
DualShockers: Best Videogame Arrangement Albums of 2011

Justin Hutchison of DualShockers.com talks about a few of his favorite videogame arrangement albums of the year, including new albums from Minibosses, Shoji Meguro, and Earthbound Papas.

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Nobuo Uematsu will compose the main theme for Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy’s final game

Nobuo Uematsu has agreed to compose the main theme for the third game in the Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy.

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GoodGuy0980d ago

Cool. The music in rebirth were...kinda unmemorable asides from the classic tracks. A nice variety but many felt too underwhelming. I wish they just kept playing Let the Battles Begin for every normal fight lol. Hope they step it up with the final part.

fr0sty79d ago

I thought the opposite, the music in Rebirth is one of my favorite aspects of the game, especially the Gongaga theme.

Nebaku79d ago

Very fitting. Unmemorable music for an unmemorable, blandification of what was a unique, competent game.

fr0sty79d ago

the remakes are better than the original.

CrimsonWing6978d ago

I can’t believe what I read. There is an insane amount of tracks and I was loving all of them, even that Bow Wow Wow song.

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-Foxtrot80d ago

I really hope we get a VIII remake eventually while Uematsu is still around, I'd love him to create an extra track for it or something. VIII's soundtrack is on another level.

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

I've missed his music, he really made the games, especially in the gold age of FF games, the soundtracks haven't been the same since he left (there aren't as many memorable tracks).


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How Nobuo Uematsu and Loren Allred created Aerith’s “No Promises to Keep”

The composer and singer discuss the collaboration and research that went into the ballad and capturing Aerith’s singing voice.

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Final Fantasy music legend Nobuo Uematsu doesn’t think he’ll ever compose a whole game again

He provided the main theme for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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OtterX115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

Fantasian needs to release on consoles, please. I'll probably never play it if it remains an Apple Arcade exclusive. I don't use Apple products, and certainly wouldn't buy one just for a single game. Mistwalker has always had odd exclusivity choices.

Uematsu is legend though, and the music was one of the big reasons I fell in love w Final Fantasy a few decades ago. I hope his health has improved, and he can exit his career on something more notable.

**While we're at it, and Microsoft is more open to sharing things cross platform now, I hope they'll allow Mistwalker to release Remasters of both Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon!

franwex115d ago

Damn bro, it looks like mistwalker is on every platform you don’t support 😅

But I agree with you. I have Apple products but dislike that I have to subscribe to Apple Arcade and not outright buy the game. Maybe add a remaster of the Wii’s The Last Story too.

OtterX115d ago

Ha, I had a 360 and loved Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon! Never owned an XBox console again after 3 red ringed 360s though, BUT, I do continue to buy XB games on PC since 2017ish. I wish at the very least, we could get Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon rereleased on PC.

And I'm with you. I've bought Forza Horizon 4 & 5, MS Flight Simulator, and most of the XBox One era exclusives outright. I was never interested in paying a sub for them, prefer to own them on PC.

GoodGuy09114d ago

Which is fine. He's already a legend and can take a break if he desires. Let new talents dabble.

CrimsonWing69114d ago

That sucks, but I will admit that the composers handling FF7 Remake really do his masterpieces justice.

Hofstaderman114d ago

This is so sad. Uematsu made my childhood and teen years with FF4 to FF10. At one point he even worked while quite ill from a hospital bed.

Knightofelemia114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

My favorite composer next to Yasunori Mitsuda. Akira Tsuchiya Is another one of my favorites I love the music in Ar Tonelico and the vocals of Akiko Shikata. Such great talent that have brought some great games to life.

got_dam114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

Mitsuda for me as well, with the exception of his battle songs. They tend to be a schizophrenic. Good example is chrono cross. Otherwise, every soundtrack is pure gold. Xenogears is all-time favorite. City of burning sands has not left my brain for 20+ years.

PapaBop114d ago

Damn that brings back memories, I've still got my PS2 copies of Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 somewhere, amazing games.

Knightofelemia114d ago

Ar Tonelico 3 all though can get annoying also has some decent music behind it along with Ar Nosurge.

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