
Top 9 Must-Have Video Games of 2011 That Should Make Your Holiday Wish List

SB: College kids love video games. They’re great ways to blow off some steam and de-stress between mind-frazzling bouts of marathon studying. You probably can’t afford too many games yourself these days, but you can always fit some into your holiday wish list. Since you’ve been studying hard you may not know what’s out there. To help, we’re got the rundown on the top nine video games you’re going to want. Trust us. They’re that good.

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SPARDA_4264577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

In the article he kept mispelling GOTY, instead he kept writing GOY lolz.

Hifist14576d ago

What a joke. Where's Witcher 2? Or Battlefield 3?

itsallgud4576d ago

That's an easy one

1. Skyrim (Superior Xbox version)

2. Modern Warfare 3 (Superior Xbox version)

3. Gears of War 3 (Best Graphics on Console)

4. Rage (Superior Xbox version)

5 Halo Anniversary Edition

FunkMcnasty4575d ago (Edited 4575d ago )

hey @itsallgud, are you Trollboxing? I haven't seen Gears 3 in action yet so I can't say for sure, but before you say "best console graphics" you better have a look at Uncharted 3 and Forza 4...

Speaking of Forza 4, I would think that should be on the list of 'must-have's for the Holidays. After all, Ive never heard of a "top 9," It ususally is a top 10, so maybe they just forgot number 10 ;)

_Aarix_4576d ago

I hated the 3rd uncharted. Compared to the first 2 it was kind of a let down. Just turned me away. My favorite of the 3 is the 2d though.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom215d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator43d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast43d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor69d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8569d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius69d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius69d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor69d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either