
Feast Your Eyes On 293 Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Screenshots

Today is the last day of the Star Wars: The Old Republic beta, then the servers will close, leaving thousands orphan of their new addiction for a while, as many at Bioware will probably spend some sleepless nights to give the game a few more rounds of polish.

To celebrate the end of testing DualShockers Shares "some" screenshots of the game's beta.

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bwazy4679d ago

Was excited for it, but I sadly can't invest ANY amount of time into an MMO. But a very quick word from my time in the beta; game play is VERY recycled from other more "accomplished" MMO's, but the flawless and engaging story line MORE than makes up for it.

Abriael4679d ago

Umh no. There are some obvious common elements with the rest of the MMORPG genre (yeah, it's a MMORPG, there are levels, there's combat, there's raiding, there's quests...), but most of the things are unique (story, companions, cover, actual interaction between weapons upon parries and so forth) or at the very least have a definitely different spin than the rest, for instance the pacing of combat is very different from what most MMOs offer.

The similarities are mostly on the surface, and related to elements that simply are genre-defining, not game-defining.

admiralthrawn874679d ago

no the pacing and combat is not different in the least. throughout the beta i leveled a tank, dps, and heal character, tried all three in flashpoint settings. i've played my fair share of MMO's, not just WOW, and this is pretty much the same, with a star wars setting and voice acting. people don't realize that the game settles into a grinding routine after the initial "origin" story.

Abriael4679d ago

@admiralthrawn87: no. Sorry, if you say that's pretty the same as wow with voice acting and star wars, you simply didn't really test the game. You can get the first flashpoint at level 10, so that says nothing.

DirtyLary4679d ago

For someone that would only pvp ( no time for raids ). Is this a buy? Is the pvp aspect part of the game or just tact on?

bwazy4679d ago

You should wait for Guild Wars 2 if your serious about PvPing, should be launching this spring (well worth the wait).

DirtyLary4679d ago

Yup that's on my radar.

Abriael4679d ago

It has basically every kind of PvP you may want. Battlegrounds, faction based open PvP and free for all open PvP. So no,not tact on.

The battlegrounds have lovely mechanics by the way.

DirtyLary4679d ago

Is there open zone PVP or is it all BG instances?

Mutley4164679d ago

...i will raid...but mainly get it for the story...i have no idea how the pvp action will be in this game.The thing i love is all the sub stories...i bet i wake one morning and destroy a space station the size of a small moon...or blow up a planet the size of Alderran...this just might be one of the quest lines to come...or escort a princes to a safehaven....while a bounty hunter does his/her best to freeze us in carbon-nite...


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PapaBop547d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator546d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336547d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop546d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.


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