
Destructoid Review: Sonic CD

The power of CD storage didn't bring anything new to the Sonic franchise. Sonic CD was still a 16-bit title, and it ended up looking a lot like the previous Sega Genesis releases. The 'new' came with the game's time-travel mechanic.

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rataranian4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

I was one of those few who blew a billion dollars on the sega cd back in the day. And to this day the only game I owned that I could still say was worth it was Sonic CD.


The 7 Best Sega CD Games and How to Play Them Today

The Sega CD (aka Mega CD) had some classics that still live on today. Here's the 7 best Sega CD games & how to play them on modern consoles.

banger88107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

Series X/S + Dev Mode. It's a shame the retail mode emulators got removed, dev mode looks like a pain in the ass.

Neonridr107d ago

I use the Analogue Mega SG console coupled with a Mega SD everdrive that allows me to play Sega CD games through the cartridge without the need for the CD add-on. Have the 8-bitdo Sega Genesis 6 button wireless controller and it's the closest thing I can get to playing it as it was originally without owning old hardware.

Number1TailzFan107d ago

Final Fight was a great game on the CD, not only on the system but as a fighting game of the time as well. Up there in some ways with Streets of Rage 2 IMO. It's too bad they didn't continue putting the rest of them on there, the music is top notch too.

kevco33107d ago

I bought FF CD as a young teen after having loved the arcade/SNES version (despite the latter being watered down). Loved how immaculate a port it was.

TheBrainZ107d ago

Earthworm Jim is a classic, still have the original somewhere.

OtterX107d ago

There is some wrong information in this article. I just checked for Sonic CD and Shining Force CD on Nintendo Switch eShop (as stated in the article) across 4 different regions, and they are not available.

FinalFantasyFanatic107d ago

I know it's on Steam, but I don't recall seeing either of those games on Switch Eshop, I'm curios as to what region he found them on.

OtterX107d ago

Yea, I checked US, UK, JP and Portugal (my region), not on any of those.

I'd want these handheld, so hopefully I can get a Steam Deck by the end of the year 🙏

ZeekQuattro106d ago

Sega teased big things coming to the Sega Ages line of games but tapped out after about a year. I can't find any evidence that it was added to the Switch. The author must of mistaken it for the Shining Force 1 but even then that's part of the Sega Genesis collection not Ages.

Chocoburger105d ago

Sonic CD is in the Sonic Origins Collection, that's what he meant.

As for Shining Force CD, I don't know if its on the eshop, but it seems unlikely.

OtterX105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Well I'm really happy you responded with this!

I must have completely missed or forgotten about Sonic Origins. I was just looking at it, and it has the Game Gear titles too on the Plus version! (I had a Game Gear back in the day) Man, especially in handheld, that should be great. I just wishlisted it and will pick it up on the next sale.

Thanks a ton!

Chocoburger105d ago

Glad to have reminded you, but I do recommend checking out reviews on Sonic Origins Collection, while I own it (because I wanted the Japanese exclusive swag that comes with the Deluxe Pack), a lot of people are disappointed by it, and the Game Gear emulation, so some video reviews should help.

A lot of people complained that Sega should have emulated the superior Master System versions of the game, since they run at a higher resolution than the Game Gear ports.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 105d ago
anast107d ago (Edited 107d ago )

They should release these as is for $100.

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10 Sega CD Games that Might Justify Owning One

Even if the Sega franchise strikes you as dabbling in old school gaming, it is well worth a look at the systems. Some of the original Sega CD (or Mega-CD in Europe) games have an astounding amount of appeal that lovers of all things gaming should consider giving a try.

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CorndogBurglar1113d ago

Man I loved Snatcher. Such a great game!

Einhander19711113d ago

Silpheed, Android Assault, Lords of thunder, Solfeace, flying squadron. That's why I own Mega cd.

CrimsonWing691113d ago

Maybe one day Konami won’t be lame and they can release a Sega CD collection with Snatcher.

Neonridr1113d ago

the only problem with owning a Sega CD is the hardware is less than reliable nowadays. I have an Analogue Mega SG which is an updated version of a genesis along with a Mega SD cartridge which allows me to play Sega CD games off of it. I have the entire Genesis / Sega CD library on the cart and it's great. Although many of these games do not hold up well, lol.

Einhander19711112d ago

To be honest I own the original tech, but i also have a raspberry pi build with all Mega cd games I want. So the old tech doesn't die.


Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts: 12th-18th November 2019

Neil writes: "As the end of 2019 draws closer, and the big gaming releases for the year dry up once more, it’s time to start looking to the smaller titles that may have been missed previously; those which would more than sort a gamer out for a cold wet evening. Thank god then for the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale, delivering cut price gaming to Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers across the globe. Fancy taking a look at the discounts available in the sale for 12th-18th November 2019?"

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