
SEGA 'Reimagining A Beloved IP' Says Job Ad

SEGA of America is reimagining one of its "most beloved IPs" according to a job listing posted by the company.

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fluffydelusions4634d ago

hrm...altered beast, streets of rage, echo the dolphin? Make it happen Sega

princejb1344634d ago

loved that game in the genesis days

Agheil4634d ago

was gonna say that 2 LOL alot of peeps dont remember this game and im like waaaaaaa.....

darthv724634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

virtua cop, thunder balde, space harrier, etc...?

All of those and plenty more should get some next gen facelifts.

edit: ok a little thought process here. It says SEGA of "AMERICA" so it more than likely wont be any of the obvious ones. Also, it states "reimagining" which indicates it will not just simply be an update. I can think of a reimagining they did recently with Golden Axe: Beast Rider. Nothing to do with golden axe other than the name.

So here is a list of ALREADY remade games:

Sega Rally
House of the Dead
After Burner
Golden Axe: Beast Rider
and I'm sure there are a few others.

That leaves some of the more obvious ones like hang on, space harrier, galaxy force, shinobi (they already did one for ps2).

Also, while there are plenty of good IP's only a few are really "beloved". I'm thinking either alex kid or wonderboy. I dont know if those were SEGA US or JP IP's but they sure do go way back.

sinclaircrown4634d ago

Wonderboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

but yeah... always welcome a classic remake if done right.

4634d ago
Tito084634d ago

@ Sub4Dis- Power Stone is a Capcom series, not Sega!!!!

princejb1344634d ago

love power stone but like tito said its cap com series

BinaryMind4634d ago

Panzer Dragoon... I can dream can't I?

guitarded774634d ago

Shenmue was the first thing that came to mind for me... there is so much demand for it.

St04633d ago

I'd love to see a new Streets of Rage

RedDead4633d ago

Wish they just make a new ip

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
fei-hung4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

wot about:

alex the kidd
space harrier
wonder boy
ground zero texas
night trap
eternal champions


I would have said Shenmue, but I do not wish to have my heartbroken again!

darthv724634d ago

I had to lol at that one. Ground zero texas was pretty good. Night trap...all I can see is those cheesy girls singing that theme song while avoiding the baddies.

Classic gaming cheese right there. Sewer shark ranks right there as well.

sinclaircrown4634d ago

Alex the Kidd in Miricle World. Loved that game!

Trainz4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

Sega simply make bad games.
They had their time with sonic and since then they can't seem to make a single game I would call above average.

edit: OK sega simply publish bad games lol.

Pikajew4634d ago

Sega is a publisher, they don't make games. They have have devs like Sonic Team and Platinum game to develop games for them.

miyamoto4634d ago

Streets of Rage!

Do...Do..Don't tell me...reimagining of.....


Bonanza Brothers?

Beast Warrior?



Fighting Vipers?

Virtual On?

Clockwork Knight?


Burning Rivals?

Virtua Racing?

Rent a Hero?


TopDudeMan4634d ago

OMG streets of rage. They could make it a 3d game similar to fighting force, but with more cool stuff.

skyblue142134634d ago


Fighting force was going to be streets of rage but sega had a disagreement with core/eidos before it was released because the game was going to be released on sega's competitors consoles. So core/eidos changed the game title and a few other minor things so they would not get sued by sega when they released the game.

miyamoto4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

Come on Sega make it happen!!!
He is my money!
Get it done!

Don't forget Panzer Dragoon Saga Online!!!!

One of the most valuable games ever made!

I loved the Old Sega.

Darkfiber4634d ago

I would love for an HD sidescrolling Streets of Rage game.

Solidus187-SCMilk4634d ago (Edited 4634d ago )

OMG, Please let it be JET SET RADIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Micro_Sony4633d ago


Hey a guy can only wish.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4633d ago
Acquiescence4634d ago

Yes a thousand times - that game is glorious. Just one of the most perfect, charming little platformers I've ever had the joy to play again and again. The soundtrack is still amazing by todays standards.

DigitalRaptor4633d ago

I don't want them re-imagining or changing that shiz.

People want a sequel to that beloved franchise and if possible, HD ports of the first 2 games.

Sega cannot get much right these days, and if they change Shenmue or re-imagine it, they would probably get it wrong, and be doing the number one thing fans wouldn't have wanted.

tiffac0084634d ago

Shenmue! Sakura Taisen! Panzer Dragoon!

You can also bring us Valkyria Chronicles 3 while your at it :3

ksense4634d ago

it still amazes me that they built the canvas engine for Valkyria Chronicles for Ps3 and haven't made a sequel to it yet on ps3. The sequel is where you strengthen the game and franchise and they made a mistake by taking it to psp. i hope they make a true ps3 sequel to that brilliant game.

tiffac0084634d ago

Not to mention Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) sold more in the west than in Japan and they put the sequels on the PSP which aren't exactly strong in the west.

I tell you Sega just knows how to kill a good franchise... T^T

NYC_Gamer4634d ago

i doubt it's shenmue.so let me start up my i don't care online meter.....

ksense4634d ago

i doubt it's valkyria Chronicles.so let me start up MY i don't care online meter..... :P. wouldn't mind shenmue either just to see what the hype is about because I never played them before

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shinoff21839d ago

Any idea, what was said or what this is referencing aside from a generic statement?

Profchaos9d ago

No clue j don't think it's been disclosed yet but there are absolutely cases we know if where rabbid fans overstep and try to invade game devs lives or harass them for something for example mother 3 fans

gold_drake8d ago

no, only that it happened for a long while


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