
IGN - This is a Bad Time to be an FPS Fan

IGN - Is this a bad time to be an FPS fan? If you take the recent merciless public Metacritic mauling of Modern Warfare 3 as any kind of reliable barometer of the current public feeling, then the answer would appear to be a resounding yes.

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ape0074699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

im a die hard call of duty fan, the next step in the CoD franchise is to because quite frankly the game start to feel same old same old

1-introduce a new engine, like ID TECH 5, it would make it look\feel stunning with brilliant animations, it should give a WOW factor like when CoD4 was released

2-expand their gameplay meachanics\ideas, focus more on delivering a varied SP experience, cod already got the movie like in your face feel awesomeness, it would be awesome if they implement a new gameplay ideas not only go from A to B but other things, like multiple ways to finish a mission??

3-NO treyarch games please, no yearly releases keep them as a part in the main IW-SLEDGEHAMMER development teams

4- some may not agree with this but.............bring back hans zimmer, mw3 soundtrack is good but nowhere mw2 good

that's my point of view, feel free to add what u think is necessary to evolve the cod games

jaosobno4699d ago

Why no Treyarch games? They innovate more than Infinity Ward. They also have more balanced gameplay.

gamingdroid4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

I actually don't like Treyarch's CoD. However, zombie mode is a lot of fun.

I like Modern Warfare feel and setting more than WWII or the 60s. Spec-ops and single player on MW is far superior in my opinion.

That zombie mode though is a lot of fun! Yes, it is that much fun that I had to repeat it twice!!!

Shackdaddy8364699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

Well, 2 out of their 3 games (WaW was really good) they've made were really bad so that may be why.

trouble_bubble4699d ago

Black Ops > MW3.

Custom creative emblems you can zoom in on, clan tags and emblems on your guns, more unique game modes like wager matches and the rotation through every gun, MP bots, zombies, mix of eras, better campaign.

MW3 is a recycle machine. Tags and emblems ripped straight from MW2, Russians as bad guys = 20 years too late. Martyrdom back as a deathstreak. No one I know plays Spec Ops. Back to NewYork for the 100th time this year.

Honestly, this Infinity Ward fanboyism has got to stop. People forgive them for every shortcoming, even when there are only like 2 guys even left from the company. It's over. Treyarch is now the go-to COD dev'.

LOGICWINS4699d ago

The only way significant changes will come to COD is if MW3 sells CONSIDERABLY less than Black Ops. Why would devs take the time to turn chicken shit into chicken salad when the majority of your fanbase are okay with eating chicken shit every November?

gamingdroid4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

Maybe chicken sh!t is really chicken salad to the majority of the fanbase.

I doubt CoD fans care about the haters, because if they don't like it, don't buy it, don't play it and move on. There are other fish in the sea!

edit @Logic:

No I gotcha, and I would like that too, but the current CoD game is far from "shit". It is still one of the best despite you being CoD fatigued. Mind you that many recently released games still can't match up to MW3 game mechanic.

When the competition brings something better out, CoD will innovate, until then it is complacency. That's pretty much how capitalism in practice works.

If you want to complain, ask the competition to bring the heat!!!

LOGICWINS4699d ago

You misunderstand. I say chicken shit in the context of the "current COD". Chicken salad would be the IMPROVED COD free of hackers, overpowered perks, and a better physics engine.

Chicken shit represents the current COD, which is good for many people, but obviously can be better(chicken salad).

BattleTorn4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

It's really not; a great time if anything.

Although I do feel with the emphasis on competing FPS titles in such a short time we lost sight of how great of shooters we have.

gamingdroid4699d ago

Well said and I agree fully!

The fact that "gamers" might be fatigued has nothing to do with the FPS games in general are better and more options than ever.

If you are FPS fatigued, maybe you just played too much and should try something else instead of trying the same "genre" and complain how it isn't fresh. Isn't it obvious?!

gamingdroid4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

Wrong place.... for comment.

GamersRulz4699d ago

can you lend me a bubble ? XD

bozebo4699d ago

"Is this a bad time to be an FPS fan?"

Nope. CoD 2 and counter strike still work.

kevnb4699d ago

there are still good ones here and there.

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15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If everything was easy, there would be no joy in getting it done. In the realm of video games, the late 1980s and 1990s were the perfect era of "get good" gaming with multiple big-named titles that put a player's skills to the test. The Super Nintendo, one of

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Gamingsince19815d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game


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Knightofelemia8d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel8d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno8d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno7d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.


Fallout fans mourn loss of loremaster 'The Storyteller' with touching tributes

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TheNamelessOne10d ago

It's sad to hear. Really enjoyed the guy's stuff.