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Gamespot Editor Fired Over Kane & Lynch Review? heard an unsettling rumor today from an anonymous tipster that longtime game reviewer Jeff Gerstmann from Gamespot has been let go. That wouldn't necessarily be newsworthy, but the conditions under which he was allegedly dismissed were. According to the source, Gerstmann was fired "on the spot" due to advertiser pressure for his review of Eidos' Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. A visit to Gamespot shows that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game has taken over the site very prominently, with backgrounds and multiple banner ads all pitching Kane & Lynch. Allegedly, publisher Eidos "took issue with the review and threatened to pull its ad campaign."

Jeff's review was certainly less than glowing. He assigned the game a 6.0, otherwise known as "Fair" on the Gamespot scale. The game is currently enjoying a Metacritic score in the 65 to 69 range, which the site describes as "mixed or average reviews." According to our tipster, it wasn't necessarily the score that was reason for Gerstmann's rumored axing, but the "tone" of the review.

Gerstmann has been no stranger to controversial reviews, as his scores of 10 for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and 8.8 for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess had sensitive internet users up in arms. It's now possible that many bitter fanboys may have had their wishes for his firing granted.

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Relcom6051d ago

They ruin all reviews for all consoles. By blowing one thing that bugs them out of porportion. Remember, "to much gameplay is bad" quote from them. WTF???

BrianC62346051d ago

Isn't Jeffy the editor in charge of reviews on Gamespot? He'd be the one who assigned idiot Aaron Thomas to review Ratchet & Clank Future and gave it a 7.5. I'd rather think Jeffy was fired over that fiasco than over the Kane & Lynch review.

TheIneffableBob6051d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the boss of GameSpot (not Jeff) assigns reviews to the reviewers.

Anyway, props to Jeff for not giving into advertisers, even if that meant he lost his job for doing so. I have a lot of respect for him now.

Gamespot-equals-EGM6051d ago

I never really liked Jeff Gerstmann but, if this is true and he did get canned for this reason, I feel pretty bad for him.

Couldn't the executives at Gamespot or CNET kind of had a talk with Jeff and the other editors behind closed doors and just said 'Hey cool it with the negative reviews. Some of these companies are giving us a lot of ad revenue.'?

If this is true, it sucks Jeff was made an example of. To me, its not really about GS the website, its how the situation was handled managerially.

But we don't know the whole story. Maybe the exec's at CNET DID ask Jeff to edit his review and he just said 'Fvck you' and they said 'Bye, you're fired.'

AddisonW6051d ago

Thank god that loser Gerstmann got his ass fired.

Talentless little punks with big mouths like Gerstmann are what has ruined game reviews and turned them into the total joke they are to gamers this generation.

Sayonara Gerstmann you turd on the shoe of the gaming world. The gaming world is slightly better place without you.

Itachi6051d ago

how about

He was the skid mark on the underpants of society

Ben stiller Dodge ball

Gamespot-equals-EGM6051d ago (Edited 6051d ago )

The video review is still up, man Gershmann is ultra-harsh in his video review. Enjoy n4g users!

On Youtube:

marinelife96051d ago

That does give you a little bit more of a glimpse into how review scores are determined.

BrianC62346051d ago

Bob - Regarding Jeff Gerstman, back when Aaron Thomas did his hrrible review of Ratchet & Clank Future I searched's site for titles. I don't remember Gerstman's actual title but it was something that would have him in charge of all the reviewers. I believe he was in charge of all reviews.

SlappyMcTaint6050d ago

I say, fire them all and start over with new, fresh people who have signed a contract that binds them to criminal charges for taking money or bribes of any kind taht sways a review-bias from game companies and console makers.

When "same old gameplay" is rewarded on one console and "too many things to do" is dinged for another, there is something way the fcuk wrong!!!

I'm sure M$ will hire them since they suck on the M$ shlong anyway...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6050d ago
toughNAME6051d ago

no more more Microsoft pay cheques

toughNAME6051d ago

haha nono im kidding

I still have my common sense

unlimited6051d ago

i hope somebody in 1up get fired for review because they seem to riding on microsoft double balls..

Mr_Kuwabara6051d ago

Oh so this was the bastard that gave Zelda: Twilight Princess a 8.8.....

Karma is a b!tch eh Jeffy?!

ktchong6051d ago (Edited 6051d ago )

Boycott Eidos, Kane & Lynch, and all their future games.

Seriously, Jeff Gerstmann is one harsh reviewer. He gave BioShock like a 9.

ThichQuangDuck6051d ago

I would join you in that boycott if eidos didnt make hitman or freedom fighters 2 otherwise have fun with that

6051d ago
dragunrising6051d ago

Mass Effect is the best game I have ever played. The story, game play and graphics are all top notch. The immersion makes you feel like your Commander Sheppard from beginning to end. The frame rate you speak of is not perfect but doesn't hinder game play in any way. There is more dialog in game than in many novels; I don't understand your comment about lack of options in conversation. Play through the game as "good" and "bad"...then you can talk. If you are going to judge the game on graphics and "limited" dialog choices alone, I'm not sure you play games for the same reason as other people do.

6050d ago
nobizlikesnowbiz6050d ago

Has there ever been a 'perfect' game?

To me a 10 isn't a perfect game, but a must-own game.

6050d ago
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pizzavideogames6051d ago

If this is true, I'll be staying away from Gamespot and Cnet from now on.

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Elden Ring's manga paused so the author can play the DLC instead

Elden Ring's manga has been put on hiatus so that the artist can play the DLC.

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phoenixwing2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol


15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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27d ago
coolbeans27d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.


Anyone else not blown away with graphics these days? Me neither

Talal writes: "I'm talking about having that rush of excitement - that feeling you get when you know you've just made a memory for a lifetime."

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OptimusDK30d ago

There are different games. Some have gamplay at it highest priority, some have the story, some have the replay value and choices... There are a lot of different game experiences.

It is laughable that just now graphics does not have anything to do with that experiene. We have had many games of that type over time. This is just the one that have come closest to feel like playing an actual movie. Just look the the Digital foundry walkthrough it is a masterpiece in that perspective and hence wrth trying. But yes do not do it for the gameplay - but that was never the goal of this experience.

GamerRN30d ago

It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!

Lightning7729d ago

Pretty much my thoughts. They were technical marvel's on PS and still are. The moment Xbox puts out a graphically intense game is doesn't matter suddenly.

4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. Glad to finally see it in its glory.

fr0sty29d ago

FFS, gaming journalism has really gone downhill. At least hire people with a basic grasp of grammar... "Me neither" means the exact opposite of what the "author" is trying to say. That's like saying "I could care less"... lol.

S2Killinit29d ago

Maybe because the gameplay being dull allowed it to have the amazing graphics and people are not as impressed by graphics alone anymore? I mean there is a lot of sites saying the story and the gameplay are lackluster. So what are we supposed to enjoy then? Cgi graphics are beautiful but since they arent interactive, they dont impress me as much as they used to. Thats an extreme example, but you get my drift.

Terry_B29d ago

When Playstation (Sony) does it..its usually a great game and not a cinematic experience..or at least something new at the Until Dawn back in 2015.

1Victor29d ago

@gamer:” It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!”

The game looks as good as any other PlayStation game in my eyes why can’t you and the other hardcore Xbox be happy about it and drag PlayStation into every conversation and force PlayStation hardcore to look into the game and find flaw that most games have in one way or another.
@light: “ 4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. ”
Yes at that time it was only possible on PlayStation SSD how ignorant of you to think that after 4 years the technology wouldn’t evolved and move to a industry standard 🤦🏿I wish your mentality wasn’t so naive and narrow to post stuff like that 😩 in a year or 2 a new game will come out that might look better, it’s the nature of the industry.

Now that the distraction is gone I feel that is a good thing that the graphics in games are starting to hit the rooftop and hopefully the developers will put more thoughts into story and gameplay mechanics than just the next shiny oily skin of old.

Reaper22_29d ago

So true. Not surprised by all the negativity. It's a really good game and looks better than any game I've ever seen. GOTY nominee for sure. Like I said before, sony screwed up big time by not purchasing Ninja Theory.

Asplundh29d ago

Pretty much. It's like how the Switch and Steam controller using haptic feedback in their controllers wasn't a big deal but then Sony did it and it was then a "game changer".

fr0sty29d ago

The game runs at as low as 21fps... That isn't much to brag about no matter how good it looks.

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MajorLazer29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

We've had graphical gamechangers before, such as Crysis but those games still had gameplay to compliment it. Hellblade pretty much has none, and only achieved such graphics through being incredibly linear and having very small, closed off environments where very little is happening.

Vx_29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

GFX does not mean anything if the game is boring. It is simple like that and these major companies need to understand this simple concept.

Games are like your lady, she may be beautiful to look at for a while but then it gets boring if her character isn't interesting and fun to be with.

30d ago Replies(7)
Kneetos30d ago

Mario kart 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sonic188130d ago

Horizon forbidden West has great graphics and great gameplay

GamerRN30d ago

Yeah but graphics don't matter, remember?

anast29d ago


I've been pretty consistent in saying that we need both.

GamerRN28d ago

So until dawn, too human, or whatever those series of games were... Graphic masterpieces it garbage with no gameplay?

VincentVanBro30d ago

I agree and I actually think Forbidden West looks better than Hellblade 2. I easily prefer looking at it at least.

Sonic188129d ago

It does look better in my opinion as well. I don't know why it looks better but there's something about the Decima engine or that guerrilla games is using tricks that we don't know of

Abear2129d ago

Can you fly a mount under water in Hellblade 2? I think not! One of the best moments this Gen

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