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MW3 and BF3 Graphics Comparison

It’s safe to say that we all knew it already, the new Frostbite engine can rest even easier than it was already as the graphics on the new call of duty just don’t seem to compare. The first 4 images are the closest we could get to similar environments; in the first we have a night scene, whilst the second puts the protagonist in the seat of a mounted turret in a brightly lit environment.

Taken on PC these images compare BF3 to MW3.

The images on the right are of Battlefield 3 and the images on the left at Call of duty: modern Warfare 3.

The rest of the images are screen shots taken from the game.

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Community4705d ago
Gazondaily4705d ago (Edited 4705d ago )

I'm sorry but there is no comparison between BF3 and MW3 when it comes to graphics. Anyone arguing otherwise is just deluded or severely misinformed. Battlefield 3, even on consoles with their various issues, looks brilliant (and much better than the ageing engine used for COD). Obviously on PC, it is a sight to behold (along with 60fps).

chriski3334705d ago

Yea the graphics looks really old im sad but I look and I see battlefield 3 and I tell my self its all good:)

mike_d_4705d ago

Agreed 100% !! MW series needs to step up from the 4-yr old engine they keep recycling.Yea it runs 60 fps,but thats because it doesn't have anywhere near the amount of detail that BF3 runs.I don't have any problem playing 30fps in the years to come.Everyone acts like every game that comes out has to have 60fps.

Ghoul4705d ago (Edited 4705d ago )

4 year old ?? waaay older mate

Cod4 ran on the IW Engine wich is explained below.
The Engine is used since 2005 the base construct is even older

Updating an engine is absolutly ok but you reach a point sometime where you have to completly start from scratch sinice to many factors have changed/increased.

"The engine was first used for Call of Duty 2 in 2005 under a proprietary license of id Tech 3 created by id Software in 1999, as at this time, the engine was a heavily modified version of the Quake III engine. The engine did not have an official name until IGN was told at the E3 2009 by the studio that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 would run on the "IW 4.0 engine""

saladthieves4705d ago

Agreed - this comparison is pointless - there shouldn't even be one! If you run Battlefield 3 on the highest settings and look at how pretty it is and compare it to MW3 highest settings, you really wonder if IW did try to put any effort within their development on the PC front, or they just wanted to make a quick buck on all platforms. It's clear to know which.

PR_FROM_OHIO4705d ago

COD can not touch BF3 in graphics period!

Fishy Fingers4705d ago (Edited 4705d ago )

Pretty poor comparison, I mean the website lay out. But obviously, at their peak Frostbite 2 is the better "looking" engine and there for produces the better looking game.

That's at their peaks though (PC), personally I think on consoles, COD would be my preferred choice, FB2 looks slightly better, but it's doing so at half the frame rate, technically I still think COD engine suits the console better. Gameplay is more important than graphics in the end.

Personally, talking visuals alone:
PC: BF3, no contest and no need to sacrifice gameplay (FPS)
Console: BF3, by a small margin, but at the heavy sacrifice of frame rate.

pandehz4705d ago

Your forgetting destruction and all the effects, shading , shadow and particles that come with it.

One big chunk that COD doesnt have at all.

Forgot to mention the massive maps and vehicles. Imagine rendering such a huge map. BF3 on a console is a friggin miracle. COD umm not so much.

Somebody4705d ago

"Gameplay is more important than graphics in the end. "

aahhhh...haven't heard that sentence in a while. They (some of the console gamers) always say that. There's a shred a truth with that comment and yet the moment a console exclusive with beautiful grahpics comes out (Unchartered 3, Gears of War 3, Resistance 3, Red Dead Redemption, Rain, Alan Wake-take your pick), you can't wait to shove it on the PC's face.

Really. Everyone repeated that sentence incessantly during the months leading up to BF3's launch. When UC3 is launched however, everyone seem to forget they ever uttered it.

Have you seen the comments in the early Unchartered 3 reviews? They all talk about how prettier it is than UC 1 and 2. Or how UC 4 will rock when the PS4 is out. Honestly, I thought I was in a PC forum.

Talking about next gen consoles, better graphic is what everyone's talking about. How a Microsoft rep teased about the 10GB rams in the new X Box. How the next CELL cpu will made in smaller die so that it will be efficient. How Epic talks about DX11 for the consoles. I haven't seen an article about the next gen consoles talk about gameplay or controllers. They all talk about better graphic. These guys make great graphics, not just gameplay. You'd be insulting them if you keep saying the texture/model/lighting effects that they've designed for years is not important.

That BF3 PC graphics that you said is not important will eventually end up in the next BF in you next gen consoles. Like Crysis 1. When it first came out, not important. When it came to the console....

Kinda funny, though. A bunch of guys talking about "graphics not important" only to chatter endlessly how awesome the next-gen graphic will be in the PS4 and X-Box 720.

MasterCornholio4705d ago

The frostbite engine is a lot more advanced than the quake engine that Activision uses. Dice did a really great job with the visuals in the game.


Nunchez4705d ago

This is actually a pretty pointless comparison.

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Modern Warfare 3 flooded with cheaters after arrival on Xbox Game Pass

Players are using hacks to gain an advantage in the game, such as aimbots and wall hacks. The first gives a player superhuman aiming abilities, while a wall hack lets you see through walls to gauge where other players are.

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Jin_Sakai56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

“These hacks are typically used by PC players, but those playing on PC via Xbox Game Pass are identified as Xbox players in multiplayer lobbies.”

This is pretty dumb to say the least.

Cacabunga55d ago

All about them headshots for Xbox

blackblades55d ago

That's a WTF, they suppose to be labeled as pc users even if its on PC game pass. They mess that up big time.

XiNatsuDragnel56d ago

Oh bad this will be entertaining to watch

Number1TailzFan55d ago

If AI keeps getting better (and it will) it's just a matter of time before there's more sophisticated cheats even for consoles, and they wouldn't even need to be running on it, I have little doubt about that.

lelo2play56d ago

Don't Gamepass online games have anti-cheat systems?
If not, that's pretty dumb. Microsoft need to fix that asap.

Rynxie56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

They won't ever fix this problem, unless they (developers, publishers, Sony and MS) go after the cheat providers directly. You no longer need to hack consoles to use hacks. During the ps360 days, they were going after cheat devices, but it was a cat and mouse game. These cheating methods were around during those days, it's nothing new, but they kept it under control. Since the PS4/Xbox one generation, they stopped going after these cheating devices and it became widespread. Which I find odd, since they started charging for online play (PS4).

StormSnooper55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Possibly, this is because the companies were going after cheats because the same cheats were being used to pirate the games, whereas today, the companies use online verification to prevent piracy, thus eliminating the need to go after people who cheat only to gain an advantage in the game. As long as the cheater remains below the radar, and does not completely break the game, the companies look the other way as their wallets are not threatened by it. (that is my completely Uneducated opinion on the matter)

pwnmaster300056d ago

I mean, COD games was always filled with hackers, nothing new. I can’t blame MS on this. Activision had years to try and fix this. Might take MS some time to make some change.

Rude-ro56d ago

It all depends…
Microsoft’s guidance on how to handle gamepass on pc and their love to force crossplay with pc seems like a them issue.
And they own activision, so it is still a them issue.

StormSnooper55d ago

lol well that sucks.

Is there a reason this happened upon arrival on xbox?

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Activision Reportedly Sold An AI-Generated Skin In Call Of Duty

The Yokai's Wrath bundle was released despite previous guarantees by Activision that A.I. would not be used for final assets, per the report. Instead, Activision assured developers it was simply for internal concepts. That, of course, was not followed through. For what it's worth, per the PlayStation Store, 2,400 COD Points cost $19.99, meaning players potentially spent real-life money on a skin that was not created by an actual human.

As far as A.I. use goes across Activision, a source told Wired that 2D artists are utilizing A.I. to aid their work. That is a result of mass layoffs, in which many 2D artists were impacted. “A lot of 2D artists were laid off,” the source named Noah said. “Remaining concept artists were then forced to use A.I. to aid in their work.” Mandatory A.I. trainings have been implemented, according to Noah.

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boing158d ago (Edited 58d ago )

I mean, is this even surprising?

just_looken58d ago

It is not ubisoft has a ai tool for crating stories/script's they even talked about npc's having there own ai speech like we see with those skyrim mods.

Ai is the future sadly which sucks in so many way's.

S2Killinit58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Activision. And MS. They will ruin console gaming forever.

Oh and where the FRIGGIN outrage people? When Sony makes a remaster of a masterpiece single player story driven game, they get roasted. But this, this, goes unnoticed? Then don’t complain that you aren’t getting enough single player story games.

58d ago Replies(1)
just_looken58d ago

Ea and ubisoft also use ai

ea using ai for development threatening mass layoffs.

ubisoft ai for npc speech

Almost every big boy in the industry is using ai in some sort of way now

Oh and sony? well they are making spyware ai were they can see how long it took you to do X and adjust difficultly.

Then you got AI agents

blackblades58d ago

Sony ai is a patent doesnt mean it came to light

just_looken58d ago


Wow this site every time you say the S word or P word they dive in defend there god its beyond nuts

I said "they are making"

You know a term that means its not out yet ffs

S2Killinit58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

How is that a response to what I said? Are they also selling AI generated skins?

Cacabunga58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Always bringing useless links totally off topic.. just to try to show you are superior in knowledge to everyone else

…simply laughable

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just_looken58d ago


You never mentioned skins in your comment just stated its all microsoft's fault like so many others.

When like i showed they are late to the ball game as every other company is using or plans to use ai in various field.

If you combine everything then its getting closer to hitting a button and poof out comes a game no soul no passion nothing.

Right now its art/3d models/skins/writing/voice work some and coding can all be done via ai.

S2Killinit58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

That was the whole point of my comment, I wrote it in response to the article. Instead of focusing on making exciting games and developing talented developers, they are busy making AI generated skins that people are buying for huge sums of money. Then, some people turn around and shit on Sony when it tries to capitalize on single player classics by making remasters, and the same people then complain that they want more single player games. MS cannabalized the industry because they never thought making games was essential to their business. So, instead of nurturing theor own studios, they let them die, then went and shrunk the industry, hurting interests of every gamer in the world. Anytime there is a bad trend in the industry, MS is at the helm, leading the way. That is what I’m saying.

smashman9858d ago

I'm sorry but do you honestly believe Sony will sit out of A.I. Every executive at every one of these publishers is wetting themselves in delight at the prospect of A.I. You best believe that once we start seeing it spread throughout the industry Sony won't be too far behind. The only people we'll have to blame are the consumers themselves.

S2Killinit58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

No, I don't believe that Sony will not do the same. But, as I mentioned, MS is always the first to embrace such things and create the worst trends. Once they establish that this is the best way to make money, everyone else will follow. (Have to follow if they want to stay competitive)

thesoftware73058d ago

S2, and blackblades:

All from the Horse's mouth below.

"Artificial intelligence (AI) in video games is crucial for Gen Z and Gen Alpha, who seek “personalization across everything,” says PlayStation executive Asad Qizilbash."

“Advancements in AI will create more personalized experiences and meaningful stories for consumers.”

"He emphasized that AI could enable non-player characters to interact with players based on their actions, enhancing the personal connection within the game."

Yeah, Just MS and Activision...smh

S2Killinit57d ago

I’ve already explained myself twice. Quit your false equivalence, same thing the xbox fateful pulled before and after the ABK acquisitions. Which by the way, blew up in your faces real good. Now, doing the same thing when someone brings up MS’s nefarious behavior, defend them to the end, and watch them scorch gaming as they have been. At least rest of us can take consolation in that the smoke will go in your eyes before anyone else’s.

thesoftware73057d ago (Edited 57d ago )

"Quit your false equivalence, same thing the xbox fateful pulled before and after the ABK acquisitions. Which by the way, blew up in your faces real good."

I'm not sure what you are talking about, you seem to have a issue communicating, because we are on a post about using AI to create video games content, and you put that solely at the feet of MS and Activision, when it's being, and will be used industry wide, right from Sony mouth, I would say it's relevant...then you went on to give Sony a spit shine slob down about a masterpiece TLoU when this had absolutely nothing to do with Sony or TLoU, then you attempted to clean up your rambling spit shine with no real backing for a ridiculous comment.

Obviously you meant to post that nonsensical over exaggerated comment. I also don't know what blew up in people faces, I am perfectly fine with the game industry, I don't have time to be internet outraged about nothingness.

Really read your comment and listen to what you said.

"Activision. And MS. They will ruin console gaming forever."

Bro, for real? Really? Seriously? It's that serious? So there is nothing Sony and Nintendo can do against MS and Activision? MS is 3rd place with you even talking about?

If we stay relevant on MTX, then you still sound ridiculous because again, you lay it all at MS and Activision's feet when almost all companies have used some form of MTX, including yup... Sony.

S2Killinit54d ago

I read this comment, it boiled down to “seeiously?”.

My answer: yes seriously. Since you didn’t say anything else, what else can I tell you? Yes MS is seriously ruining gaming. They have been for some time, and working their way to where we are today, and aren’t even done yet. MS are the worst thing to happen to console gaming.

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swedishMeatwad58d ago

"The Yokai's Wrath bundle was released despite previous guarantees by Activision that A.I. would not be used for final assets, per the report."

We're talking concept art? Because as of right now there's no way to generate a final 3D model with final textures. So the final assets don't use AI. That's not to say that it sucks for 2D artist that it's easier to generate visual ideas and build from them leading to less 2D artists needed (really sucks), but are they say the final concept art was completely AI generated and then 3D artists built from that? And yes, I'll pile on that Activision as a publisher and their developers I have experience with suck and they'll do whatever, ethics be damned.

OldDuffer57d ago

Thats actually a very useful and informative piece, thank you.

just_looken57d ago


Your welcome though it seems it went over many users heads.

PapaBop58d ago

Wow I can just imagine the likes of Activision, EA and Ubi etc having an army of AIs creating overpriced crap and the fanboys just lapping it up. I hope the AIs have a good union.

montebristo58d ago

I understand why people think it’s good idea to Unionize to fight back against such things but it’s not. It’s a bad idea. It’s activisions wet dream to have these pumped out weekly by some AI. Protect your neck!

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Review - Gamerhub UK

Can the latest chapter of the series live up to the hype? Well...

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