
The List: Top 10 MMOs of 2012

This week, mmorpg.com dug deep into the old closet to pull out their trusty crystal ball. Gazing deep into its smoky depths, they asked a simple question: What MMOs will round out the Top 10 three years from now? Being a cantankerous old coot of a crystal ball, it told them that they needed to be more specific. Was it to base the list on subscriber numbers? Overall profitability? Random lottery? In the end they decided to look for a Top 10 list that took many factors into account, with subscribers, profitability, critical acclaim and fan support topping the list.

Zarsten4690d ago

Thanks for this article with full of updated news. I'm heading out now to buy SWTOR. Stupid me, I didn't know that it got released already last year October. In the comment section somebody is also mentioning a new ad-on for WOW, Cataclysm. Anybody knows, when the release is?

ATi_Elite4690d ago

Guild Wars 2
The Secret World
Planetside 2
World of Darkness
Fallout MMO
End of Nations

@ Zarsten............World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria...sometime in 2012 is all the info so far.

Zarsten4690d ago (Edited 4690d ago )

I forgot the Smiley in my comment ;)
This article is from 2009....


Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine II Delivers Gore And Lots of Action - Skewed 'n Reviewed

The latest game in the Warhammer 40,000 franchise has arrived and Space Marine II gives fans an intense and gore-laden adventure that takes the action to new levels of intensity Skewed and Reviewed said that despite some dated gameplay; it delivers the action.


Matchbox Driving Adventures Review – Gamerhub UK

It's mainly no-frills, but this arcade racer has its fun moments.

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Review - Mouthwashing (PC) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Kyle Nicol: "When I mentioned that Mouthwashing may be one of the weirdest things I’ve played in a while, I definitely did not meant it in a bad way. Its bizarrely unique structure pushes what would have otherwise been a bog standard horror title to a next level of unsettling. The plot is wild, the scares are effective, and the weird presentation just kept me on edge. It’s not perfect by any means, with the gameplay feeling bland and some attempts to mix things up falling flat, but I had a pretty good time with it. An easy recommendation for fans of dental hygiene and utterly unsettling psychological horror."

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