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Lavalamp4669d ago

Platinum Games! You have my hype!

blaaah4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Platinum developed madword right? Don't get me wrong, it was a good game.. but no where near the standards of Kojima's Metal Gear.

Oh how wonderful, teh videoz was claimed by da copyrightz!

Lavalamp4669d ago

Platinum developed Madworld, Bayonetta, and Vanquish. I'd say they are definitely the right team for this sort of game. And for the purists, they dropped the 'Solid' tag, so let's all enjoy the campy spinoff.

Parapraxis4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Platinum made Vanquish, That's enough to make me very interested. Now I am super-psyched for MG Rising.
TPS fans who have skipped out on Vanquish need to get it asap. Throw it on your christmas lists, it can probably be found for a good price.
(People who disagree have not played Vanquish)

gaffyh4669d ago

Ok so just watched it, and being a huge fan of MGS games, I'm not impressed. Platinum Games make games with great gameplay, but their stories ALWAYS suck (going back to DMC1 even, which was a great game), and this looks exactly the same. MGS is all about story, but they've totally chees-ified it. Even the colours and the environments look nothing like a Metal Gear game, as it's overall a little too bright.

I'll probably still play it, but I doubt it will feel like an MGS. It looks more like Ninja Gaiden+Bayonetta.

MaxXAttaxX4669d ago

It's the same engine, right?
They probably downgraded it to make it multiplatform.

Blacktric4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Wow seriously? All these disagrees for the people who liked the idea of Platinum developing the game? I mean haven't they already proved themselves to be one of the best action game developers with titles like Madworld, Bayonetta and Vanquish?

"Ok so just watched it, and being a huge fan of MGS games, I'm not impressed. Platinum Games make games with great gameplay, but their stories ALWAYS suck..."

Rising was never intended to be a pure Metal Gear Solid game. It just bears the series' name and takes place in the same universe but its a spinoff. Also, the production is overseed by Kojima himself. What else do you people are expecting from a spinoff?

Razmossis4669d ago

Everyone that said "it's not a Metal Gear" over the past year... have been bloody right.

Seriously, get Metal Gear out of that title NOW!

gaffyh4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

@Blacktric - Konami assured us that this was totally an MGS game. That is the reason I have issue with some of the stuff in this trailer. It'll probably be a fine game, but doesn't feel like MGS from this trailer.

Pacman3214669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

They really shouldn't have put "Metal Gear" in it's title, as this is not a Metal Gear game. This is just a spin off.

Why o why4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

i wasnt expecting a 'traditional' metal gear so im not gunna act all surprised and pissed now. Looks like it may have too many cutscenes for those who complained about mgs4s ones....u know the things that are tied heavily to modern metal gear games. This is more action based but i can see it too will probably feature many cutscenes either way im still interested


well its always been a spin off. More scope for adjustments. If somebody asked me if i could have a hack n slash in the metal gear universe i'd bite their hand off. Lets hope it pays off. It would be dumb to want this to end badly...thats not gamerish

Eamon4669d ago

Basically, after the hiatus and silence after E3 2010's trailer, it seems the game went back to the drawing board.

The whole initial concept is no where to be seen. This trailer showed nothing of Zan-Datsu. It seems that the promises of how MGS:R would allow the player to play stealthily have been discarded.

Now Platinum is developing and the original Producer was dropped, this confirms that MGS:R went back to the drawing board and has completely changed from its initial concept.

I have mixed feelings about this. The theme is completely different from past MGS games. The realism and tactical action we saw in the E3 2010 trailer seems to be gone and replaced by a proper hack and slash gameplay.

Not sure if I'm happy or upset to be honest.

hqgamez4669d ago

Looks like Kojima and his crew left this step child.
Gosh MGS4 came out a while back and has better graphics. It was ps3 exclusive!
Now you had it over to a developer that can't do anything decent for ps3.
We All Saw Bayonetta

NeoBasch4669d ago

Platinum had nothing to do with the PS3 port. If you want to see how well they do when they lead on PS3, check out Vanquish (from the director of Resident Evil 4). Platinum Games is one of my favorite developers alongside Naughty Dog, Remedy, Valve, Sony Santa Monica, and Rocksteady.

JaredH4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

I don't know what to think about this. I loved Bayonetta and Vanquish but this trailer was edited to be so cheesy. It was just random words flashing to a guitar cut in with gameplay. When it zoomed closer to Raiden's face for every noise I was stunned.

malol4669d ago


so much with all the (kojima working on it)
its just MGS and Kojima name on this POS

Darrius Cole4669d ago

Well this explains why we haven't seen Bayonetta 2.

This game may be Metal Gear, but its not 'Solid'.

I'll still buy it though unless I hear very bad things about it. I like hack and slash. I loved Bayonetta even though I had to buy it on 360. I really loved Metal Gear Solid. Putting the two together has to work, especially if Kojima-san is to make sure it is up to standard.

This game is being made for the Metal Gear Solid fanbase so it has to run well on PS3. It would be absolutely stupid if it was another 360 first title that has a flawed PS3 port.

sikbeta4669d ago

Doesn't look that good, sorry had to say it :P

Sevir4669d ago

The engine under went plenty of change, Art direction is a little brighter but it does have the yellowish brown/golden screen toning that MGS games are known for, And I loved Vanquish so i'm sold on this.

Whats cool about this is that the rumors about this that was so debunked months ago are "true" which ties quite well into why the game was strangely absent from E3 this year, and also goes with Geoff's tweet about what's really the "truth" behind Kojima's reveal tonight! Call me crazy but i'm hyped about this! :-) Ready for this game!

ABizzel14669d ago

I must say it's not what I was expecting at all. It's full on hack and slash and it still looks a way off (Currently gameplay looks like a slight improvement over the generic dynasty warrior hack and slash), but knowing Platinum games reputation the gameplay should be top notch by launch.

I must say I was expecting it to be a bit more Metal Gear, than over the top Bayonetta like action.

I'm not disappointed just confused.

christian hour4669d ago

Yeah I say take out the metal gear, Call it Reveangence Rising, and in small tiny letters on the box somewhere (a metal gear story) If its not being developed by Kojima Productions then its not going to have that metal gear feel, its a spin off, let it be a spin off, remove the metal gear part, you dont see other spin offs doing that, if they did you'd have shows called Friends:Joey!, Dr Who:The Sara Jane whatevers, , Buffy: minus buffy (angel), Cheers: What frasier does outside of the bar, Family (Black) Guy etc.

CarlosX3604669d ago

But..but....RAIDEN literally freakin' held a METAL GEAR!

How can you guys not be excited by that. Literally holding METAL GEAR!? Awe c'mon! You guys not excited about that!?

I am. And my body is ready.

SilentNegotiator4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

"Wow seriously? All these disagrees for the people who liked the idea of Platinum developing the game? I mean haven't they already proved themselves to be one of the best action game developers with titles like Madworld, Bayonetta and Vanquish?"

Vanquish was an over-hyped game that was too short and had poorly balanced energy. Madworld was a meh-fest. As for Bayonetta, it was good but didn't have much focus to its combat.

If that lineup makes them "one of the best action game developers"...

Gamer19824669d ago

The point is here Kojima studios is not making the game so it won't be the same calibre as previous games. Then again it is a spin off so we should expect this. Don't get me wrong Titanium made some quality games but this is Metal Gear here one of the most successful franchises in gaming history and lets be honest they only work as well when the original developers make them. Halo Wars is an example and although not a AAA franchise Crackdown is another perfect example of why changing devs in a series is a bad idea.

lastdual4669d ago

Rising was NEVER going to be a classic-style MGS game. Anyone who was paying attention already knew that.

If you're going to do a Metal Gear action game, might as well have the best team in the biz on the job.

Yes, Platinum's style is even more over-the-top than MGS4's already ridiculous cut scenes, but the gameplay will be top notch.

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MurderMyDoll4669d ago

im calling fake. not the gameplay just the voice over and text and how the trailer was put together, looks way too cheap i think were being trolled

chainer30004669d ago

this is what i thought. looked horrible compared to what it could have been... I think maybe a playstation move title or something?

Daver4669d ago

hmm its not what i was anticipating, it dosnt even feel like a mgs game, im not impressed at all so far.

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dark-hollow4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

i dont care what others say but bayoneta despite it corny"ness" and cheesy cut scenes is one of the best hack n slash games when we talk about combat and gameplay.

letting platinum have their run on this game is a wise choice.
its not mgs as we know and love it, but it looks like a good spin-off nonetheless.
dont hate on it because it is very different! its not like they are shifting the franchise! there will be mgs5, and there is this spin off which looks promising.

KeiserSosay47884669d ago

Completely agree. Bayonetta was ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, but is, imo, THE most in-depth hack n slash this gen. The controls and combo system is near flawless.

MaxXAttaxX4669d ago

Bayonetta had great combat. But I couldn't get into it because of EVERYTHING ELSE.

Darrius Cole4669d ago

Bayonetta is great. Although I have to disagree with it being the most in-depth hack-n-slash this gen. That award still goes to Ninja Gaiden (any one of them).

Rainstorm814669d ago

Ninja Raiden!!!!

Could be fun tho.....

ZippyZapper4669d ago

Never thought I would say this but MGR looks better than Ninja Gaiden 3. Nothing can touch the old Xbox classic.

xAlmostPro4669d ago

Platinum games? -_- pretty sure they made the ps3 version of bayonetta gimped :( .. although i cant see hideo letting them do that :/

Undeadwolfy4669d ago

It was a bad port but they learned their mistakes with Vanquish.

Megaman_nerd4669d ago

They just took Vanquish and made it 30frames for both consoles. That is not learning, they just gimped both versions so nobody complains since the game was supposed to be 60frames like Bayonetta. And Bayonetta had as much crazy action as Vanquish so don't come to tell me that 60frames wasn't possible on that game.

Whitefox7894668d ago

Sega handled the Port to the Playstation 3 version
Plat. Games only did the X360.

Undeadwolfy4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Vanquish and Bayonntta were great games. This is basically a hack and slash game, something Platinum Studios evidently know alot about, with Raiden and set in the MGS universe. The game isn't meant to be as serious as MGS. It's just a spinoff. Enjoy the game for what it is and dont hate it for what it isn't.

Kojima even spoke about it in Official PlayStation Magazine, that I have, that it is going to be a very different experience. If you are tied to just the tactical espionage action of MGS and you're not willing to try this, then this probably isn't for you, but don't slate it for what it is and who's making it. As for me, I like the new take on it and it seems alot more fitting for Raiden to play the lightning fast ninja rather than stealth around like a Snake. There's only 2 Snakes that are worthy of that title. *salutes*

Jamzluminati4669d ago

GOTY 12 confirmed. Well either this or Ninja Gaiden 3.


colonel1794669d ago

Everybody saw it coming! Platinum Games is the right developer to make this game.

Liquid_Ocelot4669d ago

Wow total disgrace. This shit looks worse than bad wtf

kparks4669d ago

WTF please nooooo... dont do this to MGS... am i the only one who didnt see anything tactical in this where is my tactical espionage action??? how can they follow a game like MGS4 with this hack and slash crap? MGS4 was truly one of the best games ever made!! u can run and gun creep around go first person go third person kill or just sneek by people and not kill hardly anyone.. or even chill in the bushes and have a smoke! now IDK wtf this is but its no metal gear or solid

Neckbear4669d ago

There's no "Tactical Espionage Action" since the subtitle is "Lightning Bolt Action".

It's not even a follow-up, it's a spinoff. It is Metal Gear, it takes place in the same universe. It isn't, however, "Solid".

Learn what the word "spin-off" means, it might save you from making a fool out of yourself. Hell, this applies to most in this comment section.

pain777pas4669d ago

I am sad and appauled. Kojima please remove your name from this game. That is all... from the adventurer that was so excited until he heard THIS news which, brought his mood down like an ARROW to the knee.

OmegaSlayer4669d ago

I loved the trailer.
Best out of VGA imho.
I take the game as it is.
It is not a reboot (DmC wink wink)and I loved the Raiden character.
Though I must say that I hope Kamiya is working on Bayonetta2.

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Batzi4669d ago

if this is true. That would be the worst thing ever! This is not Metal Gear. It's not Kojima quality trailer it blows and this sucks!!!

sikbeta4669d ago

Ha! I told you months ago before the hype of this game vanished :P this is not a MGS game!

Eamon4669d ago

Well to be honest, if the name of this title didn't contain the words Metal Gear, this would have been an amazing trailer.

I really don't understand the direction in this game now. It just isn't MGS anymore. What the hell were those suits with samurai swords. And that cyborg guy who looks like a mix of Vamp and Snake?

Man, I am actually disappointed. This might be a fun game, but this is not what I wanted out of a Metal Gear spin off.

El_Assenso4669d ago

They need to take the name Metal Gear off cos its not worthy of that name. All I see is just some generic hack and slash and thats supposed to get me excited! The ethos of this game, the whole atmosphere I got from this trailer has no Metal Gear DNA in it, the song in this trailer reminded me of Mortal Combat!!! Poor on so many levels and it says a lot when this game isn't being developed by the MGS4 team or led/directed by Kojima every second of the way. Man I'm deflated after this trailer....

El_Assenso4669d ago

You know a MGS spin-off I would like to see? One based on THE BOSS! Damn right the hero that started it all. I wouldn't mind a spin-off with Gray fox the LEGENDARY GRAY FOX!! At least they have a lot more substance in their stories and background. I think Grey Fox's one if done properly could be one supreme MGS game wihout a Snake or a Boss.

padz14668d ago

No it wouldn't. the trailer was really badly put together imo. i could make a better trailer than that. it looked cheap.

MoveTheGlow4669d ago

This is absolutely not the Metal Gear you're used to, I agree! I'm looking forward to it immensely!

I mean, come on - did you want it to be that awkward thing they previewed at e3 way back? I didn't - I wouldn't go near that crap. This looks like a souped-up, jagged-edge Bayonetta followup, I *loved* the gameplay and production values in Bayonetta... so this should be good!

No, I'm not hiding in a cardboard box, but this is a different game, I'm cool with that. If anything, it'll beat the everloving crap out of the new Devil May Cry!

Whitefox7894669d ago

Just gonna quote Kojima for ya.

In the December 2011 issue of PlayStation Official Magazine UK, Hideo Kojima said Metal Gear Solid: Rising is "moving forward". Kojima told the magazine that Rising remains significantly different to existing Metal Gear games, although he has retained an element of control over it and won't let it stray too far from the series' roots.He stated that "If somebody thinks 'I love Snake' and just really wants traditional stealth gameplay and that experience, then it may be hard to get into Rising, but for people who are more open and willing to try new things, it shouldn't be a problem."

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Prcko4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

PLatinum games developer,hahahaha
no way that i gonna buy this,trailer looks cool but developer is -,-
and yea,this game is not even M of metal gear solid ,this is onimusha with mgs in bad shape

JonahNL4669d ago

Platinum Games isn't a good developer?

MadWorld, Bayonetta and Vanquish would like to have a word with you.

JonahNL4669d ago

To those who disagree: care to explain why the games aren't good? No? That's what I thought...

4669d ago
JonahNL4669d ago


I'm sorry, what do God of War and Devil May Cry have to do with the quality of Metal Gear Rising?

Eamon4669d ago

Technically, Devil May Cry were made by the people who is currently in charge of Platinum.

It's why Bayonetta's gameplay and style were very similar to Devil May Cry.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

Madworld , Bayonetta and vanquish suck donkeyballs.

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4669d ago Replies(3)
PeZuS4669d ago

WTF is this? Looks more like Ninja Gaiden than Metal Gear

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4669d ago

I was never expecting a stealth game, This is exactly how I expected it to come out. It's a SpinOff game, heck even the developer is differnt. But It's still looks good to me

gaden_malak4669d ago

Ga,eplay looks awesome but the VA was cheesy. This better tell us the story of Raiden between mgs2 & 4

4669d ago
soljah4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

for a minute a thought this was a gundam or a transformers action game. why is this associated with mgs series. this just blows

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Crazyglues4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

OMG!! What is this, LoL... you gotta be kidding me, this is pure comedy - or is this serious..

I don't know who made this trailer but I just crossed this game off my buy list - for one that trailer was awful, more like an episode of Pokemon or dragon ball Z.. -( I mean I almost stop watching when he threw that big robot in the air and then ran up the leg.. come on' really)

I don't know if it's because japan does not transfer over to U.S. properly or what -but this just seemed silly - this game is a huge pass for me..

Whole thing looked cheesy and a little silly...-Guy with big sword just running around slicing everything...

(Huge let down from what was an awesome E3 trailer - ) I thought the game was going to be more serious.. like MGS4..


Kos-Mos4669d ago

If you diss Pokemon, I`ll slap you. Pokemmon`s got more content (and I mean adult content as well) than most you`ve ever set yer eyes on.

Crazyglues4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

@ Kos-Mos

Not dissing Pokemon, just saying this is not what I had envision for this game.. Just does not seem realistic at all now..

BiggsnWedge4669d ago

I agree with you.. this reminds me of that genji game or w/e..


Megaman_nerd4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

I think the game looks nice and everything for what it is (and many times much more better than the DMC reboot) but like you I was expecting something more down to earth, more serious. This looks way too over the top by MGS standards and cheesy as ***. I know that cyborg Raiden is powerful and can slice stuff to pieces but this is just plain ridiculous. =/

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xX-StolenSoul-Xx4669d ago

OMG LOOKS SICK! Gameplay reminds me in the likes of God Of War and Dantes Inferno

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Short documentary talks about the cancelled Metal Gear Solid games and concepts

Youtube channel GVMERS has released an interesting video chronicling the various Metal gear concepts and ideas that were cancelled or scrapped during production. In the 17 minute documentary they talk about the Metal Gear Solid port for Game.Com, the cancelled Metal Gear Solid: Rising concept, and ideas that were cut from Metal Gear Solid 2, among other things.

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Community2546d ago
ccgr2546d ago

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Nyxus2546d ago

No problem! Yeah it's a well made video.

TheVetOfGaming2546d ago

Interesting, although, I already knew most of what was on here. I just wish Kojima had the rights to the franchise. The saga has left with a whimper instead of a bang.


Top 5 Politicians in Video Games That Are Worse Than Donald Trump | Goomba Stomp

President Trump took office around a week ago and in that time a new global trend has emerged - doing a quick search on Google News for "Donald Trump" a couple of times a day just to see what the massive, bejowelled, orange-faced troglodyte has done this time.

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Political and unneeded.
The 10th Rider2790d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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skydragoonityx2791d ago

i doubt any game character can be worse than this man.

IAmLoki2791d ago

Oh come on he really isn't half as bad as the haters claim. He is actually the best president for USA in decades.

Gazondaily2791d ago

"He is actually the best president for USA in decades."


kneon2791d ago

You forgot the /s at the end, people might think you're serious and then worry about your mental well being.

_-EDMIX-_2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

forgot the /s

BizarroUltraman62791d ago

I know Im gonna get disagrees but Ive lived thru 7 presidents. Trump is the worst and he just started. Lol..

Paytaa2791d ago

He makes GWB seem like a saint. That's a hard feat. Bravo Trump.

Erik73572791d ago

People use to have more support for Donald on here, was almost half and half...not anymore lol...people we're like "Ohh he wont do that he just said that in his camapign, he wont actually go through with building a wall and banning muslims noooo"

Utalkin2me2790d ago


Obama banned mulsims too? So whats you point. It all of the sudden tpeople have a opinion on it due to not liking trump. But didn't care when Obama did it in 2011. Liberal Hypocrites.

ravinash2790d ago

He's been in barely a week, and all he does is create policies that give the appearance that he's doing something to please the people that voted for him. Nothing that is actually effective mind you.
He promises to build a wall, says Mexico has to pay for it - Mexico says it won't pay for it = no wall.
Even if the wall was built, if people are determined to get in, they will either climb or tunnel through, so the wall is completely pointless.

Then the ban on people from 6 Muslim countries. Basically creates a lot of hardship for innocent people (a lot of whom are american) because it's stopping families from being together.
And again it's ineffective because if someone really wants to get in (fake passport or go through one of those tunnels under the wall), then they will.
Even if they didn't, most of the attacks these days have been brainwashed people who were already living in America.

This just shows a president who is more concerned with the appearance they give rather than creating an actual thought out action plan to make the world a better place.

JunMei2790d ago

I'm not sure if he's serious or not. Needless to say, any time a country tries to make things overwhelmingly in its favor, making things unfair for everyone else, that's when countries stop doing business with that country. Which then causes exports from that country to falter, since it loses out on trade.

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2791d ago Replies(6)
crazychris41242791d ago

Do we really need Buzzfeed like articles now?? This site is supposed to be an escape from the US presidential fighting of the past 2 years. This is not the n4g I know and love.

The n4g I know is us fighting over review scores, consoles, handhelds, exclusives and PC.

Bathyj2791d ago

Agreed. I wonder where all these people complaining about Trump were on voting day.

81BX2791d ago

I was voting for hillary

zidane13412791d ago

Probably sitting at home thinking that there was no way trump had a chance in hell?

Themba762790d ago

My area stayed blue the dc area it's those red stated you should worry about

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Paytaa2791d ago

Is Xbox irrelevant? Will Playstation fail? Is Nintendo DOOMED? Find out tomorrow on N4G.

REDDURT2791d ago

Kinda easy to say right now till we as gamers start seeing import taxes on top of consoles. In the States

ravinash2790d ago

I want to hear about the PC master race again!

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Number-Nine2791d ago

Just what I want to see. N4G and political articles

Gazondaily2791d ago

The perfect recipe for productive debate and discussion 😆

sher123win1232791d ago

Who ever post this sh!t should be band, political articles should not be allowed in the gaming websites...

GOODKylePS2791d ago

what if they don't know how to play a musical instrument?

sliggio322791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

No one is worse than that mother fucker.

zidane13412791d ago

Because Hillary is a racist, sexist asshole with 0 experience and constantly shits on her own country over twitter. Oh wait

2790d ago
JohnathanACE2791d ago


No, she's just a criminal which is totally fine.
Oh wait

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The most promising games that never saw a release

VGS: 'Part of the excitement in gaming comes from watching a game be unveiled, following its news updates and eagerly awaiting the day of release. But there are times when it never gets to that final part. Either the game is cancelled, put on hold indefinitely, or becomes ‘vaporware’ - meaning, we simply never hear from it again. Here are some games that never saw a release, but that did look rather promising.'

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Community3984d ago
Agent20093984d ago

I'm still disgruntled by Kojima's decision to cancel the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising's concept. It was absolutely ambitious: an open world stealth slasher with an ability to cut literally everything to make your way through... without enemy's notice.

I guess it was just too beautiful to happen.

Nyxus3984d ago

Yeah the idea was very cool but they just couldn't get the concept together. It's a shame but maybe they will do something with the material they have some day.

-Foxtrot3984d ago

I know right, in my opinion the game we got was horrible compared to what could of been. The Rising game we got seemed out of place for being a MGS game even despite being a spin off.

Eight Days hopefully will make it's way to the PS4 one day, the gameplay back in 2006 looked amazing. Imagine what it will look like now

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3984d ago

Rising is actually canon. LOL

Also, although it seems out of place. It was by no means a bad game. Terrible story, but gameplay was AMAZING.

-Foxtrot3984d ago

Get out...really, it's now cannon

I thought Kojima said it was a non cannon spin off...christ sake <sigh>

Dagobert3984d ago

I was seriously looking forward to Konami's MGS Rising. That was supposed to be an actual prequel to MGS4 where the storyline made sense. The new one just sucked honestly, it would have made a great Bayonetta game where gameplay is fun and storyline is just stupid.

zeal0us3984d ago

Blame the development for not being able to get the action and stealth element together.

ChipChipperson3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

The original concept for Rising definitely looked way better. It just had that swiftness and accuracy to the whole cutting mechanic. There was a certain, I suppose, elegance and finesse to the way they had Raiden move and how he fought. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Revengeance for what it was, but I was really looking forward to what Kojima Productions was going for, both gameplay wise and story wise. Who knows, maybe one day they will use concept for a new Rising game that is made by Kojima Productions or possibly a new IP from them.

Nyxus3984d ago

I agree, while I did enjoy MG Rising, the previous concept did look and sound intriguing, and I was interested in that story focusing on Raiden's transition to cyborg ninja.

Murad3984d ago

I totally agree with your statement, but now that I'm thinking about it, if he did do it, it would be very difficult in terms of programming. The reason why is because every time, let's say hypothetically, Raiden cut something, that dataStructure would have to look completely different, or disappear and be replaced, there would be far too much to necessary power to be put on different systems, I believe, unless I'm thinking of programming this game completely the wrong way.

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FullmetalAlchemist3984d ago

Trigun for the PS2, was so sad when I heard it got canceled.

ZBlacktt3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

And when I was saying this spin off game was going to do so poorly long before it came out. People just clicked disagree, lol. I know the gaming market. :cool:

Same with MGS5. People will buy it for sure. But it won't have the impact MGS4 did. More so changing out David Hayter for no real reason at all. But more for a personal one of Kojima's. Many diehards did not like that at all!

A lot of the games history died in MGS4. Now it's become just some game. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

TheDivine3984d ago

Idk I really didnt care for MGS4, it was too action focused, stealth meant nothing, the story was horrendous, along with many other things like lack of memorable boss fights. Still, MGS is as awesome to me as always. The game didnt live up to snakes last mission in my eyes but it was still a good game. The series is still amazing for sure.

I do agree axing David Hayter was a HORRIBLE thing to do. He is Snake. The series is def going more TPS and mainstream. I'm worried how Kojima will manage to keep it stealthy in an open world setting. I have my worries but Kojima has delivered time and time again so I will trust him and hope he makes me feel like a fool for doubting him lol.

3984d ago Replies(2)
3984d ago Replies(1)
NarcolepZZZZZZ3984d ago

I thought "Huxley" would have made the list.

NarcolepZZZZZZ3984d ago

Also I want shenmue 3 dammit! I need closure!

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