
Why casual games didn’t kill hardcore gaming?

I started to look at this battle from an objective perspective some time ago (after the Wii became a casual game magnet is my best estimation). No company in any industry would ever turn its back on the customers and consumers that got them to where they are today for fear of eventual entrepreneurial suicide.

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Outside_ofthe_Box4662d ago

Look no further than CoD. Casual games are slowly but surely killing the hardcore gaming. A lot of developers are now dumbing down their games to make it appeal to the masses.

FPSs are now being dumbed down to the point that almost every shooter plays like CoD. You can hop from shooter to shooter and dominate because the games have been dumbed down to CoDs level.

RPGs are starting to add third person shooter elements into their game in attempt to attract casuals too.

While I have nothing against causal games themselves (I believe that all types of games should exist as they have their own purposes), but when my core games are being affected because producers and developers alike are getting greedy because of the success of casual games, I have a problem with that.

guitarded774662d ago (Edited 4662d ago )

I disagree... gaming is more diverse than ever.

I know many have their differences with CoD, but CoD was the first to do a lot of things right and many other shooters have adopted many of CoD's traits. Some to a fault. But to say there are no original shooters out on the market is just not true... there are more available then ever and some damn fine ones at that.

As for 3rd person RPGs, I wouldn't call Demon's Souls/Dark Souls a casual experience.

I do agree that there is nothing wrong with casual games... the more the merrier I say. Gamers who don't support diversity are kinda like bigots.

ape0074662d ago

two different fan-bases, im not saying i hate casual games, i enjoy them once in a while especially with friends N family, good times

ape0074662d ago (Edited 4662d ago )

and btw i hate the term "hardcore" it has many meanings that come to your mind, CORE games is the BRST term to explain imo

let's see.....some people might think that hardcore games is the ones that have violence, strong language, gritty setting, the "YEAHH FULL TESTOSTRON" themes,sexual themes, gore etc... some people don't consider mario "hardcore" cause it's very colorful and beautiful while its more hardcore than dozen "HARDCORE" games

a CORE game is the game which is hardcore in its core(hope u get it) and that include all the games that GAMERS love despite the its tone, theme, colors, music,presentation story etc.....

zero_cool4661d ago


casual gamers only play simplistic games

core gamers only play core games

hardcore gamers play all of the above

Cheers Gamers & Happy Gaming!

CloseSecond4662d ago

To me its more the gamer and not the games that differentiates casual and hardcore.

4662d ago Replies(1)
abombletap4662d ago

agreed. The only time i play casual games is when I am at my friends house with a group people, so we play WII or PS Move.
Otherwise I play hardcore games all the time. Playing casual games by myself is not for me.

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Persona 6 Will Allegedly Feature Dual Protagonists & Semi Open-World Design, Aiming For 2025 Release

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smashman982h ago

im skeptical of the validity of this although everything sounds cool and lines up with previous rumors. I'm very interested in the dual protagonist approach and how that affects the classic persona style day-to-day gameplay. However there is another previous rumor that suggested they would be doing away with the traditional calendar system.

Hotpot1h ago

this will be the first modern persona not made by the usual trio director, composer, art director because they're busy making metaphor, excited to see if their successors can handle the IP.


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15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

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Gamingsince198145m ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan