ago

I will get the remake but i still want a remaster cos with all remakes they lose a lot of the original magic the original game had.

Godmars290432d ago

Pretty sure its going to be a remaster of the game, similar to what's been done with the first two games, not a remake.

FF7r is certainly more a remake of FF7 than a remaster for instance.

Now, if they did Gun Hazard remaster...

raWfodog432d ago (Edited 432d ago )

Yeah they call it a remake like "Front Mission 1st Remake" but I'd consider it more of a remaster as it doesn't change any of the core gameplay but basically just sharpens up the graphics. I think they added a couple of new features also but I still think it's more of a remaster.

Like @Godmars290 suggested, FF7Remake fits the mold of a remake since they 'remade' the game from the ground up, changing the battle system completely, and retelling the story with a lot of different elements added.

But I guess they can call it what they want since they're making it lol.

DeadManMMX431d ago

Exactly. SquareSoft merged with Enix shortly after Final Fantasy X and it has never been the same.

Gardenia431d ago

I miss the old Squaresoft games. So much quality back then.

Terry_B432d ago

Almost all of the listed games are not Square Enix Classics lol

AdventurerDonLocke432d ago

Quintet Gaia Trilogy: Soulblazer, Illusion of Gaia & Terranigma.

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PS1 Game prices are out of control – but for some, it’s the perfect time to buy

Take a look at some PS1 game prices that have really taken off over the past 2 years. Some are trending much higher, but a few have dipped recently and it might be your last shot to get them into your collection affordably.

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Bring it Back | Parasite Eve

From Japanese horror novel to game, the Parasite Eve franchise deserves a redemption arc in this week’s edition of Bring it Back.

NecrumOddBoy1336d ago

The original was a really unique RPG. Cool combat system too. Whatever they did with the PSP Version... don’t ever do that again. Would like to see this series return.

CrimsonWing691335d ago

I think the reason why they won't bring it back is due to the licensing and the failure of that abysmal PSP game.

I think Square should try to attempt a reboot without the whole use of "Eve", since Aya is an original creation I would assume they could still use her, and maybe come up with a new threat and implement all the mechanics from the original but modernize it. Y'know, something like FF7's hybrid combat system would be awesome.

The problem comes down to Square willing to take a risk. They could dump all this effort and money into a project and it could bomb in sales. I miss the days when developers could come up with any idea and get a game green-lit even if it wasn't a guaranteed success.

1335d ago
LoveSpuds1335d ago

Ashamed to say this is a gap in my gaming experience here. Never played the Parasite Eve titles. I do have a PS2 sat under my TV, if you have no nostalgia for the games, do you reckon they hold up?

1335d ago Replies(1)