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Relientk77 (1) - 4691d ago Cancel
PaPa-Slam (4) - 4690d ago Cancel
TheBeast (2) - 4691d ago Cancel
Covert_Gunman (1) - 4691d ago Cancel
sheps (1) - 4691d ago Cancel
IDFinners (1) - 4690d ago Cancel

The List: Top 10 MMOs of 2012

This week, dug deep into the old closet to pull out their trusty crystal ball. Gazing deep into its smoky depths, they asked a simple question: What MMOs will round out the Top 10 three years from now? Being a cantankerous old coot of a crystal ball, it told them that they needed to be more specific. Was it to base the list on subscriber numbers? Overall profitability? Random lottery? In the end they decided to look for a Top 10 list that took many factors into account, with subscribers, profitability, critical acclaim and fan support topping the list.

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Community4690d ago
Zarsten4690d ago

Thanks for this article with full of updated news. I'm heading out now to buy SWTOR. Stupid me, I didn't know that it got released already last year October. In the comment section somebody is also mentioning a new ad-on for WOW, Cataclysm. Anybody knows, when the release is?

ATi_Elite4690d ago

Guild Wars 2
The Secret World
Planetside 2
World of Darkness
Fallout MMO
End of Nations

@ Zarsten............World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria...sometime in 2012 is all the info so far.

Zarsten4690d ago (Edited 4690d ago )

I forgot the Smiley in my comment ;)
This article is from 2009....


Drill Core PC Preview - Thumb Culture

Drill Core is a new roguelite strategy sim from indie developer Hungry Couch Games. We take a quick look at it in early access on Steam!

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Community16m ago

From Plow to Power-Ups: Farmer Survivors Offers a Unique Twist

Have you ever wanted to join the world of the Farmer Survivors? You can probably guess where this one is going.

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Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark - First Reveal Trailer

Inti Creates has announced Gal Guardians: Demon Purge sequel Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (Steam). A release date was not announced. It will support up to two players.

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