
God of War IV Outed By Retailer?

A New Zealand retailer by the name of Mighty Ape has listed God of War IV ( 4 ) on it’s website. According to the retailer God of War IV is scheduled to release in that part of the world on September 28th 2012.

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Kran4703d ago

Do you know whats strange about these "outings" of unannounced games? Is that they tend to happen in Australia, or New Zealand, or France, or Germany.

You'd of thought this sort of stuff would happen in the UK or US or Canada, but it doesn't much :/

MajorJackHoff4703d ago

Wait a minute... This isn't Skyrim related news.. What the hell is this doing here!?

silvacrest4703d ago

any god of war news deserves to be investigated

Silly gameAr4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

Believe it or not, there are other things going on in the wide world of gaming then Skyrim.

GTRrocker4703d ago

The God of War will announce news any where he chooses blasphemer.

firelogic4703d ago

It's obviously BS. Sony Santa Monica JUST started the hiring process for their new game. It's not going to be finished and out the door by September.

Rage_S904699d ago

So after god of war was finished they just sat on their asses and did nothing?Riiiiiiiiiiiight....

ViciousHamster4703d ago ShowReplies(1)
Optical_Matrix4703d ago

God of War only ever comes out in March (except for the HD Collections). I'd say March 2013

GoldenPheasant4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

Noooooooo, please leave this series as it is. Please! just make a new tasty IP.

@below: do you know the prospect of a diluted IP? the story is told, leave it be. I'm sorry if I want a new IP from a talented studio.... ...actually I'm not sorry at all. fackaU

TheFallenAngel4703d ago

Nobody is forcing you to buy it.

THILLREBORN4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

How do you know it would be diluted? Do you have some secret source that say's sequels are always diluted...last time I checked MS4, GT5, GT Vice City and many many other titles prove your logic as being flawed.

Here's a secret it could be based in whole different mythology...doesn't have to include Kratos and the Greek...

StifflerK4703d ago

A new GoW game is welcome , I just hope they move the series forward.

Kratos has pretty much beaten/killed all the famous monsters and characters from Greek mythology - it's time to move on - like to Norse mythology perhaps?

ViciousHamster4703d ago

What about Egyptian mythology?
That would be far more interesting.

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Someone drew Mega Man in the God of War style and it's the Norse reboot you didn't know you needed

Every now and again a video game reboot comes along that completely changes how you feel about its characters, message, and the overall franchise. For many people that was God of War, when creative director Cory Barlog reimagined it in the Norse world. Now this might sound ridiculous, but the next candidate could very well be Megaman. Yes, seriously. Artist Marco Plouffe drew the bright blue hero as if he has been brought up in the harsh world of furs, ale, and gods that are a bit too enthusiastic about killing each other and giving birth to giant serpents.

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Nacho_Z1964d ago

Hats off for the quality of the picture but it's just shaved Kratos with a helmet. Should be blue surely.

Asuka1964d ago (Edited 1964d ago )

His concept is blue in the article. The thumbnail is actually protoman I believe... or judge dredd who knows

yomfweeee1964d ago

No, the thumbnail is Mega Man in GoW. There is also a Mega Man Dark Souls and Mega Man Alien variant.

Asuka1964d ago (Edited 1964d ago )


It's clearly protoman's helmet tho...

CorndogBurglar1964d ago

You are right. The artist's page shows he has a bunch of projects called "Mega Man in...." where he takes characters from Mega Man and fits them in to other franchises.

This project is called Mega Man in God of War, but this is totally Proto Man. It even says it on his page.

devind1964d ago

@yomfweeee The Dark Souls one is not Megaman.

Zeke681964d ago

While this was a great article and concept, I think this "wow let's copy god of war" "wow let's copy battle royal" "let's copy soulsbourne" or whatever is more bad than good for the gaming industry. Why not take, in this example God Of War "style", but put it in let say a middle east setting?
I understand small studios (and ea ms studios) wants to copy everything under the sun, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, why have a studio to begin with?

TLDR; be unique - not a rip off from yesteryear

Zeke681964d ago

Sad to see out 6votes 1 like new, fresh ideas and 5 want another copy and paste game.
No wonder we get a zillion Battle Royal games but not one shooter thinking outside the BR, MT's, multiplayer formula. Why bother do something new and exciting when "the masses" is happy with clone after clone?! I still have hope some unheard of studio is building away on their own unique game like minecraft, pubg, demons souls did back in their beginning. Rather play something new now and then instead of Assassins Creed #57, Need For Speed #326 or battle royal #1057...
Seems I'm in minority here thinking like this. 😩🤔

AK911964d ago

Um no I’m good thanks.

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DrumBeat1987d ago

Look out, Father! Shut it, boy!

He was definitely annoying in combat.