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Wii U has 3GHz quad core CPU, 768 MB of RAM

According to a new rumor, a Japanese developer reveals that the Wii U CPU is very similar to the Xbox 360 chip (albeit with 4 cores), and that the system has 768MB of RAM.

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Community4680d ago
BioWareShocker4680d ago

I hope it's significantly more powerful than a 360 and not some 7 year old hardware when it comes out.

blaaah4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

3GHZ quad core looks freaking amazing! And the final version will have 1GB RAM so that's pretty awesome too!!

Next-Gen confirmed.

fluffydelusions4680d ago

How is that amount of RAM awesome? It's nearly 2012. Even a cheapo laptop has 4gb.

Grip4680d ago

wow u overpowered a 6 years old with 256M and now its 768.. oh wait! my cellphone have 1GB ram!!!!!!!!!

adamant7154680d ago

I believe Ram in consoles are different than in PC's..

Pc's = Huge amount of multitasking and services being used.

Consoles= Less services, and developers are usually able to maximize the ability of even a small amount of RAM through a good engine.

JsonHenry4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Pfft. My cell phone has 1gig of RAM. The video card alone in my PC, an HD5870 is pushing 2 years old, has 1gig of RAM.

Obviously the efficiency of the CPU means more than the hertz it runs at so that is up in the air. But even at 1gig of RAM that is LAME. EXTREAMLY WEAK. Especially for a "next gen" console.

@ Shackdaddy - yes, but 1gig shared with a video card is still extremely low, even for a console. Remember, the previous generation had 512 (+ 10megs EDRAM for the Xbox) any the previous xbox before it only had a paltry 64megs. So Ninetendo, if this is true, is making one of the smallest leaps in RAM capacity in the history of console gaming. It won't end well for them launching at the same time frame as the xbox and the new playstation. Especially since both other systems have their own motion controls.

Shackdaddy8364680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

@fluffy, Grip & Jason - Like adamant said, consoles are different than PCs. They don't require nearly as much RAM.

Plus, we are talking about edram which is amazing. 360 has about 10.5 MB total of edram.

slayorofgods4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )


The amount of ram ignores the 64bit revolution.

768mb will give about the same gaming performance as a 2Gb 32bit computer. That is giving that a little over 1 gb of ram is needed for other pc functions.

As of now most pc games prefer 4Gb of ram (on a 64bit OS) and that gives the wii u a 2Gb disadvantage.

Companies need to stop ignoring the 64 bit revolution, it is becoming more and more the present.

Frankfurt4680d ago

Console RAM is also a LOT more expensive than PC RAM.

STONEY44680d ago

RAM is so retardedly cheap right now that 768 MB is crazy low. 4GB sells for around $30. Seriously.

RAM speed also isn't gonna help when you're loading over 1GB of assets and high-res textures at once. Looks like more development cost and time wasted on optimization.

nveenio4680d ago

People...the only thing "next gen" about WiiU is the interface. The hardware is current-gen console at best. Nintendo is simply playing catchup with the hardcore crowd... It's not setting a new bar. Remember, they want their console as cheap as possible. It will contain decent mobile tech--maybe rival or outdo the Vita. It's not going to be something we all trash our PS3 for.

gaffyh4680d ago

@Frankfurt - It's the same thing except rather than being produced in a module, it's soldered on the board. So the cost will not be that different to normal RAM, production cost will be the same, especially if it is outsourced.

On topic- It'll probably be able to compete very well with PS3/360 in terms of graphics, but it will nowhere near next-gen quality.

Intentions4680d ago


Comps don't even use close to 4 gigs anyway.

darthv724680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

consoles use their resources far differently than a PC. So for example, why is it that a console with 512mb of RAM can effectively play the same game that a multicore PC can with dedicated video RAM of 512+ and pc RAM in excess of 1gb+?

There isnt the big overhead of the OS and other processes running in the background. I would think the Wii-U would have a 'minimum' of 1gb for RAM.

It could very well have 768 mb of "Video" ram from the rumors. Or it could be the amount of RAM in the handheld unit not the system itself.

Pandamobile4680d ago

The hell are you talking about, Intentions?

ChickeyCantor4680d ago

"How is that amount of RAM awesome? It's nearly 2012. Even a cheapo laptop has 4gb."

It's also important how it's accessed and how big the bandwidth is.
If it is embedded then developers have "awesome" ram at their hands.

saladthieves4680d ago

Quad core processor running at 3GHz is a good move. However the let down is the RAM. 768 MB...seriously?? I expected nothing less than 1GB. Heck, 4GB would be awesome. There's no excuse. Memory is not expensive as it used to be say in 2006.

gamingdroid4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Although the amount is NOT huge, the performance increase is enormous.

However, hasn't Nintendo learned anything from Sony? The reason the PS3 is suffering is because it opted for high performance memory, but it is limited to 512MB split in two. This means maximum for VRAM is only 256MB and games are suffering because of that.

Just take a quick look at Rage, and you see constant pop-ins that don't affect the Xbox 360 nearly as much.

Flexible shared RAM in a constrained environment is good, but the bottleneck here isn't performance, it's in the storage size.

I think 1GB should be minimum, but maybe 1080p doesn't require as much.

eDRAM though is insanely expensive and that is why the Xbox 360 only hasa little over 10 MBs... even 7 years later.

Don't mistake eDRAM for the cheap PC RAM you get in store.

kaveti66164680d ago

"Console RAM is also a LOT more expensive than PC RAM."

I had a response to this from a previous thread and forgive me for repeating it.

"Right, because we all know console RAM grows on unicorns."

ProjectVulcan4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

I do admit that 768mb of memory is not really what i expected, i expected more, at least 1GB. Even if it has a lot of bandwidth like it would with this rumoured setup, its not really impressive. When every decent graphics card ships with 1Gb these days i would expect Wii U to ship with at least twice as much memory as PS3/360. Memory performance with IBM's latest eDRAM technology would be good but still limiting for a games console.

I notice that THE key part, the GPU, is still undetailed. We have no real idea how fast this thing is gonna be until we know GPU details.

50 percent faster is what is quoted, and in truth, this is not a lot. Again i expected more. When the rumours of a Radeon R770 were bandied about, i thought that yes, that could work. That chip is at least 400 percent faster than Xenos and RSX.

Now more sources state a mere 50 percent. If that is right and it is not even twice as fast- the GPU can't be an R770. It would suggest something closer to a Radeon 4650. This is puny by 2011 standards. Actually its puny by 2008 standards to be fair.

Cheap to make. Nintendo have probably blown the most of the manufacturing cost on the controller again.

f7897904680d ago

The Vita also has 768MB total. Yeah............ the Wii U is going to look absolutely pathetic when Sony and Microsoft release new consoles.

KwietStorm_BLM4680d ago

lol so the Android tablets and smartphones coming out in the next couple months are "next-gen confirmed" too? 768MB of RAM is nothing.

Megaton4680d ago

There is something different about RAM in consoles. I believe the PS2 was only running on 32mb of RAM, while our current consoles only have 512mb. Next gen should be minimum 1gb.

Skip_Bayless4680d ago

Just as I suspected. Nintendo you dissapoint me and anger me. You have not changed my mind. This is the samething as the Wii being slightly stronger than the xbox 1.

ninjahunter4680d ago

@adamant windows can and does clear up all but like 250mb of ram when gaming so its a non issue

BattleAxe4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

@ Bioware Shocker

What do you expect, its Nintendon't.

@ blaaah

The WiiU is nerfed.....Confirmed !

Dee_914680d ago

why do people think wii u is a next gen console?

hiredhelp4680d ago

Easy to forget that the likes of windows 7 vista even XP Can use as or nearly as much ram just by leaving windows or browsing the web. Thats reason why PC vs Consoles differnt your console OS are based programed to do limited hings and many programs that run in background on windows. Wont see that on consoles well a little. As for next gen ram we will defo see more than 1gb ram shared or deadicated.

CommonSense4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

LOL @ people that think cell phone ram is comparable to ram in a console or pc.

with that said, ram is cheap and there's no excuse for a "next gen" console to be less than a couple gigs.

with THAT said, nintendo doesn't make "next gen" hardware anymore. they make last gen hardware with stupid names and gimmicky peripherals.

Jdrm034680d ago


It's a next gen console because it's a next gen console lol. A console generation is not based on how powerful the hardware is.....

Skip_Bayless4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

That's what Nintendo wants you to think. They are too cheap to invest more powerful hardware. Nintendo always wants to make money off each system sold. They're using innovative gimmicks to try to validate that they are next generation system.

2pacalypsenow4680d ago

PC ram works differently the OS alone requires 1gb of ram

4679d ago
360ICE4679d ago

More like current gen ready. It has innovative controls so no complaints from me though.

HappyGaming4679d ago

This looks a lot like another Wii to me...
The wii was just a bit better than the PS2 and Xbox and this is looking to be just a bit better than the PS3 and the 360...

Jdrm034679d ago

Wow, I got 3 disagrees about saying the Wii-U is a next gen console because it's a new console? dang you three that disagreed must have only started gaming this generation if you thing a console generation is based on how powerful a console is....

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 4679d ago
fluffydelusions4680d ago

768 MB of RAM - I am disappoint if true =\

heylo4680d ago

It's EDRAM (aka fast-as-hell-RAM)
not too shabby if you ask me...

nondecaf4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Isn't that the same as ps vita?

Honky Kong4680d ago

The Last Guardian is being ported to WiiU, I am disappointed if NOT true.

sofocado4680d ago

I also hope that it will be more powerful then the PS3.

slayorofgods4680d ago

In a snails race the Wii U will be more powerful.

2pacalypsenow4680d ago

it would be stupid if it was released 5 years later and its not more powerful

SilentNegotiator4680d ago

768MB? Even with the better types of RAM....I really expected more.

Even though consoles have a smaller OS footprint, I really think it would be good to have over a GB.

yabhero4680d ago

are you aware this is a rumor?

SilentNegotiator4680d ago

Yes. But by my wording, it doesn't sound like it. My mistake.

I really "HOPE" the next gen consoles have more ram.

ninjahunter4680d ago

T_T 768mb of ram isnt much. I have yet to see a pc game thats considered next gen to run under 1.5gb of ram usage(not even counting vram).

Kushan4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Anyone who thinks 768Mb of RAM, even "really fast RAM" is good, in this day and age, is an idiot. Yes, fast RAM can make all the difference but not having enough of it can still be crippling. The less RAM you have, the more you have to stream from disk (either HDD/internal memory or optical). I cannot put into words how much slower streaming is than RAM. RAM is orders of magnitude faster than even the best SSD out there. I ran Memtest x86 the other day and my cheapo DDR3 was running at something like 15,000MB/s. The fastest SSD's out there top out at about 550MB/s.

Yes, the typical RAM used in consoles is "faster" but as I said, once you run out of space that benefit is completely and utterly wiped out as soon as streaming is involved. If you really want that "extra fast RAM", there's still no harm in putting in a couple of GB of "slow" DDR3 - which is cheap and plentiful. In fact, both the Wii and the PS3 do this by having some "fast" RAM and some "not so fast" RAM. I'm putting that in quotes because "not so fast" implies that it's somehow slow, when it's really not.

4Gb is the absolute MINIMUM the next gen will need, with 8GB being the ideal sweet spot.

And if you think I'm off the mark, history says otherwise:

PS1: 2MB
PS2: 32MB
PS3: 512MB

Each of those is 16x more than the previous. And 16x 512, strangely enough, is 8GB.

vortis4680d ago

Bubbles. You took the post right out of my fingers. Saves me time for typing.

Also I hope those rumors of the 720 having only 2GB of RAM are false, otherwise I'll just skip the next gen altogether.

TruthbeTold4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Double post.

TruthbeTold4680d ago

I don't know how to console you if you truly believe that ANY of the next gen consoles will have 8 gigs of ram. Come on man. Get real...

Sarcasm4680d ago

Blowing it a bit out of proportion aren't we? Not even the most taxing of PC games right now will even really use 2-3GB of RAM. When they recommend 4GB of RAM, that means total system memory for other tasks and what not.

I'd say a next-gen console would need most is about 2GB and that's even stretching it.

It's going to boil down to the amount of VRAM the video card has which will have a greater effect on graphics.

gamingdroid4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

although I agree that more RAM is nice and that smaller super fast RAM isn't a replacement for more RAM, but 4GB is actually quite excessive.

Consoles OS have a much smaller memory footprint. The Xbox 360 OS only takes 32MB, while the PS3 takes 48MB. In contrast a PC has a minimum requirement of 512MB RAM these days if not more.

I think a good strategy would have been increase the el-cheapo DDR3 RAM to 2 GB, decrease the eDRAM to 512MB or less.

Go with intelligent design i.e. focus more on software design (needs), not hardware design!

ninjahunter4680d ago

8gb would be fairly useless though, you could run all 3 crysis games, BF3 and skyrim on that much ram simultaneously. 2gb is probably what consoles should aim for because Juggernaut pc games usually tend to linger around 2gb ram usage. (that is not counting the OS)

When a game needs 8gb of ram the developer will be fired.

JBaby3434680d ago

Although the history of the numbers works out to 8GB in the next consoles I really doubt it will be that much. That is excessive even for PC games so especially for consoles. I think 2-4 GBs is sufficient. For instance in PS4 an updated CELL with 1 GB of XDR and a nice GPU with 1-2 GBs should work out quite well. Similar setup for Nextbox's CPU and GPU though I doubt it will be XDR.

Kushan4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

Ok, let's clear up some more misconceptions.

PC games today don't use more than around 2GB of RAM, this is true. However, do you not realise that there's a reason for this beyond just not needing it?
Many of you already know this, but some might not - there's a hard limit in the amount of RAM a PC can use. Particularly, if your PC has 4GB of RAM, it'll only actually be capable of using about 3.2GB (Total, this includes all programs, the OS, even hardware like your graphics card) unless you have a 64bit OS. Furthermore, 32bit programs themselves are unable to address more than 2GB of RAM (Even if you're running a 64bit OS). It is possible to make it "Large address aware" so it can use 4GB, but as I said on a 32bit OS this means it'll hit that 3.2Gb limit and start paging memory to the hard drive (which as we've already discussed is very slow).
So game developers have a choice - they can make games that use more than 2GB of RAM and cause massive performance issues on 32bit PC's, or make it 64bit ONLY. No matter which they do, it will effectively cut out a -LOT- of the potential market. There's plenty of doom and gloom stories about the PC games market as it is without cutting out nearly half of the market (see http://store.steampowered.c... for stats on OS usage - Win7 x64 and Vista x64 total about 55% of the market). Or, alternatively, they can keep RAM usage around 2GB and keep everyone happy.

So yeah, there's a REASON PC games don't use more than 2GB of RAM, you also have to remember that a lot of them are console ports, so already have optimised memory usage to fit the 512Mb the PS360 has.

As for there being an OS overhead that consoles won't have, this is only marginally true. The PS3 and 360 are not just games consoles any more, they're multimedia machines capable of lots more. The current gen is capable of streaming your music in game, cross-game chat (text and voice) and so on - the next generaiton should do all that and more. In game web browsing? Why the hell not! Let's not limit ourselves here. RAM is cheap, the cost of 8GB of RAM is less when compared to the cost of 512MB 6 years ago.

And now for another point - we're talking about the NEXT generation of consoles, the generation that's meant to last at least 5 or 6 years - from 2012, that's 2018. Why are people comparing RAM usage to games being made TODAY? That's incredibly short-sighted.

NamelessTed4679d ago

@Sarcasm, and everybody else.

High end PC games will easily use more than 2-3GB of RAM. One thing you need to realize that the RAM we are talking about on a console is TOTAL RAM, which would likely be shared between system and video, similar to how the Xbox 360 works today.

A game on the PC today will absolutely fill up the GDDR RAM on a high-end videocard at about 2GB. If you run SLI of Crossfire then that would be 4GB of video RAM alone. Then take into consideration that the game will very likely be using another 2GB of system memory. What you find is that on high end PCs where games are pushing the hardware we are easily using 6GB of RAM in total.

Also consider that games are rapidly increasing in size and are going to continue to do so. Rage just released and clocks in at a solid 25GB. More and more games are shipping on two DVDs and are just getting MUCH bigger. This size increase comes because there is way more data. Not that the game is super long but the textures and models and everything in the game is more detailed, high-res, and takes up more space. That means we need more RAM so that we are able to load as much of the game into memory as possible.

In order for console manufacturers to be "future-proof" they will need an absolute minimum of 4GB of RAM, but would be much more comfortable at 8GB. They need to have very advanced hardware that will be able to support large changes over the years following its release. It is amazing that the Xbox 360 has been capable of changing so much since release but still have the same basic parts that were design to play games are now capable of party chat, Kinect, netflix, and a handful of other tasks that you would have never guess it would or even could do back in 2004.

MS and Sony need systems that can potentially go through even more change in the next generation.

ProjectVulcan4679d ago (Edited 4679d ago )

The most taxing PC games can use over 1.5Gb of video RAM alone. Pretty much any decent PC game with a modern engine will exceed 1GB @ 1080p with MSAA. (BTW SLI does not increase the amount of usable video memory because assets are mirrored in the card's memory, they work on the same problem so use identical assets)

Games breaking 1.5Gb video memory can also easily use 1.5Gb+ of system memory. By this i mean the game itself, besides the system memory used for the OS. Next gen consoles will probably have at least a 64bit address space, so there is no realistic OS limit on memory. Its barely worth mentioning.

So you are talking about stuff like GTA4 and Crysis 2, Metro 2033 etc eating up 3Gb+ total memory maxed without a problem. Even if you have a console operating system for a next gen machine, you will want it to be much more flexible and capable of multi tasking, so you might want say another 100mb for the OS.

I would want next gen console games to match and even exceed these current PC titles. In other words i totally agree that 4GB memory, either unified or at least split 2gb/2gb should be MINIMUM to advance games enough.

8Gb would be ideal. Maybe not very cheap, but not unrealistic now considering the price of DDR3 modules for system memory. (DDR3 costs nothing, its LESS than $20 for a 4GB module OEM) and GDDR5 for video memory. Typically if GDDR5 was used it wouldn't be the fastest stuff so wouldn't be uber expensive.

jalen2474679d ago

I agree w/Kushan. I think 8GB is ideal in keeping with the progression of Sony console generations.

I see Sony putting in 8GB keeping in line with their strategy of future proofing their consoles coupled with the fact that ram was a bottleneck for the PS3 and 360

All those PC fanboys complaining about 8GB being excess for a console because of the lower OS footprint etc...possible envy...?...because PCs are bottle-necked with how much ram their OS will utilize...

The whole argument of console OS not needed a lot of ram is BS...I expect next gen consoles to be multitasking beasts both in game and outside the game. I expect heavy integration and multitasking of multiple services and no loading lag.

I also expect very elaborate dynamic themes and sophisticated 1080P video themes running as my background.

People also have to keep in mind that next gen consoles should be trend setting and not just going for what is currently available on PC.

I do not want any pop ins, screen tears, low frame rates, or jaggies in my next gen games as a standard....period

And all games should run 1080P/60FPS as standard with the ability for the console to run higher resolutions depending on where TV resolutions are heading and depending when the next consoles will launch.

_Aarix_4674d ago

Woah woah woah...the ps1 had only 2 mb of ram......

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
Malice-Flare4680d ago

@all the people with 1GB in their cell phones...

how much is your cell phone unlocked and without contract? you really want the Wii-U to cost more than $399.99?

i only hope the GPU is DirectX 11 compliant or equivalent and i do hope they go for the 1GB...

Malice-Flare4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

yep. mine's an unlocked Xperia Play. $449 discounted...

Smashbro294680d ago

I would much prefer to pay a lot upfront for a good piece of hardware (that will be out for the next 6 years) than pay a little less and have the specs rumored in this article.

Hassassin4679d ago

@Smashbro29 then buy a gaming PC

stragomccloud4679d ago

Never thought about it from that point of view. Excellent point.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4679d ago
kaveti66164680d ago

It bugs me when some of you guys say that it's okay for consoles to have less RAM because they don't have to do as many tasks as PCs.

Even though you guys are right, you're basically saying that it's okay that, once again, consoles won't be able to multitask. Don't you guys hate the fact that you cannot download something on your PS3 while you're playing a game? Or that you have to quit out of a game to go the web browser?

With my shitty netbook I am able to multitask in a way the PS3 cannot do. I can have several tabs open on my browser, I can watch a video, download something, have a word processor open, and so on. You can only do ONE thing at a time on the PS3, and yet you guys are saying, "It's okay. Consoles don't need a lot of RAM."

What you're also basically saying is that consoles don't need a sophisticated operating system. All this talk about OS footprint gets me thinking about how simple the operating system is for a machine I paid several hundred dollars for.

Consoles are no longer just dedicated gaming machines. RAM is dirt cheap, even for individual consumers, so why do you guys think that having 4 gigs or even 6 gigs of RAM is going to be too much? The console manufacturer buys RAM in wholesale. The cost of 6 gigs of RAM for Microsoft would probably be 5 bucks a module.

Nintendo is disappointing. All that processing power, bottlenecked by limited memory. Stupid.

NamelessTed4679d ago

Dude, absolutely. You nailed it. The next generation isn't going to revolve around having a console do a single task at a time. We aren't using iPhone in 2009 anymore. consoles of the future are going to become more and more like PCs, but streamlined for controller and TV use, rather than monitor and mouse/keyboard use.

From what I understand, one of teh major reasons that the PS3 doesn't support crossgame party chat is because of RAM. That "program" takes a certain amount of RAM and CPU power to execute and they can't get it unless they take it away from the game, which isn't an option.

In the next generation of consoles, we are talking about a truly full featured living room device. You will have all sorts of video streaming, live tv, recording TV, playing games, Kinect HD video stuff, etc. Microsoft finally combining all of their software efforts with Windows 8, mobile, console, and PC. We know people will be making mobile apps for tablets running Windows 8, hoping to copy the success of iPhone and Android app stores. It is only common sense that Microsoft would do the same on their console. But it won't just be games, they will have all sorts of "apps" that will be designed specifically for the controller or Kinect.

Liquid_Ocelot4680d ago

My phone has 768mb of RAM I believe.. not bad [for my phone] but for a console.. come on.

showtimefolks4680d ago

If this is what nintendo is planinng and why should anyone bug a wii-u when they can get those same system specs for much less and already in the market with proven online services and exclusives content along with a lot of 3rd party support.

768MB of ram are you serious? And please don't reply to me with the crap a console is not a pc when it's doing everything a pc can do and moving forward it's more like a pc anyway. Cheap ass 250$ laptops give you more than 2-3 gb of ram.

And think about it like this these next consoles will be in the market for at the very least 7 years so are we ok with 768 ram in 2018-2019? Think about it before you reply. People look at these things with a present point of view but how will the future be affected. If I am a betting man which I am not I can say that next xbox and playstation will have at least 2gb of ram and aaa much as 4-6. Safe side would be to ave 4th of ram and it's really cheap so it's not raising the price of a console by a lot.

2gb is my guess for next consoles mainly xbox and playstation
4gb would be doing things for future and a playing it a little on safe side
Now if either deliver 6th of ram just imagine what some of the developers can do to use that ram and make their already great games better and better online features.

4gb ram
350-500 gb hard drive atleast
A updated version of cell processor
Sony will do their own graphics card since they wanted to do their own for ps3 but were running late with launch so they decided to get a 3rd party one. But this time I believe with enough future planning they might be doing their own
A faster bluray drive and bgger disk space
Move 2.0 bundled in with every ps3

And here we go we ourselves a ps4 oh and please have backwards compatible systems please

And alsomkst same thing for xbox720 MS doesn't need a complete overhaul as much as update the specs and make their disk drive better with more space on disks

It's nintendo that has to catch up to Sony and MS and if this s their next gen console with these specs rumored you can forget about it. When ps4 and xbox720 launch and beat wii-u specs than what?

christheredhead4680d ago

All that information is meaningless. I just want to play fun, creative, well built nintendo games in hd. If they can pull that off with lower specs then so be it. Outdoing nintendo specs (which they probably will) wont have an effect on gamers, such as myself, who want to actually play the games.

Jappy-k74680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

i could say it's significantly more powerful than teh ps3

ATi_Elite4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

3.0ghz 4 core CPU is very good.

40nm ATi based gpu: Could be very well based on the HD4000 series, hopefully a more efficient HD4870. This series of GPU's can produce 1080p very easily along with 3D graphics.

768 or 1 GB of shared ram: 768 is too low. 1 GB would be much better as it would allow 256 for system and 768 for Video ram Plus along with clever programming techniques to use more ram for video all the ram at once.

It's not a PC which does many many things at once so it doesn't need 4GB of ram.

clrlite4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

wow, an intelligent comment from someone who actually knows what video memory is. Someone gave you a disagree too, but I'm not surprised.
They think their phone's one gig of memory is the same thing.
Your phone cant produce PS3 graphics(512 MB roughly), let alone WiiU graphics.

I even saw someone say you can get 8gb memory for 30 dollars.

That's not high speed dedicated VRAM used to produce top notch graphics.

The WiiU will have high speed, dedicated VRAM, just like the Vita.

It is NOT the same as your phones memory.

There is no reason to bottleneck a console if ram is supposedly so "cheap".


SephirothX214680d ago

Remember you can turn explorer off on a windows pc to boost game performance. RAM is very important. Normal processes on a pc don't require a huge amount of RAM. PC games do. A gig ram for a supposedly "next-gen" console is a joke.

jerethdagryphon4680d ago

so more ram and an extra 400mhz of cpu not exactly ground breaking

360 is 3.2x3 ps3 is 3.2x6 so only ram is an improvment but unless it has a good gpu and it will load faster but notm uch else

attilayavuzer4679d ago

Quit Mickey Mousing the next generation dammit!!! Put a terabyte of edram and make it run off rocket fuel then we'll talk...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
RedDead4680d ago

Looking at that, it's a slight upgrade from a 360. This is just a rumor anyhow. Dunno how the Gpu is either.

kevnb4680d ago

it was supposed to be based on the 4000 series of ati cards, but clocked higher than anything that was available. So it will give the 360 a good thrashing, but the 360 is of course 5 years old.

slayorofgods4680d ago

Are you sure? I thought it was more based on the low factor form, low power usage gpu's such as the ati hd 5570.

kevnb4680d ago

well these powerpc processors are in order chips, so they do kind of suck. If dx11 does what its supposed to, we will see the true gap in power. For now the consoles do have better api for handling draw calls, so the pc processors have to work harder to get the same result.

arjman4680d ago

You don't multiply clock speeds as a sign of performance scaling -_-

B1663r4680d ago

Clock speed has not been a good measure of performance for many years now...

rickyjb234680d ago

mabey not 9 ghz, but proably talking about a six core processor with 12 threads each at 4ghz + like the intel core 17 990x

SnakeCQC4680d ago

it was a bad joke obviously the guy has 3 way sli or crossfire

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4680d ago
NYC_Gamer4680d ago

people will be disappointed if they think the wii-u will be way above current consoles spec wise


Thank you that's what I've been saying

GribbleGrunger4680d ago

not only will it not be a huge leap but that controller could seriously damage it's sales too. i honestly think that Nintendo have made a huge mistake with this.

kma2k4680d ago

@ GribbleGrunger Im as far removed from a nintendo fanboy as you can get, but didnt everyone say the same thing about the wii remote?


Here's the issue with the Wii mote arguement...they had zero competition. The PS Vita is coming out first and with remote play it does exactly what the Wii U does and more. Add to this 50+ million PS3's a monster list of games already out it's beats it hands down. Consumers who were looking for the Wii HD upgrade have already bought the Kinect 360 bundle or PS3 and a Move altogether that's 18 million sales of HD casual hardware sold.

Nintendo is in for an uphill battle which is not like what the Wii was up against.

Shackdaddy8364680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

768 MB edram is actually amazing. To compare, the 360 used 10.5 MB and the PS3 has 0 edram.

edram is like dram with red bull injected into it. It's very good.

Ingram4680d ago

"edram is like dram with red bull injected into it. It's very good."

That's...retarded, are you serious? (e)DRAM stands for embedded DRAM,

Tanir4680d ago

nintendo fanboys will think its a massive jump because they have been stuck in the last generation with the wii. they are just getting into current gen, and will be left behind when ps4 and 720 come out,

nintendo is playing Ketchup while Sony and ms have that and a whooooole lotta that joke sucked

Honky Kong4680d ago

Wii seems to be the best console out this generation. Where you been?

On topic: that joke was so stupid I vomited with rage and amazement.

Parapraxis4679d ago (Edited 4679d ago )

"Wii seems to be the best console out this generation. Where you been? " in reality, where have you been Kong?

sinclaircrown4680d ago

Exactly. Nintendo FANS will love it. Also, the 360 and PS3 maybe 5+ years old now, but they got better and better over time. There's no reason the WiiU can't do the same.

I think people will be dissapointed if they're expecting the next PS or XBOX to be a giant leap for mankind also.

Graphics wise we're pushing the limits. Some stuff looks so real now its astounding.

The next leap will be in the form of how we play. Its already started. Motion controls and cameras and voice activation.

I know everyone here laughs at these things, but gaming has to change at some point in time. in 10-15 years, I have no idea what kind of games we'll be playing, or how we'll be playing them. I do look forward to it all though.

Honky Kong4680d ago

Ninokuni or Metal Gear on the WiiU?

Jihaad_cpt4679d ago

are you stupid, The Last Guardian is published by Sony

Shok4680d ago

Last time I checked, Crytek said that they're "Very happy with the Wii U specs"

That pretty much confirms that it will be a true next-gen system.

D0ffy4679d ago (Edited 4679d ago )


Why the hate on Crytek? If we look at the graphical aspects of it Crytek make some of the most technically beautiful games out there. So if we look at it graphics wise, Wii U might kick ass. If you imply that Crytek's games suck, well I really can't tell cause I haven't played a Crytek game since the first Far Cry and 5 minutes of the first Crysis.

The graphics aren't all that matters though, we'll just have to wait and see.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4679d ago
kevnb4680d ago (Edited 4680d ago )

is it still that ibm bs? The cpus in modern pcs blow this garbage away, too bad the dx9 api wastes so much cpu power though :(.

mamotte4680d ago

You mean the cpus in modern pcs you can get for less than $400?

ChickeyCantor4680d ago

This system is far more dedicated then a pc you put together.

They are made to work as much 1:1 for optimal performance.
It's up to the developer to utilize the hardware.
If developers could use the full power of a pc games would have looked different as well.

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Anniversary: Nintendo Is 135 Years Old Today

Where does the time go?

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Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Number1TailzFan5d ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay5d ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits5d ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

5d ago
porkChop6d ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii6d ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic5d ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad5d ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

Kornholic4d ago (Edited 4d ago )


PS5 Pro is obviously objectively the better product when compared to the base PS5, but the majority of consumers interested in a PS5 will not be picking Pro over base PS5.

There are countless examples like this out there.

The_Blue5d ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia6d ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad5d ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover5d ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC5d ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.

Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos5d ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos5d ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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Final Fantasy Creator Considers Square Enix & Nintendo His "Hometown"

"I am truly happy just to be able to send my child out into the world once again" - Hironobu Sakaguchi

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Community17d ago
VenomUK17d ago

If Square Enix & Nintendo are his hometown what does that make Xbox?

17d ago
OtterX16d ago

The red light district, where games go to w**** themselves for Gamepass cash.

Asterphoenix17d ago

Well Nintendo and Squaresoft is where he started. I totally understand why he doesn't want to do FF now. If so I'm happy for either a remaster of Last Story or a new entry/spiritual successor. Loved the battle system of Last Story.

porkChop17d ago

I just really want a new Lost Odyssey, or even a proper remaster with some QoL updates. Though I'd also love to see him work with Square on a new IP.

Profchaos17d ago

That's about as good as a confirmation that we will see ports to the switch2

Knightofelemia17d ago

Wish my parents bought me a NES as a kid I would have played the first FF game. But I was lucky to have a SNES I played a bit of FF6 and just went to Chrono Trigger. When the FF collection releases I-VI Collection Anniversary drops I will take my time to play each Final Fantasy.

Deathdeliverer16d ago

I mean… this is kinda obvious. The original final fantasy and its early sequels were on…

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