Review: Dragon Age II Mark of the Assassin (This Is My Joystick)

Bioware have always kept stories within their worlds very exclusive, and rarely outsource. It’s a testament to the quality of their in-house staff, and also to how highly they value their franchises.

For the first time ever, though, they’ve broken the mould, and allowed The Guild star, Felicia Day, to help create her own character within the Dragon Age world, pen a web series based on their popular franchise, and star in a piece of downloadable content featuring her newly created character.

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Top 5 Video Game Celebrities You May Not Know

It’s news to no one that celebrities from Justin Bieber to Megan Fox claim to game. Watching any reruns of the Spike TV Video Game awards show and you will face a cringe-worthy sequence of A-list celebrities desperate to gain video game cred. It's not surprising considering how popular our once-niche activity has become, with video game sales besting the box and home offices on every front. Thankfully, there are celebrities whose involvement extends deeper than just the token, some of them becoming extremely popular due to the very genre itself.

ATi_Elite4485d ago

Well i knew Vin Diesel and Felicia Day were real Gamers.

can't wait for the next Riddick movie and Game! Vin should win a lifetime Video Game award for making 2 games based on movies that DONT SUCK!


Dragon Age Redemption DVD Review - Player Affinity

Player Affinity writes: "“Felicia Day in Dragon Age blah blah blah blah”. That’s what many people will see when they look at the cover of this DVD. The cute redhead from The Guild? In a live-action Dragon Age movie? That’s enough to sell this DVD to plenty of consumers. But what about all the other people who might enjoy this compilation of the swords & sorcery webseries? Is there enough justification on the disk to warrant the purchase of something that can be seen on the internet for free?"

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Interview: Felicia Day Goes Virtual in Vegas for CES 2012

Actress Felicia Day, who got her big break in Joss Whedon’s TV hit, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” has emerged as one of the leading Internet voices out there. The creator and star of “The Guild” brought video game life to the small screen and helped catapult Day into new opportunities.

Most recently, the actress went virtual in Electronic Arts-owned BioWare’s Dragon Age II DLC as well as the original Web series, “Dragon Age: Redemption.” The star of the SyFy hit “Eureka” was at CES 2012 to check out new technology and talk games in this exclusive interview.

Pintheshadows4515d ago

Oh look, an article about Felicia Day. Excuse me whilst I go shoot myself.

The_Nameless_One4515d ago

I want Felicia Day to go away from the gaming world. Just go do your shitty movies and your shitty TV shows and leave us alone.

The_Nameless_One4515d ago

Ha ha. Yeah. You're not the only one.

Tameel14515d ago

I don't get the hate people have for Felicia Day. What exactly has she done to make so many people hate her? She genuinely likes games (which is more than can be said for most "celebrity gamers"), she seems nice, and she puts a good image on female gamers. I'd rather see more Felicia Day's in the industry than idiots like Olivia Munn.

I've seen people call her an attention whore but why? What makes her any more attention whorey than the multitide of male celebrities who do the same thing? Why is Seth Green considered an acceptable gaming celebrity, but Felicia Day is hated?