
Black Panel Podcast 40

In this episode, the Black Panel team talk Vita launch games, Whore of the Orient, Rayman Origins, Dead Island, Krater and much more!

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Best Side-Scroller Games on PC

GF365: "These are our picks for the best side-scroller games on PC. The genre was popular back in the day, and these modern games prove the genre is still alive and well."

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Dead Island 2 devs believe a Dead Island remake would be a “mistake”

We might be in the age of remasters, but it doesn't look like the Dead Island 2 devs believe remaking the original game is the right move for the series.

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Duke19461d ago

but remakes require far less effort for these companies and they can still charge $70 for them!

Feel like everyone makes fun of Skyrim re-releasing like 18 times yet applaud these remasters elsewhere. Would much prefer NEW games

CrimsonWing69460d ago

Making sequels really is the way to go. Otherwise we'll be stuck playing only the first entry, forever!!!


Dead Island's 2011 reveal is still the best game trailer of all time

Josiah Motley of KnowTechie writes: "I love video game trailers. While I don’t believe they are an integral part of a game’s success (especially these days), there’s something about a well-produced trailer that really just reminds me why I like video games."

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Exvalos872d ago

Also the most misleading of all time

SDuck872d ago

How so? Because it focused on a family that you see dying? (innocent question, haven't gotten a chance to play any Dead Island game yet)

aconnellan872d ago

More the tone of it - the tone of the trailer suggested something personal and dramatic, but the game was very much reminiscent of Left 4 Dead in that you were just there to kill zombies and nothing more

Ashby_JC872d ago

You play as a singular character there is no family involved at all in the game. Still a stand out trailer that I remember clearly from years ago.

Fntastic872d ago (Edited 872d ago )

Did you not like the game?

I remember going in expecting a L4D style of game, but the excessive camera swaying honestly made me feel ill, and it's rare for a game to do that to me, still don't understand why the need for anything other than maybe a subtle slight camera movement when doing melee attacks etc. Other than that i didn't really find the game that good. In all honesty i had more enjoyment out of DNF, and i know many people crap on that game.

BioShockGX871d ago

I still remember this misleading controversy

RickRoland872d ago

It’s the music. It’s perfect. I agree with this for sure, it is well choreographed….unfortunately the game didn’t live up to the trailer.

brewin871d ago

Maybe not, but it was still a good game. I liked how they expanded things with Dying Light, but Dead Island was a great first attempt! I really liked all the Easter eggs and homages to other horror franchises sprinkled throughout. Sure it was a little cheesy and over there top, but it was a good happy medium between Far Cry and Fallout with zombies.

Stonilein872d ago ShowReplies(1)
EmperorDalek872d ago

I'm gonna heavily disagree with that.

CrimsonWing69872d ago

Have you ever seen any of the MGS 3 or MGS 4 trailers? Those blow this out of the water for me.

TricksterArrow872d ago

They require prior knowledge of the franchise, tho. You show this trailer to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, and they can understand what's going on and relate to the family dynamic almost immediately. No need to know who is Snake, or Fox Hound, or Raiden, or Metal Gear...

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