
Borderlands " really about the loot", sequel to be less repetitive

Gearbox is working to ensure the core mechanics of Borderlands make it into the sequel in bigger and better form.

-Mika-4581d ago

Im hesitant about buying this game because borderland was totally boring. So instead of paying $60 because of all the hype the game had. Im definitely renting this one before i buy.

bodybombs4580d ago

i suppose youre entitled to an opinion

WhiteLightning4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

I wish they would of kept the old characters, this is there story still, I mean I know Handsome Jack leaves one of the new players for dead but still the main problem is that he's been going round saying he opened the vault two years ago.....if someone was lying about something I did in that type of world I would of wanted to kill him my self not just let some nobody who got caught up in it take revenge for me. I mean come on Gearbox you can still have character development and have them as the main character, even the "new" character classes are just basicaly improvments that could of been added to the vault hunters if they were playable in the sequel.....Brick the Berzerker - upgrade/imprvoment = Gunzerker, the siren getting a new power (I know Sirens only get one power but if they found more alien tec they could get more powers from them).

I hope they do DLC where we will have the option to use our save data from the last game, it will set up up the events for the third game and leave us on a cliff hanger.

ZombieAssassin4581d ago

I too will be hoping that it receives some sort of DLC that allows us to play as the characters from the first Borderlands, even if they didn't let us use our save files it would still be nice...although I'd prefer if they let us.

ZombieAssassin4581d ago

I just bought the first one off PSN because I needed my fix it's one of my personal top 3 new IP's of this generation. Kinda upset they decided to go with new characters as I spent time maxing out every character thinking i'd be able to import them...still though I have faith in Gearbox bringing a new engaging story.

It can get a bit repetitive at times but it's still manages to be good fun most of the time. I have to say though playing solo takes so much fun out of the game it's definitely a game to play with a friend or friends.

doctorstrange4581d ago

Good to see the recognize any problems, B2 should be awesome.

rickybadman4580d ago

I hope this game is getting the proper attention. Gearbox seems stretched waaaay to thin at the moment. 3 games in development, and a 4th one in production. The studio only has like 250 people.

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jwillj2k4526d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

506d ago
TheColbertinator526d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

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I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

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toxic-inferno526d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

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